~| Chapter 10 |~

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Once the three of you finally made it back home, you hung your bag on the hook near the door and went to sit on the couch with Lydia. You laid your head back with a yawn.

"Mind if I crash here tonight?"

"Not at all."


As you were laying down in bed trying to sleep, your mind wouldn't shut off. Thoughts of him raced through your mind.

How he comforted you last night. How he danced with you this morning. How it was adorable when his hair turned pink. When he kissed your forehead.

God, he made you feel like you were normal.

You rolled onto your stomach and groaned into your pillow. You knew exactly what you were feeling and wish you weren't.

He's dead.

That's a good enough reason to not like him.

But not enough.

"Ugh..." You groaned, pulling a stuffed animal from under your pillow and hugging it tight. "Why did I have to catch feelings.."

"Feelings for who, babes?"

You turned to the voice, seeing Beetlejuice, then realizing you were hugging your stuffed animal. You quickly shoved it under the pillow again. Your face turned bright red as you turned away from him, covering your face.

"You feeling okay?" He asked as he floated over to you. He sat on the edge of the bed next to you and took a glimpse of your stuffed animal. "What's this?"

You tried to snag the stuffed animal from him but he got it before you could. It was a little cow stuffie and it had black and white spots all over it. It had small horns and a little bell around his neck.

"Is this yours?" He asked, beginning to play around with it.

"N-No!" You huffed as you crossed your arms, watching as he played with it. It wasn't long until you held your arms out for it. "G-Give it back."

"So it is yours." He chuckled as he continued to play with it, ignoring the fact that you were reaching for your plushie.


"Alright, alright, sorry babes." He set the stuffed animal back in your lap.

You took the hooves of the stuffed animal in your hands. It wasn't long before the stuffie began to stand on its own.

"What's wrong, y/n?" The stuffed animal asked in the most adorable voice.

You turned to Beetlejuice and he was facing away from you. You turned back to the stuffed animal as your cheeks reddened.

"I-I..." you choked out, then took a breath before continuing to speak. "I caught feelings for someone. They're very sweet and cool, and most definitely funny."

You saw Beetlejuice sigh out of the corner of your eye.

"He's the sweetest person I know and he's always been there when I've needed him. He has pale skin and brown eyes, and he also has green hair." You said as your face began to turn a bright red.

"What's his name?" The little stuffie asked.

You thought for a moment before giggling.


You saw Beetlejuice let out a hard sigh before the stuffed animal fell limp in your arms. You let out a small sigh before leaning onto Beetlejuice's shoulder and closing your eyes.

"I was joking. It's you."

His eyes widened as he turned to you, his hair beginning to change to a bright pink. He went to speak but nothing came out of his mouth.

"I'm not joking, if that's what you were going to ask." You said with a small smile, the blush still lingering on your face.

"Even after all of the inappropriate jokes?" He asked, a green hue spread over his face.

"Yes, even after those." You rolled your eyes with a small giggle.

"But I'm dead and-"

"Beej, trust me." You put a hand over his mouth to stop him from asking questions. "Okay?"

He nodded as you removed your hand from overtop his mouth. He then wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap, with you putting your arms around his neck. The two of you rested your foreheads together, both smiling softly at each other.

Soon enough, he moved in for a kiss as you did the same.

His lips were cold, yet warm at the same time. They were also very soft, which you really weren't expecting. The stubble from his beard was tickling you, but not enough to make you laugh. The kiss made you feel warm inside, kind of like mush. You closed your eyes and savored every moment of this feeling. Every moment of this kiss.

Pulling away, you gasped for air, forgetting you needed it. You opened your eyes and smiled at Beetlejuice, then leaned on his shoulder. You held him close, smiling to yourself as he did the same. He had his arms wrapped around you as he gently rubbed your back.

"I love you." You heard him say softly into your ear in his gruff voice. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, humbug." You giggled, nuzzling his neck as a small chuckle came from him.

"Humbug?" He asked with a small chuckle. "What in the world is that?"

"A pep name!" You bubbled as you sat up, looking him in the eyes. You set your hands on his cheeks and squished his face. "Like you call everyone babe. I'm calling you humbug."

The pink in his hair turned darker as he chuckled awkwardly, clearly taken aback by the situation.

"Now c'mon. I still have school tomorrow." You moved off of his lap and walked to the other side of the bed. Getting in, you laid back and watched as BJ just rested his head in your lap.

You let out a giggle as you gently ran your fingers through his pink hair. It was really soft. Seemed like he was taking care of it.

"Goodnight, humbug."

"Night, babes. Love you."

"Love you too."

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