~| Chapter 6 |~

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You quickly hopped up from the couch, heading over to the kitchen with Beetlejuice following.

"Ready, Beej?" You asked with a grin, slidding on the oven mitts.

"Definitely." He responded with a grin as he bounced up and down.

Opening the oven door, you grabbed the baking sheet the two pies were on and set them on the stove. You closed the oven and took the mitts off, setting them back in the right place.

Beetlejuice stood next to you as you looked at the pies, satisfied with your work.

"When did you make a second one?" He asked, pointing to the smaller one. "I thought you were just making one, babes."

"I was only going to make one, but I thought of something else." You grinned a bit, turning to him. "It's a new recipe and I want you to try it!"

"Really, babes? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me!" He threw an arm around you as he faked some tears. "Now where's the fork."

"Right here." You said as you handed him a fork from the drawer, then watched as he cut a piece. He brought it up to his mouth and began to chew, then a loud crunch could be heard.

His eyes widened as a huge smile grew on his face after he swallowed the piece of the pie. He then ran over to you, throwing his arms around you.

"Babes! Did you put beetles in the pie just for me?" He asked, squeezing you tight in his arms.

"Y-Yeah." You replied with a light chuckle. "C-Can't breathe."

"Sorry, babes." He quickly released his grip on you as a tear slid down his cheek. He quickly wiped it before you could see.

"It's fine." You giggled as you took a breath, filling your lungs with the sweet scented oxygen. "Can you do me a favor and grab some plates?"

"Sure thing, babes." He snapped, and right next to you appeared a stack of four plates. He just casually leaned back, acting as if this were normal.

You blinked, deciding not to question it as you grabbed a knife and began to cut pieces of pie and place them on the plates. You grabbed forks for each piece of pie and grabbed two plates, one in each hand.

You headed out to the living room, seeing everyone smiling and socializing. You couldn't help but smile as you headed over to Lydia and handed her a slice of pie, then gave one to Barbara.

They both said thank you as you went back to get yours and Adam's. You grabbed the two plates and set yours on the coffee table, and handed Adam his.

"Y/n, this is amazing!" Lydia smiled as she took another bite, having crumbs around her mouth. She was smiling as she ate, clearly loving and savoring every bite.

"I agree!" Barbara added, smiling as she took another bite. "It's not too sweet and not too sour."

"Thanks guys." You couldn't help but smile as you sat on the couch, beginning to eat your slice of pie. You chewed on it before hearing a crunch. Your eyes widened as you quickly spit it out, seeing a crushed beetle on your plate.


The green haired demon appeared next to you with a grin on his face. He had his arms crossed against the back of his neck, and one leg over the other. "Hey, babes." He opened an eye to look at you.

You just growled before grabbing your slice of pie and shoving it in his face. His face was dripping red with the juice from the cherries and crumbs from the crust. You heard him wince slightly before beginning to laugh. Soon enough, everyone else joined in with the laughter.

Beetlejuice wiped the pie off of his face before conjuring up another slice pie and chucking it at you, landing square on your face. You wiped the whipped cream off of your face and shot him a glare. He only shrugged with a small chuckle as two pies appeared in each hand.

You turned to look at Lydia, and she nodded as well. She threw her pie at him, and it hit him smack-dab in the face. The cherries dropped down onto the floor and the juice looked like blood all over his face.

You quickly ran at him, tackling him onto the floor and pinning his wrists to the floor. "Give up now, zombie boy." You grinned, tightening your grip on his wrists. You heard a small chuckle from him before he rolled the two of you over so that he was on top.

"Hey, babes." He chuckled as he swung his tongue around his face and licked the filling off of it. "Quite the position we're in, huh?"

Heat rushed to your cheeks as you stared at him, not saying a word. You tried to get out of his grasp, but to no avail. He had a really strong grip.

"C'mon, babes." He popped his wrists off from his arms and stood up, grinning. "Admit it. I'm the ghost with the most."

"Ugh, fine." You groaned, closing your eyes and sighing. "You're the ghost with the most."

"Thank you, thank you." He grinned as he bowed, roses coming out of no where and being tossed at him. "Thanks so much."

You grabbed a bouquet of the roses and threw them right at his face again, letting out a small laugh. You headed back over to Lydia, Adam and Barbara and smiled.

"Oh goodness! It's getting late!" Barbara called, looking at the time. "It's one o'clock!"

"You two head to bed." Adam said with a soft smile, shooing you and Lydia off to bed. "Sleep well!"

"Alright, alright." You giggled, then pulled the three of them into a big hug. You turned your head to the lonely Beetlejuice and motioned him over. He smiled as his arms stretched from where he was standing to wrap around the four of you, then pulling you all back over to him.

"I love you guys." You smiled before breaking the embrace letting out a small yawn. "I'm heading to bed."

Everyone said their good nights and you headed up the stairs, back to the guests room. You closed the door behind you, yawning again as you slid under the covers, laying on your side and hugging the pillow next to you.


The next thing you knew, your body had jolted awake and you were drenched in sweat. Your hands were shaking and your heart was racing.

The last thing you remembered was your father.

You quickly shook the thought, tears quickly beginning to form in the corners of your eyes. You hugged your pillow as small sobs escaped you, hiccuping when you need to breathe.



"Beetle" hic "juice."

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