~| Chapter 20 |~

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You sighed when you heard those words, your heart sank as you stayed in his embrace. You went to open your mouth to speak, yet nothing came out. Nothing except the sound of small sobs came out and you realized you started crying.

Beetlejuice gently petted your head with a sigh, breaking the embrace yet still holding your hand. "C'mon, babes." He called quietly, leading you out of the doorway and down the stairs.

You followed silently, not sure of where he was taking you. It wasn't long before he had teleported the two of you, and you arrived at a small diner. It was relatively small, and didn't look too well known. The building did have a nice silver look to it, though.

The demon led you inside, holding the doors open for you as well. Looking around, you noticed that there was only a few people here. Hesitantly letting go of Beetlejuice's hand, you made your way to a booth in the back, sliding in and watching as Beetlejuice sat next to you.

"You ready to make some people scream, babes?" He quirked a brow with a snicker, putting an arm around your shoulders as he lifted his other hand.

"Definitely, Beej." You said with a small smile, your sadness and anger beginning to fade away.

As the demon lifted his hand, a few of the items on the counter began to float and move. The waitress was clearly in shock, her eyes wide and her face pale. She moved to sit under the counter, looking up at the items occasionally. The other people in the restaurant took cover as well.

Beetlejuice grabbed a book that was on the counter and stuck some googly eyes on it. Turning to you, he opened and closed the book as if it were talking.

"Mister Beebleboose, where do books go when they die?" The book has asked, and Beetlejuice turned to the book.

"Why, that's a great question!" The demon grinned, turning to you as the lights flickered off. "Let's find out." A huge green flame had emerged next to the demon, and he tossed the book in the flame with no hesitation.

You couldn't help but laugh as you watched. The flame slowly disappeared and the lights came back on. Although you weren't in the diner anymore.

You were in Lydia's attic?

Looking around, you saw the model of the small town and the dim fairy lights above it. You looked around for Beetlejuice, not seeing him anywhere. "Beetlejuice?" You called, beginning to move around the attic, looking behind boxes and such. "Humbug, where are you?"

It wasn't a minute longer before two familiar ghosts appeared. It was Adam and Barbara. They smiled at you, then opened their arms for a hug.

You just stared at them, then remembered Barbara's cold and venomous words to you. Stepping back, you kept your eyes locked on the spirits. "B-Back off."

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Adam called quietly, stopping and holding his hand out. "You don't seem like yourself."

"Y-You guys are the ones that are acting weird!" You retorted, taking another step back and narrowing your eyes. Looking to Adam, your eyes quickly darted to Barbara who was rubbing her arm nervously.

"Y/n, please." Adam called softly again, slowly walking over to you. "It's okay. You just have to trust us."

Hesitating, your eyes darted between them before you relaxed, your tense muscles slowly easing. You walked forwards to Adam, stopping when he was right in front of you. Looking up at him, you smiled weakly as he set a hand on your cheek, cupping it gently.

"What happened, y/n?" He asked softly, looking to you as he gently brushed his thumb over you cheek. His brown eyes held a look of concern and worry, yet his actions were smooth and calming.

Tears soon began to form on the edges of your eyes, and they began to pour over onto your cheeks. Slowly lifting your hand to stop Adam from brushing your cheek, your makeup smudged and there was a black and blue on your cheek.

Adam blinked when he saw the black and blue on your cheek, continuing to rub his thumb on it. "Y/n, what happened?" He asked softly, looking at the bruise.

It wasn't long before Barbara saw the bruise and she quickly rushed over to you. She held her hand over her mouth and watched as Adam rubbed the makeup off of your cheek. "Y/n, did Beetlejuice do this?" She asked, lending a hand to your other cheek.

You quickly shook your head, your eyes widening. "N-No! No he didn't do this!" You objected quickly, looking at her with wide eyes.

"I'm gonna call him. We'll figure out who did this." Barbara gave a soft smile as you nodded, hugging yourself as your body trembled.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice."

Soon, the green haired demon appeared, standing in front of Barbara with a hand on his hip. "Yo, Barbs. What's up, I'm kind of busy getting something together for Y/n."

Barbara didn't say anything, but she did move out of the way so he could see you.

As soon as the demon landed his brown eyes on you, he darted over, his heart sinking. He quickly wrapped you in a tight embrace, in which you just kept crying. You returned the gesture, burying your face into his chest as you cried.

"Babes, hey." He called softly, planting a gentle kiss on your forehead as he held you tight. "It's okay, just relax." He gently ran his fingers through your hair, looking to Adam and Barbara with sad eyes.

"Just tell us what happened." Adam said softly with Barbara nodding in agreement. Nodding, you stood up and wiped your tears, looking to both of them.

"My father came home." You started, biting the inside of your cheek. "He used to be an alcoholic and h-he'd abuse me. J-just this morning I accidentally called him "dad" and he got angry and hit me."

Adam and Barbara stared in disbelief, and they quickly went over to you and embraced you tight.

"H-He also said he didn't want me t-to talk to Lydia anymore. S-She's like my sister!" You sobbed as you let your face fall into your hands.

"I-I just don't know what to do..."




A/N: hey everyone! I just wanted to say that the HUGE amount of support on this book is making me do nothing but update! I really appreciate you all and I hope you all are enjoying the book! I just wanted to let you know that from here on out, updates will be quite a bit slower. I had chapters 1-20 prewritten, so I have to keep writing now! But today is my last day of school before thanksgiving break, so I'll definitely update sometime soon!

Have a good day everyone! I love y'all!

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