19- Remember

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Taehyung woke up but still kept his eyes closed. He yawned and felt something on his chest. He opened his eyes and got shocked.

There was Jimin sleeping peacefully on his chest while looking so cute. Taehyung stared at him lovingly but he couldn't remember that how did they end up like this. He tried to recall the memories of last night.

He only remembered going to the party and drinking. He didn't remember what happened after that. He just hoped that he didn't do anything stupid.

Jimin stirred in his sleep and moved a bit. He opened his eyes slowly and then looked around. "Ahhhh" he screamed loudly after looking at taehyung.

"What are you doing in my room?" he asked. "This is my room" taehyung answered. "Then what am I doing in your room?" Jimin asked, more to himself.

"You should know cuz I was drunk and doesn't remember anything"

"Oh yeah, I remembered. I'm sorry I-i slept on your chest" Jimin said shyly. "It's okay, did you bring me home?" taehyung asked.

"Of course, if I wouldn't then who would?"

"Can you tell me what exactly happened last night?" taehyung asked.

"It's better if you won't know"

"Why? did I do something stupid?"

"Nope, but you won't believe if I tell you so it's better if you don't ask" jimin said and got up from the bed.

Taehyung looked at Jimin's clothes then back at Jimin and asked "it is my hoodie. Isn't it?"

Jimin realized and he immediately jumped on the bed and covered his legs in the blanket "yes" he answered.

"But why are you wearing it?"

"Cuz you told me"


"Yes, I was about to go to my home last night but you asked me to stay and I said that I don't have clothes so you gave me this hoodie to wear" jimin explained.

"Y-yeah, but why are you not wearing any shorts or pants?" taehyung asked.

"Oh... cuz you said you don't have my size of bottom so I should sleep like this"


"Don't worry, I'm going to change" jimin said.

"No no it's okay, you can wear it. You're looking sexy- no l-i mean you're looking hot in it- ughh fuck.... I mean pretty, you're looking pretty in it" taehyung blabbered.

"I-i think I should just change" Jimin said and grabbed his previous night clothes from the sofa and ran to the bathroom. Taehyung slapped himself for not controlling his mouth.

Jimin went out from the bathroom after changing and gave taehyung his hoodie. Taehyung who was sitting on the bed, stood up from it and asked Jimin "will you still not tell me what happened last night?"

"If you're really this eager to know then try remembering yourself. Till now you have been playing with my mind but now it's my turn, from now on I'll play with your mind" Jimin said, a small smirk was displaying on his angelic face.

"For now I'm leaving Mr.kim, see you tomorrow at work. Have a nice day sir" Jimin said and left while smiling.

"After ruining my day, he's wishing me nice day. What a cute sexy brat!" taehyung muttered.

Next day:

Jimin was talking with junior employees telling them about the work. Just then an employee came and told Jimin after bowing "Sir, Mr.kim is calling you in his office"

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