24: Are You Afraid Of Me

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Walking slowly to the front of the corridor, looking up is the dark corridor even in the daytime, the walls on both sides of the corridor are peeled off and mottled, and some places are stained with yellow-green traces, just looking at it makes people avoid it.

The old-fashioned tiles on the stairs had a lot of cracks, and there was no one to clean the thick dust.

Shen Qing's heart clenched again, did her younger brother grow up in such an environment?

Shen Qing tried her best to make herself look peaceful, controlled her emotions, and didn't want to express dissatisfaction with Shen Xing's adoptive parents, but she still had resentment in her heart.

They obviously did not meet the adoption standards in all aspects, but they concealed their real conditions and adopted Shen Xing, and then let him drop out of junior high school to support his younger brother...and then died under the rolling wheel because of exhaustion.

If it wasn't for them, would Shen Xing be adopted by other eligible families? He is so cute and cute, and he will definitely be favored by other families. He doesn't have to drop out of school early to enter the society. Maybe he is now enjoying his college life in a picturesque university, and then reunited with her family.

She knew she shouldn't think so, but she still couldn't help thinking about another possibility.

Arriving at the anti-theft door of Room 201, Song Wei'an took the initiative to ring the doorbell.

After a while, there was a sound of slippers stepping on the ground, and then the security door was opened, revealing the pale and fat face of Li Cuiyu, You Xiaoye's adoptive mother, who looked like a floating corpse soaked in the water for a long time.

Li Cuiyu has single eyelids and small eyes. She passed her eyes over the two people wearing Taoist robes outside the door, and immediately said angrily: "Our family doesn't believe this, so we want to ask you to go to another house for alms."

She cursed and was about to close the anti-theft door, but Shen Qing stretched out a foot and stuck it on the door to block it.

Li Cuiyu couldn't believe how strong the little girl in front of her was, so she didn't stop trying to push the door, but she couldn't shake the thin girl's foot, which she didn't have much strength in, no matter how she pushed the door.

Li Cuiyu doesn't believe in the things that gods are talking about, but at this moment, she can't help but feel a little hairy.

Looking at the two people standing in the dark corridor, Li Cuiyu pretended to be calm with a trembling voice: "...you, what do you two want to do?"

Shen Qing spoke with a slightly nasal voice after crying, and cut to the point: "You are Ms. Li Cuiyu, right? You Xiaoye is my younger brother, Shen Xing."

Hearing this, Li Cuiyu took a closer look at Shen Qing's eyebrows and eyes, and was shocked to realize that the other party really looked somewhat similar to You Xiaoye. Thinking of You Xiaoye's death, Li Cuiyu felt a little guilty now, fearing that someone knew about her family's affairs and asked for money by making trouble at the door.

"You say you are Xiaoye's older sister, what evidence do you have?" Li Cuiyu looked at the face in the dark that looked more and more like You Xiaoye's, her scalp was numb but she managed to stay calm.

Shen Qing handed Li Cuiyu the photo of himself and Shen Xing when he was a child, and the single photo of Shen Xing, but he didn't let her take it, and showed her by himself: "Look carefully, there is a cinnabar mole on my brother's left earlobe. He was three years old when he got lost."

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