Chapter 1

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Authors note: This chapter will suck and be a bit boring but it will get more interesting the more you read it.. hopefully lol (pls read it)

Hello, warning I do suck and this is my first story ever 😭💀 so this will most likely suck. This part is going to be like chapter 1 of demon slayer probably more chapters that will be alike.
Sanemi's POV:
We lived on top of a mountain not too tall it was fall at the time so it wasn't too hot or too cold. I was getting ready to go out and get supplies for Giyuu, Sabito, and me. Apparently Giyuu begged me to let Sabito to stay at our place since his parents abandoned him, he seemed... hopeless, I sighed and said yes. He had a big cute small smile on him. Me and Giyuu were dating and we were happy.

"Hey, you're going out to get supplies?- Giyuu
"Can I come with? I'll find some berries and some vegetables for us to eat!"- Giyuu
"Kind of sounds like a lady job but I'll tag along with Giyuu"- Sabito
"Alright fine, just this once."-Sanemi
Giyuu and Sabito ran off with the basket for the veggies.
"Hey don't forget you better stay in the house when the basket is filled up alright?" Yelled Sanemi
"Got it,"- Sabito.

Few hours passed, surely these two knuckleheads have gone home. It's already night time, I better get home quickly before these demons come out. I was walking up the mountain I lived on, and a man named Saburo Goratshio (I just made up a last name cuz I didn't know what his last name was 😭😭), he convinced me to sleep at his house for a bit since there are demons. I was quite unsure what to do but I gave in and hoped Giyuu and Sabito would be alright.

Next Morning I woke up, it was really cloudy so it will most likely rain. I left the house immediately and went back to my home. I could smell something that smelt like blood, I was at least a 200 foot away from the house. I saw a bit of red, I wasn't quite sure of it until I walked a bit further and saw blood, I ran with tears slowly dripping down my cheeks.

"Giyuu! Sabito! What happened?!" -Sanemi

I shook Giyuu and Sabito but they weren't moving but Giyuu was warm so i hoped for the best and ran with him on my back. I was shaking and was sweating through thick piles of leaves. Ran as fast as I could until I fell down a steep cliff and fell on my back. I woke up a few minutes later gasping for air and noticed Giyuu was out of my sight until I saw him standing lifeless with his head looking onto the ground.

"Giyuu! Stay there I'll come get you! You don't have to walk!" As I yelled worrying about Giyuu.

Giyuu unexpectedly went out of control and had water surrounding him, they were weak floating waters but was also a bit strong and held me down while Giyuu was trying to attack me, then I looked straight into his eyes, it seemed like he was crying, he was fighting for his life trying to not consume me. All of a sudden, he disappeared, and I saw a Demon Slayer holding down Giyuu as he's trying to break free growling at him.

"Why aren't you fighting back? You do realise he is trying to kill you." Said the demon slayer man.
"He is my lover! He hadn't done anything else he isn't trying to eat me!"- Sanemi
"He'll eat others then. He is dangerous, demons and humans will never get along! Even if they knew each other! They're all the same, filthy liars and man-eating demons!"- cried the demon slayer.
"If you really want to save him, how about you try to at least be a man!" As he's slowly moving his blade to Giyuu's neck.

Sanemi's POV:
I immediately grabbed an axe and a rock that somehow was next to me that I didn't even noticed, ran behind a tree and threw the axe up and the rock at him. He dodged the rock and saw that I ran towards him as I pretending to be attacking him with my axe and once I reached him he hit my back with the bottom of his blade grip making me pass out.

Unknown Demon Slayer POV:
When I knocked him out, I didn't see his axe. I wondered what he did with it and heard a rapid spinning noise I looked up and saw the axe coming towards me in such speed. I was amazed by how unique this boy is until the demon boy ran over him, I thought that he'd consume him but instead, he protected him. I was shocked. 'How could this demon not consume him... I thought demons and humans couldn't be together..' I knocked the demon boy out despite how weak he was he was able to pass out. Around 20 minutes later, he woke up.

Sanemi's POV:
When I woke up, I saw Giyuu next to me with something covering his mouth, it was a water designed clothed. I held onto him with a singular tear rolling down my cheek and saw the demon slayer.
"My names Masachika Kumeno, you really are unique, coming up with an idea like that." Said Kumeno.
"Say, would you be a demon slayer? You could really be strong, mostly stronger than me and the other Hashiras."
"Hashiras? Are Hashiras the strongest level of the demon slayer or something.." said Sanemi.
"Right.. I gotta explain things to you, well. I'll take you to my place." -said Kumeno.

End of Chapter 1!
I hope this story becomes really interesting for you guys cause this has been on my mind for many weeks! :P anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. I hope you have a good day/night my childrens.
Words: 1005

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