84: Parents Know

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In the Bureau of Different Administration, Xiang Chunli was sitting at his desk, seeing the news reported by the practitioners, he knew that his actions had been noticed.

For more than a month, Xiang Chunli, following Ning Chong's instructions, publicized the news that the youngest son of the Shen family had returned to Tianshimen, and at the same time secretly cleared a lot of bases.

While clearing the bases, Xiang Chunli also let these bases maintain contact with the headquarters as before, and tried to get the address of the headquarters, but just one day ago, all such contacts were cut off.

Xiang Chunli realizes that the enemy has already discovered that multiple bases have fallen, and probably wants to take the next step.

Sure enough, several teams of field personnel sent out to carry out the task of clearing the bases sent back news one after another, saying that those bases had been evacuated in advance, and there was nothing left.

Outside the window, it was clearly daytime, but the sky was so dark that it seemed to fall down at any moment, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

There is a posture of a storm coming.

Xiang Chunli thought for a moment, then notified the publicity department to remind all practitioners to be vigilant, and if they found something unusual, they must report it immediately.

If he is a ghost-faced man, facing a situation where the power he has carefully cultivated for many years is greatly reduced, he must counterattack at this time.

The ghost-faced man has many forces, once he counterattacks, it will definitely have a huge impact, and what he wants to do is to minimize the casualties as much as possible.

While negotiating the content of the notification with Chunli and the propaganda department, a scarlet handprint slowly appeared on the window.

Immediately afterwards, it turned into a blood-red, fuzzy human form without skin.

The figure knocked on the glass, and a pair of dark eyes stared straight at Xiang Chunli, who had already discovered himself.


As a student of Zhengguang College, You Xiaoye naturally received a warning message from the Propaganda Department of the Bureau of Abnormalities.

Dear practitioners and comrades in the demon world: This is the Propaganda Department of the Alien Administration Bureau, and we send you a message with a heavy heart. Come in, it is not uncommon for monsters and human children to disappear, and behind it is a cruel and terrifying organization with many crimes... Please protect yourselves, practitioners and comrades in the demon world, reduce the frequency of going out, and do what you can by yourself Form a patrol team and report immediately if any abnormalities are found. Thank you for your help!

After reading the news, You Xiaoye couldn't help but look at the main force of the settlement base beside him, "Sir, the settlement of the base...was discovered by the ghost-faced man?"

Ning Chong acted calmly: "Paper can't cover fire, and it will be a matter of time before it is discovered."

The little evil spirit nodded: "Then... will there be a war next?"

The ghost-masked man has many subordinates, not only demon cultivators, but also many human-turned-monster combat powers that cannot escape his control... There may even be some practitioners who want to quickly improve their cultivation and join the ghost-masked man's sect.

You Xiaoye couldn't imagine what it would be like if there was an all-out war.

That must kill a lot of people, right?

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