~| Chapter 9 |~

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"Thank you."

He grinned as he pulled you into an embrace, then thought for a moment. "Have you ever ditched before?"

"No, I haven't." You giggled nervously, a hand going to rub the back of your neck. "I'm too scared. Don't want to get in trouble."

"How about we scare them into closing school?" He suggested, looking at you with a grin.

"I don't know, Beej. It might be easier to wait it out." You turned to him, sighing as you leaned back into him. "Plus we need to get back to class."

He rolled his eyes with a nod, turning back into the black cat and hopping into your arms. You stood up and carefully set him in your pocket, heading out of the bathroom. You walked back into class and sat down with a sigh.

Pulling your pen back out, your other hand began to pet Beetlejuice. You felt his purrs against your stomach with a giggle.


Soon, it was time for lunch. You grabbed your bag and scooped up Beetlejuice in your arms with a small smile. He purred as you did so, and a small giggle emitted from you. You headed outside for lunch today, sitting in the grass outside and setting the cat down. He played around for a moment before changing back into his normal form.

"So, babes, your school is really boring." He groaned as he rolled his eyes, leaning back and crossing his legs as he floated. "I say we call Lyds and ditch."

"Beej, I would love to ditch but I don't want to ruin my grade." You grinned nervously, pulling out your lunch. Your lunch consisted of a sandwich, a bag of chips and an apple. "Are you hungry? Do you even get hungry?"

"I don't get hungry but I can eat." He chuckled, floating over to you. "Whatcha got?"

"A sandwich, chips and a snake." You blinked before staring at the snake in your lunchbox. You just looked at him with a blank expression. "You're still trying."

Beetlejuice only shrugged as he turned to lay on his stomach, having his chin in the palm of his hands.

"Whatever, Beej." You rolled your eyes with a giggle, looking at him. "Oh, do you think I can see Sandy?"

"Sandy? Who's that?"

"The sandworm! I named her." You grinned nervously, a hand going and rubbing the back of your neck. "I hope you don't mind..."

"Not at all, babes." He chuckled as a hole appeared in front of you on the ground. "I think that's pretty cute."

The black and white creature slithered out of the hole and saw you, immediately going and nuzzling you. You couldn't help but giggle as you gently pet her.

"Hey, Sandy!" You giggled as you embraced the creature. She coiled herself around you to return the embrace and you smiled. You sat on a part of her body as she coiled around to make you comfortable. Leaning back, you pulled a book from your bag and began to read.


The bell then rang again, dismissing classes and signaling school was over. This time, Beetlejuice had transformed into a small beetle. You had kept him in your hand as you took notes in class, and one of your classmates almost crushed him.

You huffed as you set the beetle on the ground and began to head towards your car. That was, until a certain someone tackled you to the ground. A small yelp came from you as you hit the ground, dirt covering your face. You let out a huff as you sat up, turning and laughing when you realized who had tackled you.

"Lydia!" You giggled, sitting up and wrapping her in a tight embrace. You then wiped the dirt off of your face with a giggle.

"Hi, y/n!" She smiled as she stood up, offering you a hand. Taking it, she pulled you up to stand and you dusted yourself off. "Do you mind if we get ice cream tonight?"

"Not at all!" You smiled, picking up your keys from the grass and beginning to head to the car. Once the three of you arrived at your car, you unlocked the doors and got in. You turned on the engine to see Beetlejuice in the front and Lydia in the back.

"Lyds, why aren't you in the front?" You asked, beginning to pull out of the parking lot. Checking the rear view mirror, you backed out and pulled out onto the street.

"He literally begged me to sit in the front during class." She groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, so that's where you went." You turned to him as he gave a grin. "DQ?"



Soon, the three of you arrived at Dairy Queen and you parked the car near the back of the parking lot. You turned the engine off before turning to look at Beetlejuice.

"Wait here, okay?" You told him as you unbuckled your seatbelt and removed the keys from the engine. "Do you want anything?"

"What do they have?" He asked as he transformed into his little beetle form.

"Ice cream." You rolled your eyes as you extended your arm to him and he crawled onto it. "Oh, I know what to get you."

"Oh?" He questioned in his little high pitched voice.

You giggled with a nod as you locked the car, beginning to walk to the stand. Lydia walked right next to you and the two of you engaged in some small talk. Once you arrived at the stand you were in the front of the line. You told Lydia to order first.

"A vanilla cone, please." Lydia said as she moved out of the way.

"Another vanilla cone and a spooky banana split." You smiled as the person taking your order nodded.

"That'll be ten dollars."

You pulled out your wallet and paid the person, then sat on the outside tables to wait for your order.

"What's a banana split?" You heard Beetlejuice's small voice ask. You turned to Lydia and her jaw was wide open.

"Only the best ice cream sundae ever!" Lydia smiled as she used her arms to gesture. "It's chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream, with a half of banana on either side. Then they put whipped cream and chocolate sauce on it and three cherries!"

"The only difference is I got you the spooky one, so the banana looks like a dead person and the chocolate sauce is green." You smiled as he crawled over your fingers.


"That's us." You said as the two of you stood up. You grabbed your cone and the spooky banana split, with Lydia grabbing her cone. You all headed back into the car and Beetlejuice sat in the passenger seat, eyes wide and full of excitement. Giggling, you handed him the tray of ice cream and began to eat your own.

He took the spoon and took a bite of the ice cream.

Like, actually biting it.

You scrunched your nose as you turned to see Lydia staring at him like he was insane.

"Woah." He said as a smile spreading across his face as he took another bite. "This is amazing!"

You couldn't help but laugh as you nodded.

"It's great."

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