~| Chapter 4 |~

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You headed downstairs with Lydia, glancing behind you and shooting a glare to the green haired demon. You turned back forwards, stepping down onto the hardwood floor and seeing everyone sitting around the table.

"Come have a seat you two!" Delia called as she pulled two chairs out at the table. "Hurry, now!"

The two of you made your way over to the table and sat down. Delia then went back to the front of the table and put her hands together with a smile.

"Business friends, I have only known this amazing, amazing man and his unique daughter for a few months. I don't even know how many, I'd have to check my pay stubs. But as my guru Otho always says-DAY-O!"

You and Lydia glanced at each other with a grin.

"What's going on Delia? Are you alright?" You asked, quirking a brow as you grinned.

"Um, uh." She laughed nervously, looking at the two guests. "I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what just happened. I meant to say- me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day, me say day-o!"

"Delia, do you need to lay down?" Charles asked, seemingly concerned.

"No no! I just need to- day light come and me wanna go home!" Delia gasped, her eyes widening. "What is happening to me?!"

"Maxie!" Charles called, turning to the man as everyone at the table laughed.


"On behalf of Delia and myself, I'd like to say- work all night on the drink of rum!"

You and Lydia watched as everyone around the table began to dance in unison. The song that they were playing seemed to be an older one because you weren't familiar with it.

You and Lydia smiled and laughed as they danced, and told Barbara to get the pig on the table.

"Who wants bacon?"

"No! No I'm a vegan!"

You only laughed harder at them, as the smile on your face grew more and more.


As the song ended, everyone seemed to come back to be themselves. Yet Barbara and Adam kept them dancing.

"Maxie!" Charles called, clearly distressed. "Please forgive me! If I would've known-"

"Chuck you moron, don't apologize! We're gonna be rich!"

You and Lydia's eyes widened.


"I was never going to invest in your stupid gated community, but a genuine haunted house? It's a gold mine!" He told with a wide grin.

"Do you hear that, Delia? We're gonna be rich!" Charles shouted, pure joy showing on his face.

"That's great, sweetheart!" She called back, smiling as well.

"No!" Lydia shouted.

"We're sorry, guys. It didn't work!" Barbara apologized, clearly feeling bad for Lydia.

"I can't keep living like this!" Lydia shouted, throwing her hands on her head.

You thought for a moment.

Should you?


Barbara turned to you and gave you a cold glare. "Don't say it! You don't know what he's capable of!"

Beetlejuice then appeared next to you with a wide grin on his face. "Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I'm so glad you changed your mind, you're never going to regret this!" He grinned as he rubbed his hands together manically.


"We are going to make such a great team! Just give me one more!" He held a single finger up with a huge grin.


"It's Showtime!"

Absolute chaos emerged in the house. Everything was flying everywhere, screaming everywhere, and thunder and lightning could be heard with a bunch of circus music.

"It's our house now, kid!"

"Woah." You heard a quiet voice say.

"Looks like we're not invisible anymore!"

Everyone then ran out of the house screaming, while you, Lydia, Adam and Barbara stood there. Once the lights came back one and everything seemed to have been back to normal, you blurted out laughing.

"That was amazing!" You giggled, beginning to cry from the laughter. You coughed a bit before wiping your tears, then looking back to Lydia. "They're gone now!"

"Yes! Delia's gone and dad is, too!" Lydia smiled, turning to you with true happiness on her face. "The house is ours now!"

Adam and Barbara were celebrating in the background, clearly very happy.

You turned to Beetlejuice, seeing his slightly anxious expression. You headed over to him, giving a genuine smile.

"It's all thanks to you." You giggled softly, offering a hand to him. "Come celebrate with us. I'll make a pie, too!"

Lydia gasped when she heard you were going to make something.

He hesitantly took your hand, looking at you. A small green hue grew on his cheeks as his hair turned a light pink at the tips. "So... you aren't mad?" He asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"Not at all! That was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!" You smiled, tightening your grip on his hand. "Also, what was that giant snake thing? It looked amazing!"

"Oh, that's the Sandworm." He replied, then snapped as a large hole appeared next to the two of you.

A loud roar could be heard as a black and white striped creature slithered out of the hole. It was like a creature that was being devoured but another, yet still alive. The one that seemed to be eating it had beady red eyes and a black fin on its back. The creature on the inside had green skin and red spots on its upper lip. It also had very sharp teeth.

"You might want to be careful, babes. It could-" Beetlejuice said as he turned around, then saw you hugging the creature and it was trying it's best to return the gesture.

"Aw, you're just a little baby, aren't you?" You asked playfully, gently rubbing its head as a soft roar could be heard. "You're just like a big puppy. People don't understand what you do and why, huh?"

The creature nodded, its tail beginning to come out of the hole as well. Once it was fully out, the hole closed and it wrapped its tail around you, trying to give you a hug.

"Aw!" You smiled, wrapping your arms around its mouth. "You're such a sweetheart."

It opened its mouth and stuck its tongue out, then gave you a huge lick. You were covered in spit from head to toe.

"Aw..." you grinned awkwardly, wiping your eyes and your mouth. You shook the spit off your hands and glanced to the creature. "I'm going to go take a shower. I'll see you again sometime."

And with that, Beetlejuice snapped and the snake vanished. Everyone couldn't help but chuckle and giggled at you, having saliva all over you.

You sighed as you headed upstairs to the guests bathroom, closing the b door behind you.

What a day.

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