~| Chapter 12 |~

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You and Beetlejuice decided to sit on the couch and binge some shows on Netflix while eating the free girls scout cookies.

Heading over to the couch, you grabbed a box of Samoas and sat down next to him. You opened the box and put a cookie in your mouth as you offered him the box.

He took the box and poured a bunch into his mouth, then handed it back to you. You cringed as you watched him chomp on all of the cookies.

"You're disgusting." You sighed as you took the box and set it beside you.

He swallowed before speaking as he put an arm around your shoulder. "Hey, you still love me for it, babes."

"Don't test your luck." You turned to him and narrowed your eyes.

He only let out a chuckle as he put his arm around your shoulder. He sighed as he went and pulled you closer to him.

"Hey, Beej?" You asked, turning to look at him.

"What's up, babes?" He turned to you as you moved away from him so he could lay in your lap.

"Is their anyway for you to become human?" You asked with a slight concern in your voice. Your hand went and ran your fingers through his hair and he started purring again.

"There's one way..." He sighed, poking his index fingers together and looking away from you. "I don't think you'd approve, though."

"What is it?" You tilted your head, slightly curious.

"We'd have to get married." He looked at you, a tint growing on his cheeks. "We don't have to, but I'd have to marry someone to become human. Then we could be together for ever! And it wouldn't look like your talking to yourself."

You thought about it for a moment before placing your hands on either side of his face. You squished his cheeks with your hands, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Lawrence Beetlejuice-I don't know your last name-you don't need to be living or breathing for me to love you." You told him, watching as the pink in his hair grew. "I love you for you, okay? No one can change that. You're cool, funny, sweet, and a little cuttlebug."

His eyes widened as his hair turned completely pink, and he set his hands on yours. A smile grew on his face as he took your hands and intertwined your fingers.

"Babes, that's so sweet." He smiled, and it was a pure, genuine smile. "Thank you."

"Y'know, that might be the first time I've heard you say thank you." You giggled, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Don't get used to it." He chuckled in response, looking at you with his soft shining brown eyes. His eyes almost made you forget what you were going to say.

"Oh, Beej?" You called again, kissing the tip of his nose. "Why does your hair change color?"

"Oh, so basically it changes depending on what emotion I'm feeling." He shrugged then stared at you. "Why? What color is it now?"


He blinked before quickly throwing his hands over his hair, trying to hide it. You couldn't help but giggle as you booped his nose.

"Aw, is someone flustered~?" You teased, giggling as you poked his cheek.

"I-I'm not flustered!" He shook his head, his cheeks beginning to turn a darker shade of green. "Not a-at all!"

"You sure, baby?" You smiled, beginning to crawl on top of him. You sat on his lap, then leaned forwards to get close to his face.

He stared at you before throwing his hands over his face, revealing his bright pink hair. He let out a small groan before peeking an eye out to look at you.

"Aw, c'mon Beej." You giggled as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. "Don't hide."

He sighed as he removed his hands from his face, looking at you with his brown eyes. He stared at you with intent before sitting up and scratching the back of his neck. You leaned into him with a small giggle as you hugged his arm.

"Y/nnnn..." Lydia groaned, trudging out of her bedroom. Her hair looked extremely nappy and she was paler than usual. "I don't feel good."

"What's wrong, Lyds?" You hopped up and went over to her, setting the back of your hand on her forehead. "Goodness, you're warm."

"I feel horrible. I'm hot, sweaty, my head hurts, I feel like I'm going to pass out and.." She gagged, then spit up all over you. "Oh god Y/n, I'm so sorry."

"Go back to your bedroom." You said sternly, trying your best not to acknowledge the vomit on you. She nodded with a sad look, heading back to her room and stumbling a bit.

"Babes, are you-"

"Can you get this off of me?" You asked, closing your eyes and holding your breath. "Please."

He nodded before snapping his fingers and you felt your clothes come off and be replaced with new ones. He let out a dog whistle right before the last piece of clothing was put on.

"Lookin' good, babes."

You opened your eyes and saw that he had put you in a black lace dress with a solid white dress underneath. It had lace sleeves and a choker around your neck. Your face flushed red as you looked at him, then headed to the kitchen.

Beginning to pull out ingredients from the fridge, Beetlejuice came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He rested his chin on your shoulder and began to rock the two of you back and forth.

"Babes, why don't I finish this soup and you go check on Lydia?" He suggested, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek.

You smiled to yourself before a thought ran through your mind. "Can you cook? Should I let you cook?" You turned to him.

"Aw, babes." He chuckled, moving you to the side and beginning to take the vegetables and chop them. "Trust me on this, okay?"

"Alright, humbug."

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