05: Evil Spirits Are Targeted

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When the girl was carried into the car by the medical staff, You Xiaoye shook Xiaoyuan's hand, which was completely numb after holding the umbrella for too long, and floated back to the commercial street.

But because it had rained and it was late at night, there were no people on the commercial street.

After realizing that I was too serious about holding the umbrella, I forgot to eat, and it was another day of starvation. The little evil spirit rubbed his deflated belly and sighed a little white gas.

But it was better than a few days ago, at least now he has the small umbrella given by Da Xie Chong, so he doesn't have to get wet from the cold rain anymore.

You Xiaoye has gotten used to the bleak life of being busy but getting nothing, so she quickly comforted herself and prepared to go home to pick up flowers for the big evil spirit and deliver them to her door.

Although there was a torrential rain, because You Xiaoye had the foresight to cover the flowers under the bucket, the flowers were still beautiful and beautiful, and were not damaged by the torrential rain.

He picked up the vase with one round hand, opened the umbrella with the other, and floated cautiously in the direction of the great evil spirit's house.

On the way, passing by the open space where the celestial masters squatted yesterday, You Xiaoye found that there was a foldable canopy on the open space. On the table under the canopy were four celestial masters with ball heads lying neatly on their stomachs.

You Xiaoye relied on his little black umbrella to prevent the celestial masters from discovering him, so he floated closer to see if these celestial masters were yesterday's celestial masters.

After looking through several celestial masters, but she couldn't find Shen Qing, the female celestial master from yesterday, You Xiaoye still felt a little regretful.

Because Shen Qing looks a bit like Lu Qianrou, when You Xiaoye sees Shen Qing, she feels like meeting a favorite female star as a meal replacement.

You Xiaoye planned to listen to the conversations of these celestial masters nearby to collect information, but stood there for a long time, and didn't wait for a few people to say a word, so he had to give up and swaggered to Da Xie Chong's house and knocked on the door.

Today, You Xiaoye only knocked on the door once, and the door opened in response, making the same noisy and heavy creaking sound as in the past.

He had already been frightened by this door once yesterday, and today he was mentally prepared, so he wasn't frightened much.

It's just the celestial masters in the canopy not far away.

There were several craps one after another in the open space, and then, the celestial masters who were lying on the table raised their heads one by one.

"It's really good to sleep listening to the sound of rain. Why don't you wake me up when I fall asleep."

"Is there a possibility that we also just woke up?"

"So what was that sound just now? Why does it sound like the door opening sound effect in a horror movie to me?"

After he finished complaining casually, he saw his companion Tianshi's face was pale and his lips were trembling: "The door, the door... is open!"

The other three celestial masters were terrified when they heard the words, and quickly raised their heads to look at the haunted building across the street.

I saw the door of the ghost building surrounded by countless withered ivy entangled like ghost hands opened at some point, revealing a terrifying blue light inside.

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