~| Chapter 11 |~

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The next morning, you woke up only to see that you were curled up against Beetlejuice's chest. He had his arms wrapped tightly around you and he was  softly snoring.

"Aw." You said softly as you listened to him snore. You gently ran your fingers through his hair, smiling as you closed your eyes again.

As you were about to drift back off, you heard small purrs coming from him that resembled a cats. You peeked an eye open and saw that he was purring to you rubbing his head. A small gasp escaped your mouth as you continued the motion, smiling widely.

And not long after, the demon began to stir and shuffle around. His brown eyes slowly opened as he rubbed them, then looked at you. His hair began to turn a subtle pink before his face had a green tint.

"That wasn't a dream." He said quietly, gently placing a hand on your cheek and caressing it. "Or am I still dreaming?"

"No, Beej. You're awake." You laughed softly as you set a hand on his and held it. You stared into his brown eyes and smiled, watching as he returned the smile.

"Shoot." You sighed as you went to get up, but Beetlejuice had a form grip on your wrist.

"No school today." He begged, staring at you with his dead puppy eyes. You had to admit, they were kind of cute.

"Beej, I have to-"

"No you don't!" He quickly snapped and a notification had come from your phone. You glanced to him as he let go of your wrist, and you went to check your phone. Reading the notification, your eyes widened and you turned to him.

"Did you..?"

"Yeah, babes." He chuckled as he floated off of the bed and over to you. "Now you can stay home without missing anything."

You quickly tackled him in a hug, knocking him out of the air. You giggled as both of you fell onto the floor and you were curled on top of him. You smiled as you kissed his cheek, nuzzling his neck as well.

"Love you, babes." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He then began to nuzzle you, his stubble slightly prickling you.

"I love you too, humbug." You giggled, then your eyes widened as you got an idea. "Oh! Oh! Beej, can we scare some people?"

"Of course!" He hopped up and grabbed your hands, spinning you around. "C'mon, lets go!"

The two of you headed downstairs and sat on the couch, deciding to wait for people to come to the front door. You leaned into Beetlejuice, smiling a bit as he put an arm around you.

Not long after, the doorbell rang.

You and Beetlejuice looked at each other before getting up and heading to the door. You looked at Beetlejuice and he gave a thumbs up. Opening the door, you saw a girl scout with a red wagon filled with boxes of cookies. She seemed to be really exited.

"Oh yes, um, Hi! My name is Sky and I'm here to support the girl scouts by selling cookies." She took breath. "Four dollars a box, would like some?"

"Sure." You replied and folded your arms.


"Yeah, what flavors you got?"

"I've got chocolate, banana, and oat bran, pecan, samoas and thin mints and one that tastes like apple pie!" She giggled, looking at you.

"Why don't you come inside?" You suggested.

"But we're really not supposed to."


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