Chapter 24

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Giyuu's POV:
Ever since we've brought Nezuko inside our home, Tanjirou hasn't woken once yet and we've come over to visit him with his sister a few times a week and it's already been a few months... I'm starting to worry for Tanjirou even though he looks fine. He should wake up anytime soon. Meanwhile on the other side with Nezuko here, Sanemi has become more... scared of Nezuko and wants to kill her... I'm just praying someday they'll get along-
"Fucking demon stay away from me."-Sanemi
"Cmon guys... maybe try to get along..?"-Giyuu
"Never! This- demon ugh. I don't wanna say anything since it refers to you as well... dammit."-Sanemi
"CAWWW! CAWWW! Shinobu says she has some news for you Tomioka! Cawww caww!"-Kanzaburou
"Ohh? What is it?"-Giyuu
"Shinobu wants to show and tell you in person!"-Kanzaburou
"Oh.. okay! No worries we can go. Sanemi take care of Nezuko while I get her box."-Giyuu
"... ugh..."-Sanemi
Then Giyuu went to get Nezuko's box and came back after 10 minutes because he forgot he put it somewhere else and saw Nezuko sleeping on Sanemi's lap and Sanemi looked a bit angry but seemed happy. Giyuu was happy they finally got along and will definitely keep this in his memories. He didn't want to ruin the moment but he picked Nezuko out and placed her inside the box and woke up his hus- UH BOYFRIEND and left to go to Shinobu's butterfly mansion.
"Hiii Mister Tomioka and Mister Shinazugawa!"- Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho.
"Hello girls. Is Shinobu here?"-Giyuu
"Unfortunately she's out on a mission but maybe she'll come back."-Sumi
"Aw okay, can I see Tanjirou then?"-Giyuu
"We can take you to Tanjirou! I'm sure he misses Nezuko.."-Naho
"Yes take me to him."-Giyuu
"Okay! Let's go."-Kiyo
Then the three girls took the couple and Nezuko to Tanjirou but before they entered Tanjirous room, Giyuu took Nezuko out and carried Nezuko. As they entered the room, it was a bit dark due to the curtains and Tanjirou was starting to wake up as he could hear the footsteps.
"You're finally awake. You have no idea how much you scared me when I found out you were in a coma!"-Giyuu
"Sorry.. ehehe.. Aoi told me you and Shinazugawa-san took care of Nezuko... thank you."-Tanjirou
"Well... I do have to take care of her especially when her brother is healing."-Giyuu
"Hehe... is she doing alright?"-Tanjirou
"Yep. She's fine. Just I guess hanging out Sanemi and probably annoying him but for once in my entire life I finally see Nezuko sleeping on Sanemi's lap. It was so cute that it's locked in my memories."-Giyuu
"Wow... I wouldn't think someone who tried killing my sister would get along..."-Tanjirou
"I was sad I'd have to move Nezuko into the box to see you."-Giyuu
"Argh... Nezuko you've cursed me! What have you done! You damn demon!"-Sanemi
"Yeah they'll get along at some point."-Giyuu
Then after a week of Tanjirou healing up in bed, he started to do rehabilitation training and stronger while Giyuu took care of Nezuko and some points Sanemi came over just to be with his boyfriend. And once again he fell asleep and Nezuko saw him and climbed onto his lap to sleep. Giyuu saw this and ran to Tanjirou to show him and as soon as Tanjirou saw them sleeping, he had an awe face and was smiling very happily.

30 minutes later, Tanjirou was finished with his training and asked one of the girls if his sword has came in.
"Hey, has my sword come in yet...?"-Tanjirou
"No... Mr Haganezuka sent these scary messages..."-Sumi
"You don't deserve a sword!"
"You can die!"
"How dare you break my sword!"
"I will not make you a new sword!"
"I will kill you!"
"... yeah... he's so scary.."-Kiyo
"How can I get a new sword!?"-Tanjirou
"Eh? You can go to the swordsmith village to talk with him directly!"-Naho
"That might be a good idea but how can I find it-"-Tanjirou
"The Kakushi will lead you, well, basically different ones because no one is supposed to know where it is except for the swordsmiths because the swordsmith village is so important for Demon Slayers."-Aoi
"Oh... I guess that's right. When can I go?"-Tanjirou
"When you're all healed up."-Aoi
"Ah okay. I should be healed up in a week or so."-Tanjirou
"Well- I guess."-Aoi
"Well I'm gonna go to my room. Have a good night!"-Tanjirou
"Night."-Aoi and the three girls
Then Tanjirou went to his room and slept while doing constant breathing.

Heyo meat lovers- i have nothing rlly to say- but HMmmMmM next chapter might be interesting.

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