87: The Ghost Faced Man Killed

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You dare to think about what you have seen. "The hole in the mouth of the colorful Nuo opera mask opened and closed, making a forceful and strange sound.

Jiang Hong and the Nuo opera mask fiercely competed for the control of the body, but finally lost the wind, raised his hands uncontrollably, and began to cast spells and seals on the ground where the crowd was densest.

Jiang Hong gritted his teeth, and squeezed out words from between his teeth to remind: "Quick, don't let him get hurt,

Jiang Hong and the Nuo opera mask used the same body all year round. After getting along with each other for many years, he also knew something about the Nuo opera mask.

A few years ago, when Shen Xing was still a child, the Nuo Opera Mask attacked Shen Xing because he was afraid of Shen Xing, but that time, when the Nuo Opera Mask was about to attack Shen Xing, he was attacked by rolling thunder. Tian Lei chased him and hacked non-stop.

Helpless, the Nuo opera mask had no choice but to give up Shen Xing's soul and soul, and instead used the method of erasing Shen Xing's memory to make him leave the Tianshimen and the practice world, so that he could no longer practice.

He thought that as long as he did this, he could eliminate Shen Xing's threat to him.


The ghost-faced man's momentum has been completed, a sharp aura broke through the layers of dark clouds, and went straight towards You Xiaoye among the crowd.

Shen Qing, Shen Zhu'an and the Lu family's couple quickly stood in front of You Xiaoye, looking wary.

This sharp black air carried a mighty aura. Obviously, the ghost-masked man used a lot of spiritual power to condense. Even if they tried their best, they might not be able to stop it.

But, Xing Xing is a child of their family, how could they let Xing Xing be bullied by outsiders in front of them!

When he was anxious, Ning Chong didn't care about other things. With a flick of his wrist, a sharp long sword emerged from his hand. The long sword was delicate but with killing intent. The word "Wan Yue" was engraved on the sword. Ran the handle that the old man gave to Ning Chong.

Without hesitation, Ning Chong slashed down with his long sword. The huge silver sword followed the black air like a dragon with its mouth open, and rushed forward, trying to swallow the black air.

Just as all the practitioners were watching this astonishing and miraculous scene, another figure flew out from the Heavenly Master's Gate.

This person has silver hair and handsome appearance, wearing a fashionable famous brand, and there are some jingling silver chains hanging on his trousers. He is not afraid of the black and sword energy, and he directly blocks in front of You Xiaoye.


"Grandpa!" Shen Zhu'an and Shen Qing shouted almost at the same time.

The rest of the older practitioners have also recognized the master ancestor of the Tianshimen, and cast jealous eyes on him.

Obviously everyone is almost a hundred years old, why is he still so fashionable and handsome, it's disgusting!

And other people who have never met Zu Zhenrong, the teacher of Tianshimen, were also stunned.

Subconsciously looking at the old master and ancestor beside him, he silently sighed that the master and ancestor of Tianshimen really has a good face.

At the same time, the sword qi is like a dragon, catches up with the black qi and holds it in his mouth, the black qi and the sword qi cancel each other out, and in the end the sword qi is slightly stronger, completely dispelling the black qi before it touches You Xiaoye.

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