2- Meeting

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Today wasn't any different than other days. Jimin was checking their company's summer collection, when suddenly an employee came and said to Jimin, "Sir, Mr. Kim is calling you."

Now what this alien wants? Jimin thought but made his way towards Taehyung's office nonethelessly.

He went inside of course after getting permission and asked "Yes mr.kim?" "Be ready at 3," Taehyung said while typing on his laptop. "Wha- but why?" Jimin asked, not able to understand anything. "We're going to the restaurant on beach," Taehyung said.

Oh my god, is he taking me on a date?

"Don't be so happy Mr. park we're going there because I have a meeting with Mr. Cassano so ready the papers quickly," Taehyung said coldly.

I forgot that he's an anti- romantic person.

"But sir why didn't you tell me before- I mean I would have ready the papers before," Jimin said, hiding his anger. "You're my secretary Mr. park. Whenever I give you any work, your duty is to complete that, not to question me what or why, understood?" Taehyung said, finally lifting his gaze from the laptop and landing his gaze on Jimin for a brief minute.

"Yes sir!" Jimin huffed and walked out of the office. He went to his cabin and started to ready the papers while cursing Taehyung. "You're my secretary Mr. park blah blah blah... Yes I am his secretary but not a servant. Oh I wish I could resign but sadly I can't," he pouted and continued his work.

Time skip:

They reached the restaurant and waited for Mr. Cassano but 10 minutes passed, he didn't show up. Taehyung grew impatient and asked mostly to himself, "are they even coming or not?" Jimin didn't dare to speak anything because of Taehyung's anger.

After 15 minutes, taehyung dialed their secretary's number and he answered. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT COMING?" Jimin heard him saying on the phone. "I DON'T CARE. TELL YOUR BOSS I CANCELLED OUR CONTRACT," Taehyung said angrily and cut the call.

He paced back and forth in annoyance. Jimin finally asked after gaining some courage, "what happened?"

"You're asking me what happened? They said that they aren't coming, happy?" Taehyung said, sarcastically.

"Yes but why are you leashing out on me?" Jimin frowned. "I heard that they aren't coming but I'm asking why?"

"They said that they are stuck in traffic. Stupids, wasted my precious time. Don't know how to run business, Idiots!" Taehyung rambled in anger.

"Ok, but why are you being so angry? they didn't do it on purpose. Did they?" Jimin said causing Taehyung to irritate more. "Are you mad jimin? They fucking wasted my precious time," he yelled.

"Okay... but if I would be in your place I wouldn't be so angry and instead, enjoy this beautiful place," Jimin said while scanning his surroundings.

"So you're saying I should play here like a kid?" Taehyung sarcastically said. "So what's bad in that? Sometimes you should let your inner child take over you and then see how carefree you'll become," Jimin said smiling.

Taehyung thought for a minute and then asked, "Ok, so what should I do then?" "How about first we eat something delicious?" Jimin suggested. Taehyung chuckled and called the waiter for their order.

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