09: Canned little evil spirits

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You Xiaoye also ate very full that night, but today he strictly controlled the amount of food he ate to ensure that his belly was still within the coverage of the little black umbrella, and he was determined not to be insulted by plastic bags by the celestial masters.

The little evil spirit floated out of the gate with a small black umbrella, and flew straight towards the celestial masters who were on duty. Because the celestial masters could not see him, You Xiaoye walked around the celestial masters while holding an umbrella to eat and listen to them.

Today's celestial masters are much more reliable than yesterday's batch. At least they didn't doze off, and they were sitting around discussing academic issues, such as how to draw a certain spell to be more powerful.

Muggle You Xiaoye couldn't understand, but she insisted on listening.

After finishing the boring academic topic, the young celestial masters changed the subject and talked about the recent mission.

"Have you seen the two missions recently sent out on the forum? One is to catch the cat demon who invaded the house and harass the little female cat, and the other is to deal with the three evil spirits in the Dongcheng District. It is said that those evil spirits are very fierce. When I went back last time, a colleague was almost eaten by them directly."

"It's so fierce, then I'd better accept the task of catching the cat monster, this kind of cat monster who is still obsessed with cat color, the cultivation base is definitely not too high..."


You Xiaoye keenly extracted key words from the conversation of the Celestial Master, Dongcheng District, the three evil spirits, could it be that they refer to the three evil spirits that invaded his house before?

As for the cat demon who broke into the house and molested the little female cat, the little evil spirit only thought that the old man in the subway was on the phone.

Unknowingly, the time came to twelve o'clock. With the crescent moon hanging high, the heavenly masters yawned and had no intention of continuing to talk. They propped their heads on their hands to prevent themselves from falling asleep.

Seeing that they stopped talking, You Xiaoye turned and floated towards her home.

Washing up by the stream, the little evil spirit who loves cleanliness plunged into the bucket, hugging his beloved floral soft pillow, the little evil spirit soon fell into a peaceful dreamland.

When the little evil spirit was a human being, he rarely had such a comfortable time. He didn't have to worry about food and rent, and no one urged him to ask for money. He liked his life very much.

But during the day, You Xiaoye did not wake up naturally.

The white and soft little evil spirit was sleeping soundly while hugging the pillow, but felt the world spinning, and after a while, his whole spirit fell heavily on the wet and rough ground.

The little evil spirit hissed in pain, and opened his peasy eyes to find that he was lying on the damp withered leaves, and his white spirit body was covered with mud.

And his small pillow and candle were also thrown on the ground, and the umbrella was spread out and scattered not far away.

You Xiaoye's first reaction was to look up at the sky.

It had just rained, and it was gray and foggy.

Fortunately, it was raining, otherwise the little evil spirit would have been melted by the sun.

After heaving a sigh of relief, the little evil spirit drifted away following the soft footsteps not far away, wondering which wicked person poured himself out of the bucket and stole his new home.

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