~| Chapter 5 |~

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You hummed a soft song as you washed your hair, feeling the warm water drop down your smooth skin. You rubbed the shampoo into your hair, massaging it in and rinsing it out when you were finished. You then put in some conditioner and did the same before soaping up.

After you cleaned yourself off, you stepped out of the shower and turned the water off, then grabbed your towel. You dried your hair, then wrapped it around your body, taking a small breath as you excited the room.

You looked around for any signs of Beetlejuice before dropping your towel and hurriedly putting your sweatpants back on.

You then headed down the stairs until you heard distant singing. You quirked a brow as you headed to the attic, looking around but not seeing anyone, yet the singing grew louder.

You peeked your head outside the window, the singing almost loud enough to make out some words. You stepped out onto the windowsill, then grabbed the edge of the roof and pulled yourself up. You took a moment before you stood up, then began to walk closer to the singing.


You saw him sitting on the edge of the roof, looking at the town and singing quietly to himself.

"You're invisible when you're me. There's no one to see my truth. If they could look up they'd see. Hey, someone's on the roof." He sung sadly, sighing as he looked down. "God, it's mortifying, what's the point of trying? 'Cus now I'm trapped with no escape. Banished, disavowed. I vanished like a cloud of dirty hipster smoke."

You went over and sat next to him, which seemed to make him jump slightly. You gazed upon the town, in awe of the beauty the moonlight gave it.

"Oh uh, hey babes." He chuckled awkwardly, looking at you. "Didn't see you there."

"The town is beautiful." You said softly as you smiled, keeping your gaze on the town.

He nodded in agreement as the two of you sat in silence. It wasn't a bad silence, though. It was rather comforting.

He then started to hum the tune of the song he was singing, and you thought up some lyrics to add.

"Nobody said life's fair. Guess they'll never see, the demon who isn't there." You sung softly, then turned to face him. "You're invisible when you're... us."

"Babes, I didn't know you could sing!" He grinned, applauding softly. "You have an amazing voice."

Smiling, you turned away from him, a small blush rising to your cheeks. You giggled softly before turning back to him.

"You do too, Beej." You smiled, then thought for a moment. "Is it okay if I call you that? I just started and didn't even ask permission."

"It's all good, babes." He waved it off with a grin. "Although, I'd love it if you called me yours."

Your eyes widened as your cheeks reddened. Rolling your eyes, you looked away for a moment. You then began to nervously poke your fingers together before changing the topic.

"S-So, how about that pie?" You asked as you stood up, turning to the demon with a smile.

"Can I help make it?" He asked excitedly as he floated upwards, then over to you, offering a hand.

"Only if you want to." You giggled softly as you took his hand and he pulled you up into the air with him. "Although, you have to answer some questions while I'm baking."

"Aw c'mon, babes." He groaned as he took your hands, making sure you were stable and weren't wobbling. "Wouldn't you rather do something a bit... different?"

"Nah." You shook your head, intertwining his fingers with yours. "I'd rather learn more about you."

He grinned awkwardly before nodding, picking you up and holding you in his arms as he went back inside. He was rather warm for a dead person, and he smelled pretty good, too. Somewhat like an old spice sent.

Once the two of you were back in the kitchen, he set you down, and you immediately went for the cabinets. You grabbed everything you needed and went over to the counter.

Grabbing a saucepan, you threw some cherries in it and a cup or so of sugar. You let that simmer as you grabbed the pie crust from the fridge and began to unroll it.

"So, Beetlejuice." You started, gently placing the crust in the pan. "That's not your real name, is it?"

He jumped slightly as he hovered over you, looking down on what you were doing. He looked his fingers together before replying with a quiet no.

"What's your real name then?" You asked, stirring the cherries and the sugar in the saucepan, watching to be sure it didn't burn.

"It's dumb." He pouted as he crossed his legs and folding his arms. He reminded you of a child. "I hated it and that's why I took up my middle name."

"Aw, c'mon Beej. It can't be that bad." You turned to look at him and gave a reassuring smile. "I won't tell anyone."

"It has to be our secret." He huffed, rolling his eyes.


"Its Lawrence."

"Lawrence?" You asked, quite shocked. "Beej that's such a lovely name!"

"You think so?" He asked, quite surprised. "You're being serious, right, babes?"

"Dead serious." You giggled with a nod, taking the cherry mixture off of the stove and pouring it into the pie crust.

"Wow." He chuckled, rolling his eyes. "And you say I'm the weird one."

"You are!" You giggled, then set the saucepan back on the stove. "Now go wait with Lydia and the others. I just have to put this in the oven."

He nodded as he moved to exit the kitchen, and before he left, he said something.

"Nice ass, by the way."

Then he vanished.

You rolled your eyes as heat began to rise in your face yet again. You headed out of the kitchen door with a pair of gloves and a bag.

Heading outside, you went to the small garden and dug through the dirt, finding some beetles. You grinned, then grabbed the beetles and threw them into your bag, making sure to close it tight.

Heading back inside you took the gloves off and crushed the beetles into little pieces. You poured the beetles into the remaining cherry mixture and mixed it.

You made a smaller pie in a tart dish, then filled it with the beetle and cherry mixture. You put them both on a baking sheet and slid them into an oven, then set the timer.

Now, wait.

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