~| Chapter 19 |~

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There will be slight abuse in this chapter! I'll give another warning before it happens.

Thank you!


You thought about the demons words, processing what he had said.

Kill him?

That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Let's do it then!

Jumping, you turned your attention to him, narrowing your eyes at the demon. "You're lucky I love you, Beej." You laughed quietly, burying your head in his chest.

"I'm very lucky, actually." He grinned, gently kissing the top of your head. He petted the top of your head, sighing quietly as he smiled to himself. "I love you, babes. You mean the world to me."

"Even the netherworld?" You quirked a brow, looking up at him.

He rolled his eyes with a huff. "Even the netherworld."

"Aww." You giggled, giving his cheek a quick peck. "You're so sweet."

"Yeah, yeah. Just go to bed, you have school tomorrow."

You nodded as you closed your eyes, and it wasn't long before sleep overcame you and you drifted off.


The next morning soon arrived, with a blaring alarm clock going off. You left it on for about two minutes before Beetlejuice had slammed his hand on top of it. Sitting up, you turned to the demon as he turned over, still trying to sleep.

"Geez, Beej." You said with a chuckle, swinging your legs off of the bed and heading to your closet, choosing your outfit for the day. "I didn't think that alarm would wake the dead."

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Beetlejuice sit up and flip you off, then lay back down. You rolled your eyes as you took off your top, revealing a tank top beneath it.

"Well that was anticlimactic." You heard his gruff voice say as you turned around to face him.

"Like I'd ever undress in front of you."

"One day, babes. One day." He said with a chuckle as he grinned, winking at you. He then stood up from the bed, going over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Beej, let me change." You groaned as you tried to slip your shirt on, but the demon pushed it away as he rested his chin on your shoulder. Sighing, you turned in his embrace and pressed your lips to his for a moment.

When you pulled away, he seemed satisfied so he let go of your waist and allowed you to put your shirt on. You did so with a roll in your eyes, a sigh coming from your lips and escaping your mouth.

"Fuck." You groaned as you remembered your father, knowing he'd be up and waiting on you to cook him breakfast. You quickly grabbed a shirt and tossed it to Beetlejuice to cover his face as you changed your pants.

"Babes, what-" He groaned as he moved the shirt from his face, looking at you. "What's wrong?"

"I forgot I had to make my dad breakfast! He's going to kill me!" You whisper yelled, your eyes darting to him before you slid your shoes on, then hurried out of your room. Beetlejuice followed you out, phasing through the walls as you darted to the kitchen.

That's when it hit you.

"Beej." You turned to the floating ghost behind you. "Can you help me?"

"Anything for you, babes."


The two of you began cooking, with Beetlejuice making an omelette and you making a cup of coffee and toast. After adding a packet of sugar to the coffee, you grabbed the creamer and threw it in, giving it a gentle stir. The toast then popped up, and you grabbed it and put it on a small dish on a tray.

Once Beetlejuice had finished the omelette, he set it on a plate and placed it on the tray, with you carefully placing the cup of coffee on it. Sighing, you picked up the tray and headed to your fathers room.

"Hey, babes?" Beetlejuice called, looking to you as he floated behind you. There was a bit of concern in his voice when he said that.

"What's up, Beej?" You replied quietly, standing right outside of your fathers door. "Make it quick."

He nodded, hesitating before speaking again. "Does he make you do this every day?"

You gave a silent nod, carefully opening the door and heading inside. Your father was already awake, sitting in bed and scrolling through his phone.

"Good morning." You smiled softly, moving over to him and setting the tray in his lap. "Enjoy da-father." You quickly corrected yourself, hoping that he wouldn't notice.

But, indeed he did.

~Abuse Warning~

His dull brown eyes shot at you, a growing flame of anger in them. He raised his hand and slapped you across the face, your hand quickly going and holding the area of pain.

"Do not call me your 'dad', you slut!" He growled, smacking you again as you nodded. "I am a man of power in this house, and you're nothing but my damn property! You got that, hoe?"

"Y-Yes, sir." You said softly, keeping your gaze on the floor as you held back your tears.

"Get out of my damn house."

~Warning Over~

Sighing, you exited your fathers room, closing the door softly behind you. You headed back to your room, opening up a drawer and pulling out some foundation. Looking into the mirror, you carefully applied the foundation to the red marks on your face where he had hit you.

As you were doing this, you noticed Beetlejuice sitting on the bed, the tips of his hair turning red. You knew he was pissed at your father. Actually, pissed might be an understatement.

"Babes, are you okay?" He asked, walking over to you and looking at you with worry in his eyes.

You simply ignored him as you applied the makeup, making sure to cover everything. Once you had finished, you put the makeup away and headed out of your room, back to the front door. You heard a sigh come from the demon as he followed you. You picked up your bag from the floor, sliding it onto your shoulders as you headed out, ready to begin your full day of school.

That was, until someone grabbed your hand and pulled you into their embrace. You tensed up before realizing it was the demon. It wasn't long before you melted into his warm embrace, your arms going and wrapping around him.

"You're not going to school today."

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