14: Evil helper

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Under the bright and scorching sun, You Xiaoye leaned forward like a small cannonball while supporting the little black umbrella, and the little black cat followed him bouncing around.

Not long after, Ling and Meow came to the door of Da Xie Chong's house.

Even in autumn when the sun is warm, the vicinity of the ghost building is still a lonely and desolate scene, and the sky above the ghost building looks gloomy and depressing.

You Xiaoye slammed on the brakes in the air, and knocked on the door without any hesitation.

A moment later, the heavy door opened for the first time in the daytime, and the golden sunlight poured down from the crack of the door, falling on the ground that had not been illuminated by the sun for an unknown period of time.

The simple and old decorations in the hall are covered with a layer of golden mist under the sunlight, making them look extraordinarily elegant and beautiful.

In the past, I used to look at the hall under the blue flames, thinking it was eerie, but now I look at it under normal light and shadow, and it feels a little differently warm.

You Xiaoye floated in mid-air, opened his mouth in surprise, and looked at everything in the hall again.

It provoked Ning Xiaoxue to urge: "Why are you standing there, come in quickly."

"Here we come." You Xiaoye responded, and floated into the hall holding a small black umbrella.

At the same time, the door behind him closed tightly, blocking all the bright sunlight outside the door, leaving only darkness.

The familiar blue flame ignited in the darkness, illuminating the hall again, and at the same time restoring the hall to the appearance in You Xiaoye's impression.

Ning Chong didn't sit upright as usual today, but leaned sideways on the sofa. His flawless and handsome side face looked extremely pale against the faint blue firelight, like the bleakest handful of snow on the top of a snow mountain, and his beautiful lips were so pale that they were almost transparent.

He is like a beautiful oil painting that is being eroded by time, slowly fading, gradually becoming pale, until finally completely disappearing on the painting scroll.

Just thinking of the possibility of the great evil being dying, You Xiaoye felt that her heart was tightly clenched by invisible big hands, twisting and kneading, and her peasy eyes couldn't help being covered with a thin layer of mist.

Ning Chong, who was lying sideways on the sofa, waited for a long time, but the little evil spirit who always talked a lot did not speak. He turned his head, half-cast his eyes carelessly, and said in a casual tone, "I came early today, what's the matter?"

Ning Chong's appearance was already very handsome, coupled with the weakness and laziness in his demeanor at the moment, it was particularly mesmerizing, causing the little evil spirit with slight face control to look stupid for a moment, and stood there stunned.

"I, I'm here to accompany you."

You Xiaoye became nervous and directly spoke out what was in his heart.

Then... more nervous.

Will the big evil spirit need his company? Maybe Da Xie Chong likes to be alone, and his presence will only make Da Xie Chong feel uncomfortable?

You Xiaoye's face was flushed red, the whole spirit seemed to be put into a sauna room, steaming all over, nervous, shy and worried.

Ning Chong's originally half-drooped eyes slowly opened, revealing those glazed eyes that were as cold as soaking in ice water.

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