~| Chapter 18 |~

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There you were, laying in the grass with a slushee in hand, trying to drown out the pain. You were looking up at the moon, feeling it's soft light gleam down upon your tear stained face.

Taking another big gulp of the slushee, you felt the pain go to your head and linger there. You didn't bother to fight it at this point. You wanted to feel the pain and drown out the thoughts, and it seemed like freezing your brain was the only way to do it without getting yourself intoxicated.

Staring at the stars, you lifted your hand and began to point and make constellations. You let your mind wander as you did this, but there was only one thought that your mind returned to.

He's worried about me.

Sighing, you sat up, looking at the dark woods around you and moved the straw of the slushee to your lips. You took another big gulp, getting lost in thought before finally coming to a decision.




Before you could even finish, the demon had tackled you to the ground and had his arms wrapped around you tight. His hair was a mix of purple and blue, and it looked like he was crying.

You could only laugh softly as you wrapped your arms around him as well, petting his multi-colored hair. He was laying on the left of you, almost engulfing you entirely in his embrace. You didn't want to admit it, but being in his embrace calmed you.

Going to grab your slushee, you realized you had dropped it and it spilled over the ground. You sighed, then turned to the demon, smiling softly as you noticed he had fallen asleep. Was he crying that much to the point where it wore him out?

You shrugged it off, maneuvering around a bit before lifting him up on your back. To your surprise, he was rather light. He only weighed about an average fifteen year old boy, yet he looks like a chubby grown adult.

Trudging forwards, you headed out of the woods, your body slowly becoming worn out. Arriving at a 7-11, you huffed as you set him down near the store, then leaned back onto the wall. You dug through your pocket before standing up and heading over to the entrance of the store.


You came out with two large blue slushees and sighed as you drank one of them. You felt the pain go to your head and you sighed. It just drowns everything out, so who needs cocaine?

Heading back over to the spot where you set Beetlejuice down, you saw the demon still sleeping peacefully. You smiled to yourself, you sat next to him and continued drinking your slushee.

A small groan came from the demon as his eyes fluttered open. They immediately went to you, and he wrapped you in a tight embrace.

Smiling, you leaned into him.

"Are you okay, babes?" He asked, scanning you up and down, looking for any injuries. "I was worried."

"I'm alright, humbug." You smiled, grabbing the other slushee and handing it to him. "I got this for you." You said before taking another sip of yours.

"Aw babes, I can't." He turned down the offer with a grin. "Eating like this is going to ruin my amazing figure." He chuckled, doing a small pose.

"Well, I'll drink it then. I want to feel the brain freeze." Grinning, you took the slushee back and took a rather large gulp out of it. Swallowing, you slightly flinched from the pain.

"Changed my mind." He said as he snatched the slushee from your hand, bringing the straw to his lips as he began to drink it.

"Hey! You could've asked." You huffed, rolling your eyes as you took another sip.

He only chuckled in response, focusing on the drink. He then scooted closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder. He finally pulled away from the drink and sighed, snuggling into you.

You couldn't help but smile as you put an arm around him. "Quite the cuttlebug, Huh?" You giggled, going and kissing his forehead. You had to admit, he looked very adorable right now.

Nodding, he looked up at you and grinned, his cheeks turning a light dusting of green. He grinned as he put his arms around your waist, pulling you into his lap. He then took the slushee from you, which resulted in you pouting.

"Give it back, Beej!" You pouted, looking at him and folding your arms. "I was still drinking it!"

"C'mon, babes. That's like your third one." He chuckled as he held you by your waist. "We need to get going, it's already midnight."

Sighing, you nodded, curling close to his chest. "I don't want to see me dad." You said quietly into his chest as he began to pet your hair.

"I'll just teleport us to your bedroom." He replied as he planted a gentle kiss on your head. He then snapped his fingers, the world around you fading, then reappearing.

The two of you got under the covers and cuddled close to each other with you resting your head on his chest and he had his arms around you.

"Hey, Beej?" You called quietly, awaiting a response.

"What's up, baby girl?" He responded, playing with your hair between his fingers.

"Is there anything we could do about my father?" You looked up at him with a slightly worried expression. "What do you think?"

He thought for a moment before responding. "Girl, the way I see it, your daddy should be leaving and you should stick around and kill him!" He grinned, all of his pointy teeth showing.

"What?!" You retorted, staring at him like he was insane. Which quite frankly, he was.


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