~| Chapter 8 |~

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Pulling into your parking spot at school, you turned the engine off and grabbed your bag. You removed the keys from the engine and sighed, resting your head back for a moment. You then stepped out of the car, closing the door behind you and waiting for the other two to get out. Lydia closed her door after she got out and Beetlejuice appeared next to you.

"This is going to be such a great day."


You headed into first block with Beetlejuice by your side and your hand in your pocket. You gave an awkward smile to the teacher as you walked in, then sat in your assigned seat.

"Hey, the dead girl is here." A boy to your right said with a chuckle.

"Do you sleep in a graveyard?" The one on the left laughed. "You look dead today."

You lowered your head as you glanced at Beetlejuice, seeing him give you a soft look then a nod. You lifted your head and turned to the boy on your right, watching as Beetlejuice lifted his books and dropped them into his lap.

"FUCK-" he shouted as the books slid off of his lap. He quickly put his head down on the table as he held his midsection.

Beetlejuice then moved over to the guy on the left, pointing at him and making him float. Everyone in the room stared as you began to giggle quietly.

"H-Hey! Put me down!" The boy yelled, beginning to kick and thrash. "What's this voodoo bullshit?!"

Soon enough, multiple items around the room began to float and you were trying your hardest not to burst out laughing. Beetlejuice sent the student out of the class with a chuckle. The teacher then yelled and told its that the class was dismissed as she chased after the student. People began to run out of the classroom full of fear.

Once everyone was out you began to laugh, to the point where you began to cry. You took a breath and coughed, smiling as you wiped your tears and got up. Running over to the ghoul, you embraced him tight with a small giggle. You buried your face in his suit and smiled as he wrapped his arms around you.

"That was amazing!"

"Aw, thanks, babes." He smiled, revealing his pointy teeth as he bowed. When he stood back up, he offered a hand to you. "M'lady."

You gladly accepted his hand and set yours in his. The two of you intertwined your fingers and you giggled as he made the two of you float. He led you out of the classroom and into the empty hallways, just floating around.

Soon, he snapped and music began to play from the intercom speakers. He took your hand and held it up, then wrapped his arm around your waist with a nervous chuckle.

"Dance with me?"

"B-Beej, I can't dance..." You said softly, looking away and brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "That's my worst class..."

Rolling his eyes, he began to sway you to the music. His eyes were closed as he softly swayed the two of you, then adding small steps into the mix. You tripped over your feet a few times, then slowly began to understand his movements.

But it didn't last long.

The horrid sound of the bell rang in your ear as it rung. The doors of the classrooms began to open and students began to flood the hallways. Loud chatter and laughs could be heard as you cling to Beetlejuice, staring down at the students.

"Relax, babes. They can't see you." He chuckled, putting an arm around your shoulders. You smiled softly as you moved closer to him, then blinked.

"Shoot, I need to get to my next class!" You hopped down out of Beetlejuice's arms and began sprinting down the hall.

"Babes-" Beetlejuice called, floating above you. 

"Not now, Beetlejuice!" You gasped as you ran, quickly turning the corner as the warning bell rang. "I can't be late!"

"Babes!" Beetlejuice called again, holding his hands out to you. "Give me your hands."

You hesitated before nodding, raiding your arms and grabbing his hands. You closed your eyes tight as you felt your feet lift off of the ground then be abruptly placed back down. Opening your eyes, you realized you were in front of your second block. You turned to Beetlejuice with a smile before pulling him aside.

"Okay Beej, since you scared some people they can see you, right?" You asked, your foot tapping out of nervousness.

"Yeah, why?" He asked, quirking a brow.

"Change into something that isn't so obvious as a dead guy." You giggled as you turned to him. "And hurry, the bell is about to ring."

He thought for a moment before a grin grew on his face. A few green flashes and swirls appeared around him as you covered your eyes. You removed your arm from your eyes, looking down and seeing a black cat with green eyes. His eyes were piercing green and he had a white and black stripped tail.

"Aw, C'mere." You smiled as you held your arms out to him. He quickly jumped into your arms and curled up against your chest.

"Typical, Beej." You giggled, heading into the classroom and hiding him under your hoodie. You went to your seat and sat down, setting BJ in your lap. You grabbed your pen and notebook, setting them on the desk as you gently pet his head. Soft purrs emitted from the cat as you giggled softly, beginning to take your notes.


Halfway into class, Beetlejuice began to fumble around. He started pawing at your arm and papers.

"Beej, not now." You whispered, gently petting his head. "Just a little longer."

A small whine came from him as he rubbed himself against your waist. He brushed his tail against your chin and you quickly pushed it down.

"Get in my pocket."

He did as told, shimmying his way into the pocket of your hoodie. You slid a hand in there with him, playing with his ears as soft purrs could be heard.

"Ms. Walker?" You called, raising your hand. "May I use the restroom?"

"Go ahead."

You hopped up from your seat, heading out of the class and into the restroom. You checked the stalls to make sure no one was in there with you before letting BJ out of your pocket.

He hopped out as you sat on the floor, leaning against the bathroom wall. He quickly changed back to his original form, looking at you with slight concern.

"You okay, babes?" He asked, sitting next to you. "Was I too annoying?"

You shook your head as you rested on his shoulder and let out a small sigh. "No, I just need a mental break. Math is tough."

"Well, I'll give you all the mental breaks you need, boo." He let out a small chuckle as he put an arm around you, then planted a gentle kiss on your forehead.

You smiled as a pink tint appeared on your cheeks and a small giggle escaped you. "Thanks, Beej."

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