Chapter 11

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Authors Note: I felt motivated and kinda wanted to do this chapter, it'll probably be short.

Sanemi's POV:
When I woke up, I brushed my teeth and gotten ready and ate before we left. My crow was already on my window and was spamming the message even though I had told my crow many times that I understood. Giyuu was done we left the butterfly mansion to the Demon Slayer Corps.
20 minutes of walking to the DS(Demon Slayer) Corps, me and Giyuu arrived. We went to where Hashiras usually had their meetings and I saw all of the hashiras just waiting there, they didn't seem to know what was happening until Ubuyashiki came out. Me and Giyuu took a seat and bowed.

"Hello my childrens. I'm sure you all are wondering why Sanemi and Giyuu are here."-Ubuyashiki
"Well, after all the hard work Sanemi and Giyuu has put into their swordsmanship skills, they'd had ranked to a Hashira."
"Ooo! Yayyyyy congratulations Sanemi and Giyuu!"-mitsuri.
"Congratulations."-All of the hashiras except Obanai.
"Why does a demon rank to a hashira."-Obanai.
"Because he worked with me and he is good with his abilities."-Sanemi.
"Now now, calm down, let's not get in a fight! Let's celebrate. Sanemi, will you and Giyuu be living together or seperate?"-ubuyashiki
"We'll live together."-Sanemi.
"Uwah you're so pretty Mitsuri.."-Giyuu.
"You are too! Hey! Let's have a sleepover! We are celebrating it at my house!"-mitsuri.
"Ayy! What can we bring?"-uzui
"Well obviously not beer, Muichiro is too young."-Rengoku.
"We can bring foods! Let's bring what we have!"-mitsuri.
"Hm.."-Obanai completely pissed off at Giyuu for being accepted and being a hashira.
"He still shouldn't be accepted! He's a fucking demon! He could eat anyone!"-obanai
"Eh?.. I wouldn't do that.."-giyuu.
"Exactly, Sanemi's the reason you're not on muzans side!"-obanai
Obanai ran straight towards Giyuu and took his sword out and stabbed Giyuu in the stomach.
"What the fuck!? He done nothing!"-Sanemi.
"Obanai! Stop! What is wrong with you?"-mitsuri.
He's a demon mitsuri.. he could hurt anyone."-Obanai.
"So what he's a demon?! He hasn't eaten anyone for more than 3 years! All he done is to sleep to regain energy and strength!"-Sanemi.
"Children.. please, calm down. Obanai I will have to ask you to politely accept him and not hurt him."-Ubuyashiki.
"Tch.... Fine only because you ordered me but still aren't gonna accept.. Him.."-Obanai.
Giyuu looked down sad.
"Hey! Cmon, let's go already! And no more fighting Obanai!"-mitsuri.

Few hours has passed and the party has started:
the 2 hashiras, Giyuu and Sanemi are now officially a hashira! All the 9 Hashiras decided to play a little fun game.
"Hey! Let's play a game!"-mitsuri
"What should we play?"-Giyuu
"Hmm maybe 7 minutes in heaven? I've heard of it."-Muichiro
"Ooh! That sounds flamboyantly fun! let's do it!"-Uzui
(Authors note: I think I might add some UZIREN this will be interesting xD)
"Alright! Bottle spin! Yayy who will spin it?! Whoever it lands on will go inside a room and whoever spinner the bottle will go in the room too."-mitsuri
"Alright, I'll spin it."-Sanemi.
"Ooh it landed on Giyuu! That's flashy!"-uzui.

They went inside a closet and was pretty small:
For a few seconds they stared at each other until Sanemi decides to actually kiss him.
"You're cute haha."-Sanemi.
Giyuu turned into a tomato and covered himself with his hands.
"Cmon baby, don't cover yourself."-Sanemi.
2 minutes had passed and they spent the last 5 minutes just cuddling each other while Sanemi is just flirting with Giyuu.
"Times up! Someone's turnnn!"-mitsuri.
"Ooh, this will be fun so I'll go!"-rengoku.
It landed on Uzui.
"That's flashy! Let's go."-uzui.
Once they were in there it was pretty small, not much space between them. They were hella close and Uzui was basically on top of rengoku.
"Hey Uzui."-rengoku.
"How'd you get your wives to fall for ya?"-rengoku.
"I just look flamboyantly handsome and these ladies never stop falling for me."-uzui winks at rengoku.
"Okay.."-rengoku. "Well it's working on me.."-said rengoku quietly
"Is it huh? I heard you."-smirked uzui.
Uzui came close to rengokus face and kissed him. He went a bit hard and rengoku was moaning trying to keep quiet . Uzui was cupping rengokus cheeks while rengoku was wrapping his arms around uzui's neck kissing back to uzui. They went the entire 7 minutes without realising it was up and mitsuri had already caught them.
"That's funny, technically they did get along pretty easy. Now they're just making out."-Sanemi.
"Yes we are dating! Nothing wrong with that he's just very cute."-uzui.
"We are?!"-rengoku.
Few more hours pass it was already nearly midnight and most of the hashiras were tired and decided to sleep.
Sanemi brought Giyuu into the bathroom and started making out for like 20 minutes. And when they finished they went to the nearest couch and slept.

Hello my fresh met lovers, I hope thst story was good and pretty juicy especially that uziren part 😌😏😏😏 anyways, I just felt motivated and wanted to do this before I leave for like 4 days to go out on some islands. Feels fun I hope you have a great day/night. Please get some sleep if you are at night reading this. Anyways gn fresh meats.
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 UZIREN photo:

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