~| Chapter 16 |~

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Your vision faded in and out, seeing Beetlejuice holding you and him running down the street.


He was holding onto you tight, muttering words to himself. You noticed the familiar dirt road and streetlights.


Looking up, you saw the bright stars. You began to make constellations before you heard his raspy voice. You tried your best to shift your body closer to his chest, and winced when you felt the pain shoot you your leg.

"It's okay, babes."


Opening your eyes, you saw that you were laying in your bed, in your room. Sunlight was pouring in through the window, a stream of it flowing through your room and out of the door. The desk in the corner of your room was neat and tidy, and the book shelf across from it had been organized. You lifted your head and took a deep breath, a sweet scent from the kitchen and filling your lungs.

Looking around your room, you saw that there was a chair pulled up against the bed and it looked like someone had been laying next to you for quite a while. The pillow was completely flattened and the covers were an absolute mess, signaling someone was tossing for a bit.

You slowly rolled the cover off of you, looking at your leg. It was wrapped in bandages and it was stained with dried blood. The bandages didn't look all that tight, either. Someone didn't know what they were doing.

You swung your legs off the edge of the bed, carefully, then tried to pull yourself up. Once you were on your feet, a slight pang of pain ran up your leg, but not enough to keep you from walking. Just enough to make you take a sharp inhale, though.

Sighing, you began to walk out of the room, holding onto certain items as you passed them. You made your way out of your room and looked around, seeing the light from the kitchen down the hall. You pressed your hand against the white wall, beginning to make your way to the kitchen.

Peeking around the corner, you saw Lydia sitting on the counter in her signature black dress and Beetlejuice holding a pan with some ingredients splattered around the kitchen. You smiled as you saw the two chatting about and laughing in between.

"Good morning." You said as you emerged from behind the corner, smiling sweetly. "How are the two of you?"

Lydia looked at you, shock spread on her face as she hopped off the counter and embraced you in a tight hug. She looked up at you with tears in her eyes.

"Oh my god, we thought you were never going to wake up!" She cried, resting her head on your shoulder as she tightened her embrace.

"Aw, Lyds." You smiled as you put an arm around her. "It's okay, I-"

"I'm sorry, y/n!" She shouted, looking up at you. "I didn't mean to be so angry and mean when I was sick! I should've eaten Beej's cooking and I'm sorry I yelled at you!"

You couldn't help but giggle as you wrapped an arm around her petite figure and brought her close to you. "Aw, Lydia. It's okay, I promise. Do you know how long I was out for?"

"About a week..." She said quietly as she looked up at you with a worried expression.

"You lost a lot of blood." Beetlejuice chimed in, looking at you with a soft expression. His hair was orange, signaling he was a bit worried. "It's about time you woke up, babes."

You only rolled your eyes as you released your embrace on Lydia and carefully limped over to him. You threw your arms around his neck with a small smile. Closing your eyes, you breathed in carefully, resting your head in the crook of his neck. You took in his scent, smiling softly when you realized it was the same old spice smell as before.

He returned the favor, wrapping his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head. One of his hands gently stroked the back of your hair as the other moved down to you bottom. At this point, you didn't mind it much. That was, until he squeezed your cheek.

You quickly stood up, a squeak coming out of your throat as your face reddened. You pulled away from him as you threw a hand over your mouth, embarrassed from the sound you had just made. You narrowed your eyes at the demon as you lowered your hands to your side.

Beep, beep, beep.

He turned to the oven, winking at you. You narrowed your eyes at him before he opened the oven door with a chuckle.

The smell of cinnamon and sugar wafted out from the oven, almost hitting you in the face. The treats smelled delicious and they looked amazing. They were a nice golden brown, and the cinnamon and sugar on the inside seemed nice and flavorful.

Beetlejuice reached in the oven and grabbed the pan with ease, setting it on the top of the stove. He closes the oven, turns it off, then begins to pour the glaze over the rolls.

You couldn't help but smile as you saw Beetlejuice actually enjoying himself. He was smiling to himself as he spread the frosting on top of the cinnamon rolls and set the dish back in the sink as he finished.

"You really enjoy cooking, huh?" You quirked a brow at him as Lydia gave a small giggle. "You look so happy when you're cooking."

Beetlejuice jumped slightly, a dusting of green beginning to spread over his cheeks. His hair began to turn pink and he just nodded.

You giggled as Lydia laughed, pointing at him. "I've never seen you like this!" She laughed, having her hands cross over her stomach. "The only time I've seen you like this was when you would talk about her and you'd never shut up!"

"Shut up, Lydia." He rolled his eyes with a small chuckle, still quite embarrassed. He turned back to the cinnamon rolls, conjuring up three plates next to him.

"Remember that one time where-"

Beetlejuice quickly turned around and threw something at Lydia, putting a lock on her mouth and a key came and locked it. The key went back to Beetlejuice, and he swallowed it. Somehow, Lydia was still laughing.

Giggling, you went over to Beetlejuice and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. You rested your chin on his shoulder, watching as he scooped a roll out and placed it on a plate. You watched as the glaze oozed off of the roll and your mouth began to water.

"Hungry, babes?" He chuckled as he turned to kiss his cheek. He gently pushed you off of him so he could turn around, then he wrapped his arms around your waist. "If you're hungry, why not eat me instead~?"

"Beetlejuice, no!" Lydia shouted. She managed to unlock the lock on her mouth with a bobby-pin. "That's gross. Not here."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

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