85: Qingquan Mountain past events

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Thinking about it a little bit, You Xiaoye felt so ashamed that he was about to melt, melting in a physical sense, in order to prevent himself from really melting away and scaring his mother, he quickly paid the money and swiped to close a certain treasure , Pick up the dish and slowly put it under the tap to rinse.

Just washing and washing, it is still easy to think of the big evil.

When I was washing the vegetables, what was the big evil doing?

Would he be bored by himself?

One of the characteristics of many young couples falling in love is that they can't wait to tie their other half to their belts, report to each other what they have done today in detail every day, let each other know their own dynamics at all times, and at the same time obtain each other's dynamics .

The little evil spirit naturally also has this problem.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that the tomato in his hand had been washed over and over several times, and even the skin was already limp, and the tomato was ravaged miserably.

Lu Qianrou noticed this poor tomato, and saw that her son was absent-minded, she smiled and shook her head, lamenting that young people nowadays really don't care about anything when it comes to dating.

It can only be said that Ning Chong is also reassuring, if it is replaced by other unreliable ones, Lu Qianrou is not worried that Xingxing will devote himself to a relationship so wholeheartedly.

She smiled helplessly: "Missing him so soon? It's alright, alright, I don't need your help here, go find your husband."

You Xiaoye was exposed to Xiaosi, her face was flushed, her lips were pursed, she was reluctant to reject her mother's proposal, but she was too embarrassed to leave now, leaving her mother to wash the vegetables alone, she thought for a while: "I... I will ask him to come over help!"

Saying that, the little evil spirit quickly ran back to the front yard, looking for the big evil spirit.

Ning Chong sat alone under the ginkgo tree full of dead branches, with his head propped on one hand, his silky long hair hanging down his face, making him look lonely and handsome.

You Xiaoye hated his appearance the most, bravely trotted up, saw no one was around, and planted a kiss on his cheek like a dragonfly.

Then he really saw that handsome face that looked like a banished fairy, who did not eat the fireworks of the world, was stained crimson because of his little actions.

You Xiaoye never tires of such changes.

Soon, the evil You Xiaoye was grabbed by Xie Xun's wrists and grabbed into his arms, wrapping around his slender waist, he ate the tofu viciously.

After eating the tofu, You Xiaoye was made limp all over and had no strength left. He collapsed into Xie Chong's arms, and Xie Chong calmly got up, as if nothing had happened, with a cold voice: "Aren't you going to help choose vegetables? ? Let's go."

He was so dignified, as if he wasn't the one who bullied You Xiaoye just now.

The little evil spirit was so angry that he gritted his canine teeth, wishing he could rush up and bite someone.

Great evil, it's too abominable!

Just know how to bully him, this weak, pitiful and helpless little evil spirit!

However, the weak, pitiful and helpless little evil spirit finally made it back. When he arrived at the backyard with Xie Chong, the little evil spirit directed Xie Chong to wash and cut vegetables, and he just stood aside and watched, acting like a leader.

After the Little Evil Spirit was Raised by the Evil SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now