75: Sleeping All Night

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Ning Chong always feels that the little evil spirit has become less and less afraid of him recently. From the beginning, he would carefully avoid himself when he saw him, as if he saw something extremely terrifying. Later, the little evil spirit gradually disappeared. This kind of fear began to become normal to get along with, but he was still cautious, lest he would make him unhappy.

After that, it was Ning Chong who let the little evil spirit confess willfully. After that, the little evil spirit got more protection, and became a little bolder, like a little hedgehog crossing the road with a red apple on his back. No matter how afraid of Ning Chong who was watching by the side of the road, he would occasionally pick a few sweet and bright apples and send them to him, asking him to eat with him.

Now, the little evil spirit is "presumptuous" and willful.

Not only did he dare to grab what Xie Chong wanted to say, but he also dared to make fun of him.

It seems that he really listened to what Ning Chong said, which can be willful in front of him.

However, Ning Chong didn't think there was anything wrong with such a change. He also felt that You Xiaoye was too tense and cautious in the past, and always had an uneasy attitude towards things around him, like a timid bird. The little hedgehog, and now the little evil spirit is very good, lively and lively, well-behaved and sensible, but also has his own self-willedness and persistence.

He spread everything out in front of Xie Chong.

It is the most authentic appearance without camouflage and modification.

Ning Chong likes this little evil spirit who has no reservations about himself.

This is the softest, toughest and most lovely soul he has ever touched in a thousand years.

The corners of Ning Chong's lips curled slightly: "Okay, it's time for the end of get out of class, let's take a break."

But the little evil spirit couldn't wait to shake his head: "I'm not tired yet, why don't we try eating black gas now?"

You Xiaoye was very eager to help the big evil spirit deal with the black energy. He was obviously very tired, but he still pretended to be full of energy.

Ning Chong knows that the little evil spirit is trying to be brave, and...now is not the best time.

He had only suffered a severe blood loss a few days ago, and he was considered weak. It stands to reason that this is a good time for the black energy to take advantage of it, but yesterday's black energy was just frightened by the little evil spirit. Have the courage to do something.

Of course, there are other ways to force the black air to appear.

For example, when Ning Chong's body is weak to a certain critical value, the black energy at that time will lose all reason to weigh the pros and cons, and want to rush out of Ning Chong's heart to occupy his body regardless.

But it is still too risky to do that, and Ning Chong does not want to try this method until it is absolutely necessary.

After all, if he is so weak that he loses his strength to fight against the black energy... You Xiaoye has to face that situation alone, so it is the safest way to wait for the black energy to appear on its own initiative.

"Don't worry, it was so intimidated by you yesterday, I'm afraid it won't dare to come out again today." Ning Chong said calmly.

The little evil spirit's cheeks puffed up upon hearing this, and he seemed dissatisfied with Xiesong's answer.

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