~| Chapter 13 |~

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Heading to Lydia's room, you pushed open the door and saw her petite figure curled up under the covers. She would toss and turn every now and then, and she seemed to be shivering.

"Lyds?" You called, heading inside and moving over to her. "How do you feel?"

"Horrible." She groaned, looking at you as she sat up. "My head hurts and I'm freezing."

"Alright. Beetlejuice is making soup so you'll-"

"Why are you letting him cook?!" She shot a glare at you, clearly upset and worried. "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beet-"

"Hey." You threw a hand over her mouth as you glared at her. "I said he's cooking. Just trust me, okay? It's not like I can cook, anyways."

"Fine." She huffed, leaning back in the bed. "I can't believe I'm going to eat the food that that chubby ass demon is making."

"Excuse me?" You shot another glare at her, narrowing your eyes. "What did you say?"

"I said," she cleared her throat. "Why do I have to eat what that fat ass demon is cooking?!"

You heard a dish shatter.

The two of you quickly turned your heads to the doorway, seeing Beetlejuice staring at the two of you. The shattered bowl was on the ground and its contents were splattered all over the floor.

"Beetlejuice wait-" Lydia coughed, reaching out to him.

It was too late, he had already vanished.

"Why did you say that about him?!" You glared at Lydia, rage beginning to flow through your veins.

"Because I thought he would put poison into it and try to kill me!" She shouted, coughing a bit afterwards.

"Am I the only one that trusts him in this house?!" You shouted as you put your hands on your head, angry tears beginning to form in the corners of your eyes.

"Maybe that's because you want to fuck him!" She shouted in response. "Seriously, Y/n?! A dead guy?!"

Your hands fell from your head and to your side. You looked at Lydia with your eyes full of tears.

"Y/n..." She said softly, reaching out to you.

"N-No." You responded, wiping the tears out of your eyes and holding in your sobs. "It's fine."


Lydia still refused to eat his cooking, and you just gave her a box of dry cereal and some medicine. Then you just left her to rest.

You decided to spend this time looking for Beetlejuice. The first place you thought of was the roof, but you'd have to face Adam and Barbara if you wanted to get to the roof from inside.

Sighing, you headed out to the garage and grabbed the tallest ladder. You picked it up and held it against your side, heading out and setting it up against the house. You adjusted it so that the top was touching the roof.

You began climbing up the ladder, huffing as you got higher and higher. You stepped up onto the roof, taking a breath before moving forwards.



You turned around only to see the ladder on the ground. You groaned as you explored the roof, looking for any sign of Beetlejuice.

"Beetlejuice?" You called, looking around the roof.

There were crunches followed by quiet sobs in the distance. You turned in that direction and began to walk.

Not long after, you saw Beetlejuice sitting on the edge of the roof with about six boxes of girl scout cookies. He had crumbs all over him and tears running down his face. He sobbed every now and then, and just put more cookies in his mouth.

"Beetlejuice?" You called, looking at him with sadness and guilt in your eyes. "Hey, are you alright?"

You saw him jump slightly as he quickly snapped, the cookies vanishing and the crumbs being cleaned up. He turned to you with a nervous smile as he swallowed the contents in his mouth.

"Hey, babes." He said nervously, trying to play it off as he looked at you. He went to wipe his face as well, then sighed. "W-What's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay." You moved over to the edge of the roof and sat down next to him. "I'm sorry about what Lydia said."

"O-Oh, it's alright." He waved it off, looking into the distance.

"You seem to be taking it well." You giggled, wiping a crumb off of his cheek.

"Y-Yeah." He chuckled awkwardly, looking at you, his hair turning a light pink.

"You feeling okay, though?" You asked, leaning on his shoulder and taking one of his cold hands in yours.

"Yeah." He nodded as he intertwined your fingers, smiling softly. He pulled you closer and planted a gentle kiss on your forehead. "God, what would I do without you?"

"You'd still be up here eating cookies." You giggled, earning a chuckle from him. You looked at your fingers intertwined with his, then an idea popped in your head.

"I'm doing your nails."

He looked shocked.

"You're what?"

"Black polish. Now." You snapped, holding your palm out.

"Demanding, much?" He huffed as he pulled out some black nail polish from his pocket. He set the polish in your hand as you shook it, then opened it.

Taking the cap, you gently dragged the brush over each of his nails, going back to do a second coat as well. You inspected his nails and cleaned them up as you went along, and with that, you were finished.

"Alright, Beej." You put the cap on the nail polish and screwed it on tight. "What do you think?"

He pulled his hand close to his face and inspected his nails. His eyes widened as a smile grew on his face.

"Babes, these are awesome!" He said with a wide smile, beginning to float in the air as his hair began to turn yellow. "Do I look even scarier now?"

"Definitely, humbug."

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