~| Chapter 22 |~

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As the two of you made your way to the mall, you got a few stares and whispers. Although, you didn't really care all too much. You were holding Beetlejuice's hand, fingers intertwined, and making your way to the nearest shopping mall.

As you walked with him, he seemed so happy that people could finally see him. There was a skip in his steps and an adorable cute smile plastered right onto his face. You couldn't help but smile as you looked at him.

It wasn't long before both of you had arrived at the shopping mall, leading Beetlejuice in behind you. He glanced around as he entered, clinging to your arm.

"Babes, I've never seen this many people that can see me." He said quietly, a hint of nervousness in his voice. Glancing up to him, you smiled, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. You ten pulled him over to the side, making sure no one could see or hear you.

"It's okay, Beej." You laughed softly, one of your hands going and cupping his cheek gently. You smiled when you felt it warm up when he blushed. "Although, we're going to have to call you by your first name. Lawrence?"

He blinked, his tan cheeks flushing as he looked to the ground. "Do you have to?" He asked softly, looking to you.

Nodding, you smiled softly. "Hey, I'll only call you that in public places. Once we get home I'll call you Beetlejuice, okay?"

Sighing, Beetlejuice nodded. "Okay..." He pilled you into a quick embrace in which you smiled and returned the favor.

As you pulled away, your fingers went and flicked his nose playfully. "Alright, Lawrence, let's go." You smiled, taking his hand and leading him through the mall.

The two of you stopped in multiple shops, looking for clothes and anything that seemed to interest Beetlejuice at all. You eventually found a shop for men's clothing, and you took him inside. Both of you looked around, and Beetlejuice was not interested whatsoever.

"B-Lawrence." You corrected yourself, looking to the male. "Come on, we need to get you some clothes. Isn't there anything here you want?" You asked, walking around the store.

He shook his head, putting his hands into his pockets. "It's just not my style, babes."

Sighing, you looked through the many racks of clothing, occasionally pulling out some items. Having about four items in your arms, you handed them to Beetlejuice and brought him to the changing room.

"Babe, I don't like these." He sighed, looking through his clothes.

"Whatever, just put them on." You rolled your eyes, shoving him into the changing room and closing the door. "Make it quick." You heard Beetlejuice sigh, making you laugh slightly.

A few minutes later, you heard Beetlejuice call you over. "What's up?" You asked, standing in front of the changing room.

Hesitating, he opened the door, revealing himself and the outfit he was wearing. You had given him a pair of black jeans, a shortsleeved white shirt, and a black jacket. He looked at you, running his fingers through his hair to comb it back slightly.

Grinning, you went and embraced him tight, looking up at him. "Lawrence, you look great!" You giggled softly, planting a kiss on his cheek.

He blinked, his cheeks reddening. "You think so?"

"Of course! I did pick your outfit after all." You winked, standing up as you held his hand. "Lets go pay and we'll go get you some lounge clothes."

The two of you paid for the clothes, then headed to another shop. Again, Beetlejuice wasn't too interested. That was until he spotted a pair of black and white stripped sweatpants. He quickly grabbed them from the shelf and ran over to you, a huge grin on his face. You laughed softly, nodding as you took them and rested them over your arm. Looking around, you pulled a white tank top from the shelf as well, then made your way to the front.

Both of you were carrying a bag of clothes, and the two of you decided to finally head home. As you walked, you looked to Beetlejuice, grinning as you slowed your pace slightly. When you were far enough behind him, you hopped onto his back, wrapping your legs around his waist.

Beetlejuice jumped slightly, his arms immediately going and supporting your legs. He turned to look at you as you giggled, and he rolled his eyes. "You're cute."

"Why thank you, kind sir." You smiled, acting as if you were bowing. "You are quite handsome yourself."

"Thank you, m'lady." He chuckled, opening the door to the Deetz's house, making his way inside. You closed the door behind the two of you, hopping off of his back.

"It's time for lounge clothes." You grinned, heading upstairs to the guest room, which was now yours."I'll be right back, Beej!" You called, waving as you entered your room and changed into sweatpants.

When you finished, you made your way back down the stairs, smiling when you saw Beetlejuice on the couch. As you made your way over, you smiled when he had on the stripped sweatpants and tank top. You sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder.

"These are really comfy." He grinned, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. He went and pressed his soft lips to your forehead, giving a gentle tender kiss. "Thank you."

You smiled, giggling softly as your cheeks reddened. "Of course, Beej. I'd do anything for you." You wrapped you arms around him. "You mean the world to me."

"Even the netherworld?" He quirked a brow with a small grin.

Rolling your eyes, you nodded. "Yes, even the netherworld."

"Speaking of." You sat up, turning to him. "Do you still have any of your powers?"

He thought for a minute before shrugging. "Not sure. Let's find out." He smiled, looking to you as he held your hand. It wasn't too long before he began to float upwards, and you smiled.

"Floating, check."

He slowly sat back onto the couch, pointing to a flowerpot, big nothing happed. Sighing, he leaned back into the couch.

"Only floating."

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