18: He is moving away

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Seeing that Da Xiechong still despises himself for being noisy, it should not be a big problem, You Xiaoye blinked her eyes that were crying sourly, and her tone of voice was full of joy: "Great, it's good that you are fine!"

There were still crystal teardrops in the corners of his eyes, but his peasy eyes were curled up with a smile, like a crescent moon, and the sides of his small black mouth were upturned, as if even nine cows could not pull it down.

Faced with such a bright smile that came from him, Ning Chong, who hadn't been treated like this for a long time, froze, and tilted his head slightly unnaturally, avoiding those bright eyes with smiles, "...um."

"If there is anything I can do to help, just call me, sir, and I will definitely help!" You Xiaoye patted his soft chest with his hands, and his spirit body was slightly rippling because of his movements.

Ning Chong looked at his undulating white spirit body, and couldn't help twirling his fingertips lightly, curious about the little evil spirit's touch.

In fact, You Xiaoye's words sounded like those of braggarts or big talkers, but because the little evil spirit's expression was too sincere, it sounded particularly convincing.

Ning Chong nodded: "Okay."

Although he didn't think that this little evil spirit could help him, he just agreed, without paying any price, and it would make the little evil spirit feel more at ease, so it was nothing if he agreed.

"Then, let me help you clean up the room." You Xiaoye looked at the mess in the room, and immediately wanted to clean it up, ready to do it unequivocally.

Ning Chong raised his pale palm: "No need."

Immediately, he put his two fingers together and snapped them crisply.

The overturned furniture began to move and returned to their original positions. The broken vases recovered and jumped back to the desk. The scattered yellow papers became a neat stack again, and they consciously lay down in the drawer.

Within a few minutes, the room returned to its original appearance.

The interior decoration is rustic, with black walnut tables, chairs and window cabinets echoing the faded blue curtains, complementing each other perfectly.

You Xiaoye's Xiaoyuan hand stayed in mid-air: "..."

The Great Evil really has a special way of cleaning.

The little evil spirit waited for a full minute, not even bothering to swing the hem of his skirt, and was about to turn around to say goodbye, but remembered something, turned around and floated back into the room.

"Sir, you quarreled with Xiaoxue today because you were afraid that he would go astray. In fact, you don't have to worry so much. Although Xiaoxue is a little naughty, he is still a cat on the whole, with a kind nature. Today he is brave enough to save people." The little evil spirit floated in front of the room and said firmly.

Ning Chong paused slightly, raised his eyes to look at the little evil spirit, and could not hear any emotion in his tone: "Who said I was worried about him?"

You Xiaoye raised his little head and said in a daze, "Isn't it?"

Stared at by the big evil spirit's sharp eyes, You Xiaoye quickly lost her courage, and turned around silkily: "If it's not sir, then just pretend I didn't say anything, sir, see me and leave!"

The little evil spirit finished a long series of words in one breath, and was about to go back downstairs through the door, but found that he could not move now, as if he was imprisoned by some invisible thing.

After the Little Evil Spirit was Raised by the Evil SpiritWhere stories live. Discover now