~| Chapter 14 |~

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The two of you headed back inside after grabbing the fallen ladder and returning it to its proper place. You decided to wait until Lydia was feeling better to hear an apology from her.

"Hey, babes?" Beetlejuice called, turning to look at you with a bowl of soup in his hands and a spoon. "Um, could you try this?"

"Aw, of course, humbug." You giggled, heading over to him and taking the spoon and bowl. You took some of the soup on the spoon and brought it to your lips, sipping it. "Woah, Beej. This is great!"

"Aw, thanks, babe." His face lit up with a smile and he came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "You know what would be better~?"

"What?" You asked, taking another spoonful of the soup. That's when you realized what he was saying. "No. Nope. Nuh-uh."

He rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he placed a tender kiss on your cheek. He nuzzled the crook in your neck gently with a soft chuckle.

"You can't go that long without cuddling and flirting, can you?" You asked with a giggled as you set the bowl down on the counter. You turned around in his arms and embraced him with a small giggle.

"I love you, babes." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "I'm so glad your here with me~."

"Me too, humbug. Just don't get any ideas." You smiled as a blush grew across your face. "Would you like to watch a movie?"

"Yeah!" He cheered, picking you up and holding you bridal style. "What movie, babes?"

"What about The Exorcist?" You suggested, looking at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. 

"Ooh, Yea! I've seen that movie a hundred times but it gets even funnier the more I watch it!" He chuckled as he spun you around, then planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Should we bring snacks?"

"I think you've had enough snacks, Beej." You giggled softly, poking his stomach. You watched as his hair began to turn pink and a tint grew over his cheeks.

Grinning, he rolled his eyes and brought you over to the couch. He sat down with you in his lap, grabbing the remote to the television and handed it to you.

"Actually, Beej." You looked up at him, thinking. "Do you want to watch Heathers instead?"

"Anything you'd like, baby girl. As long as I'm with you." He grinned, running his fingers through your hair.

You nodded with a smile as you selected Heathers from the list of movies and sat up next to Beetlejuice. With you sitting up, he rested his head in your lap. You only giggled as you started the movie and gently ran your fingers through his hair.


When the movie had ended, Beetlejuice was clinging to you, sobbing as he mumbled some words.

"Why'd he die, y/n?" He sobbed, looking up at you with his purple hair. "He was a good kid.."

"Humbug, Why are you so sad about it?" You asked, wrapping your arms around him. "You're the King of death and creepy things, you see this stuff happen a lot."


Turning quickly, you saw Adam and Barbara coming down the stairs. Barbara had her eyes locked on Beetlejuice, who was clenching onto your arm for life.

Or death.

Adam followed Barbara down the stairs and looked really anxious, too. "Y/n." Barbara took your arm and pulled you up off of the soft black couch and away from Beetlejuice. "What are you doing with this demon? He's a threat to this house."

"You were literally just celebrating with him when we got Delia and Charles our of the house." You shot a glare at her as you managed to get out of her grasp.

"Y/n, he is quite dangerous." Adam chimed in with a sigh, pushing his glasses up on his nose. "Barbara does have a point."

You glared at him as well, daggers and venom coming from your stare. "So what both of you are saying is that people can't change." You growled, swatting Barbara's hand away as she tired to reach for you. "People can't change and we can't love them for who they are. That's great."

Going over to Beetlejuice, you took his hand and saw that his hair was purple now. You intertwined your fingers with his and turned to Adam and Barbara. "So you're saying I can't love a demon." You said coldly, and they both looked taken aback.

"Y/n. What I'm saying is that he can't be trusted." Barbara spat, folding her arms and glared. "He's a demon. You're a human. Dead and alive. That's a good enough reason to break apart now."

Tightening your grip on Beetlejuice's hand, blood rushes to your face and your hands began to shake. Tears began to well in your eyes as your face grew red. You were getting angry and upset.

"Listen, Barbara." You spat coldly, narrowing your eyes at her. "Love-"

"Love has no limits." You heard Beetlejuice say quietly. Turning to him, your eyes widened. "If you can't accept that, Barbs, we're leaving. We won't be back until you do." You gave Beetlejuice a soft smile before turning to Barbara and nodding.

"Fine. Go." She said as she turned and headed back up the stairs to the attic. "I don't want to see you back here until you've learned."

Adam stood there and waited until Barbara was far enough up the stairs before going and embracing you. "She just needs some time. Just know that I'm sorry."

Nodding, you returned the embrace and tears began to roll down your cheeks. You began to sob and your breaths became short with small hiccups.


"Oh goodness." He sighed as he let go of you, then placed his hands on either side of your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs. "Just be safe, okay? I have to go."

You nodded as he headed up the semi spiral staircase waving to you before vanishing.

"Babes." Beetlejuice called, looking at you and taking your hand. He pulled you close to him and embraced you tight. "I love you, babes. So much."

"I love you too, humbug." You couldn't help but smile as you returned the favor, wrapping your arms around his neck. You rested your head in the crook of his neck and sighed.

"Thank you."

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