~| Chapter 15 |~

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The two of you headed out of the two story house, hand in hand. Beetlejuice's hair was still a little purple, but overall it was back to normal.

Walking down the road to your house, you intertwined your fingers with his as a small smile grew on your face. Turning to look at him, you saw that he was looking at you as well. You giggled as you pulled him closer and kissed his cheek.

You were with the person you loved the most, walking home. It was almost a dream come true.


"Hey, I have an idea." You smiled as you turned to him, holding his hand tight. "Let's go for ice cream."

"Okay!" He grinned with a small chuckle, the last bit of purple fading from his hair. He thought for a moment before turning to you. "Can we share something, babes?"

"Aw, of course, humbug." You giggled as you kissed his cheek, then continued to walk down the dirt path.

"Hey, uh, babes?" Beetlejuice called, looking at you. The ends of his hair began to turn to blue, signaling he was a bit nervous.

"What's up, humbug?" You asked, looking at him with a slight tilt to your head. "Is something wrong?"

"No no, I just, uh." He stuttered, a hand going to the back of his neck and scratching it awkwardly. "I just wanted you to know that... Uh.."

"C'mon, Beej." You giggled, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Spit it out."

"A-Alright." He sighed, taking a deep breath and relaxing slightly. "I just wanted to say that I love you and I'm here to protect you."

"Aww." You smiled, going and embracing him tight. "Thanks, humbug. I love you too."

Once the two of you were down the hill, the town came into view. It was small, to the point where everyone knew each other. The Dairy Queen was located near the school, which was near the back of the town.

Although, you knew a shortcut.

"Hey, lets take a shortcut." You suggested, turning to the demon on your left. He looked confused but he nodded anyways.

"I could just teleport us but okay." He rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself as you led him down an alleyway.

The alleyway was dark and damp, and no sunlight came through. There were a few cats roaming around and some ruckus could be heard in garbage cans.

You heard slight shuffling but shrugged it off as you tightened your grip on Beetlejuice's hand. He squeezed back to let you know he was there.

Turning to look at him, you saw that it wasn't him. It was a stranger.

You were about to scream but a sharp pain hit you in the head and your vision faded to black.


Waking up, your eyes adjusted to the light and you looked around, seeing nothing except for two seats in front of you. You looked out of the windshield and noticed the lights passing by and the open road.

You were about to say Beetlejuice's name, but then realized that there was a cloth in your mouth. You tried to move, but it seemed like your captor had you tied up in the back of the car. Your hands were tied behind your back and your ankles were tied together.

Looking back towards the driver, you couldn't make out much about him. He had white skin and quite fluffy hair, from what you could tell.

You tried your hardest to move the cloth out of your mouth, using your tongue to push it out. You stayed as silent as possible, trying not to disturb the driver, or let him know you're awake. You tried to wriggle your wrists out of the rope.

Freeing your hands, you quietly pulled the rag from your mouth before sitting up. A pain shot up to your head as you let out a quiet whimper. The car then came to a stop and you moved close to the door.

You looked around the van before seeing a tranquilizer gun. Grabbing it, you held it pointed at the back door, hearing the man unlock it. Once the doors swung open, you shot the tranquilizer, closing your eyes and tight as your body shook.

"Ah, ah." The male voice said, smirking as he opened the door wider and went to grab you. "You're being a bad girl."

When he went to grab you, you threw your legs out to his chest and kicked him away. He seemed to inhale sharply but it wasn't hard enough to damage him.

"Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Bee-AH!" You screamed when he grabbed your leg and stabbed a knife into it. Your body shook as tears began to well in your eyes.

"BEETLEJUICE!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You began to sob as the pain began to numb. "B-Beetlejuice..."

Looking up, you saw the demon and his hair was pitch black. You had never seen his hair like this before. It was always either green when he felt normal, yellow when he was happy, purple when he was sad and pink if he was flustered.

Beetlejuice grabbed the man and dug his fingers into his shoulders. He glared at him before doing something you couldn't even explain. It was just...


Not long after, your vision started to slip away and you began to feel a bit woozy. You looked at Beetlejuice who was standing over the limp body, then he turned to you. The green returned in his hair as he ran over to you, picking you up in his arms.

Then your vision faded completely.

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