61: Little Evil Spirit Subcontract

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Ning Chong was planning to go with him, and nodded slightly: "Naturally."

After receiving the big evil's reply, You Xiaoye's thoughts changed, and he thought of the past exam questions he had sent to Xiao Heimiao last night. You Xiaoye had already done the exam questions carefully in front of the phone last night, and checked the answers again. The elementary school and junior high school parts were all correct, and some of the little evil spirits in high school were correct because they had previewed the high school courses. The final total score was about 70 to 80 points. As far as students are concerned, it is already a very good result.

According to Shen Zhu'an's friend, this grade can securely enter the high school of Zhengguang College.

When You Xiaoye sent the exam questions to Ning Xiaoxue last night, because she was in a hurry to do the questions, she didn't explain to Ning Xiaoxue in detail about going to school, so she only promised him two cat notes to let him do this question carefully.

Ning Xiaoxue repeatedly agreed, but she didn't consciously hand over the completed test papers after one night, so You Xiaoye had no choice but to urge him again.

Following this urging, Ning Xiaoxue slowly sent over the contents of the test paper that she had filled out. She didn't know if she didn't read it, but she was shocked when she saw that there were only four test papers in total. Surprisingly, there are three big pages that are blank, and those places where words have been written with the handwriting function of the mobile phone, the fonts are all crooked, as if they just had a serious illness and couldn't stand upright.

Although Ning Xiaoxue's education level has been expected, but when he actually saw this scene, the good student You Xiaoye still felt creepy in his heart.

This... It's fine if you don't write in other places, why are there even multiple-choice questions left blank!

You Xiaoye was frantic for a moment, and belatedly realized that Xiao Heimiao probably didn't know what multiple-choice questions were, so naturally he didn't know how to fill them in.

The little evil spirit forced himself to calm down, and used the phone's writing function to correct Ning Xiaoxue's test paper. Because Ning Xiaoxue didn't write much, this correction only lasted for a few minutes and ended. You Xiaoye calculated the overall score and silently Write a harsh 9 on the first page of the test paper.

Most of these nine points come from filling in the blanks with ancient poems. After removing a few answers with typos, the remaining correct answers.

If the exam this time had a 10-point system, Ning Xiaoxue's grades would be passable.

But this exam... is a 100-point system!

You Xiaoye, who was originally quite calm, was sincerely worried about Ning Xiaoxue's enrollment... Even if Da Xiechong has made great contributions to the Bureau of Different Administration, if the child is so stupid, there is a possibility that he will be rejected from enrolling, right?

With a dignified expression, You Xiaoye held up the mobile phone to show Ning Chong the results on it, and then seriously suggested: "Why don't you talk to Director Xiang first, and let him have a good word in front of the principal?"

Ning Chong glanced sideways at the little evil spirit's cell phone, and wanted to say "no need", but when he spoke, he saw the eye-catching single-digit score, and his stern face became colder, as if he saw something dirty. Averted his gaze, then took out the mobile phone from his sleeve, and silently began to edit the message sent to Chunli.

This score... It is really difficult to get into the school if you don't go through the back door.

You Xiaoye silently sent the test papers she had corrected to Ning Xiaoxue.

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