92: Three Evil Spirits and Evil Spirits Extra

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After returning from Qingquan Mountain, You Xiaoye showed great interest in swordsmanship. As a modern little evil spirit, You Xiaoye had never seen such elegant sword moves.

Ning Chong has let go of what happened in the past and is no longer stuck in the past. Seeing You Xiaoye's interest in this, he is willing to teach him.

Learning swordsmanship is bound to require physical contact, correcting posture by supporting the wrist, or guiding the angle of the sword from behind the person holding the person. For such a good thing of being able to eat tofu, Xie Chong is naturally happy to see it.

You Xiaoye didn't know what Xie Chong was thinking, and after learning one or two tricks with great interest, he was turned red all over by Xie Chong's intimacy. It was too close, too intimate... It was easy for You Xiaoye to think of the scene of God's friendship. What happened every day, so the whole soul began to become numb.

So on the second day, the little evil spirit came up with a strange trick. He transformed into a living creature in front of the evil spirit, and practiced swordsmanship in the form of an evil spirit. Tofu, but the teaching is still very serious.

And... the little soft evil spirit is so cute waving Xiaoyuan's hand and performing sword moves one after another, it's hard to say anything to refuse.

Thinking how inconvenient it would be to practice with a wooden stick, Ning Chong personally tried to forge a small dagger suitable for the Youxiao Yeling form with the Samadhi fire. The dagger is about half the length of a pencil and comes with a small scabbard.

You Xiaoye likes this lovely gift very much, and wipes his precious sword every day before going to bed.

After a few days, You Xiaoye has already mastered several sword moves, and they look decent when they are used together. You Xiaoye practiced the sword moves in front of the big evil spirit, but he didn't see it from the opponent's handsome face. If there is any dissatisfaction, I am very happy in my heart.

At this moment, the mobile phone in the stomach vibrated, shaking You Xiaoye's jelly-like spirit body into ripples.

He took out his mobile phone from his belly to check, and saw several messages of logistics receipts.

Wait... He remembered that he didn't seem to buy anything recently.

You Xiaoye thought so, subconsciously opened the shopping software to check, and when he saw the shopping page, he belatedly remembered what he had bought online a few days ago.

It turned out to be those tiger and wolf supplies.

A faint red color appeared on the face of the little evil spirit, and when he looked at the big evil spirit who was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed and his chest watching him practice his sword, his face turned red a little more.

Although he has already fused with the great evil spirit, and has done that... but the soul merging is different from the real body merging, and it makes Ling feel even more ashamed.

"First, sir, my courier has arrived, I'll go pick it up." You Xiaoye retracted the sword into the scabbard, and the hem of the skirt was about to float towards the courier box.

Just a few centimeters away, Ning Chong said: "I'll go, you continue."

You Xiaoye's undulating skirt paused, and his whole spirit froze in place.

Let, let the big evil spirit take it, won't it be discovered?

But buying those things was originally intended to be used with the big evil spirit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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