Chapter 27

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The next day (SORRY FOR THE TIME SKIPS- IDK HOW TO DO THIS IM STOOPID), Giyuu went on a mission currently and he said it may take a while for him to get back and so Sanemi just walked around and sat somewhere where he wouldn't think anyone would find him at.
Sanemi's POV:
Ever since Giyuu left, I've gotten bored, I wished he was here but he had a mission cuz he is my life. But anyways, I decided go out somewhere I found a while back when I was doing one of my missions, the spot reminded me of Giyuu, it had a waterfall and strangely a bench sitting there. There was also some Sakura trees around us that looked beautiful that my mind went to Giyuu. After a while of sitting there calmly thinking about Giyuu, I heard a stick snap and something moving behind me, I turned to see who it is but it was the boy from the butterfly mansion. He looked kind of sad but also curious.
"Why did you kill mom..?"-Genya
"I had to Genya."-Sanemi
"B-but we could've stopped her instead of killing her..."-Genya
"It would've been very much impossible."-Sanemi
"Then why-"-Genya
"Because she was a demon! I had to kill her Genya!"-Sanemi
"W-wha... a demon..? I thought..."-Genya
"No, she wasn't a wolf. I realised that a few years later after learning that demon slayer existed."-Sanemi
"Brother... I'm sorry for calling you a murderer... I should've known... I'm so stupid."-Genya
"You're not stupid. You just-didn't know she was a demon. We were young..."-Sanemi
"And I do forgive you for calling me a murderer. Even though you accused she was a wolf."-Sanemi
"R-really? I was so mean to you..."-Genya
"Yeah. It's alright. Come sit with me."-Sanemi
Then the two boys sat next to each other silently for a few minutes until Genya said something.
"Soo, why did you come here...?"-Genya
"Uh- well I found this place when I was on a mission and decided to come back sometime."-Sanemi
"It looks cool but why this place specifically?"-Genya
Sanemi then blushed cuz he liked this place since it reminded him of Giyuu and Genya looked at him.
"You're blushing...- wait... DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?!"-Genya
"Well- not really a crush..."-Sanemi
"I am not an old man. But whatever, I just have a boyfriend. An fantastic one for sure."-Sanemi
"Oh- wait- it's a guy?"-Genya
"Wow... I can tell you daydream about him a lot..."-Genya
"Ehehe...he's damn cute."-Sanemi
"Can I meet him?"-Genya
"You already met him..."-Sanemi
"Huh-? Is it that guy with the black sword?! He's weird..."-Genya
"Huh- NO NEVER. It's Giyuu!"-Sanemi
"Oh- that guy?"-Genya
"Yep. You better like him."-Sanemi
"I do- but I'm getting a demon presence of him"-Sanemi
"Because he is a demon..?"-Sanemi
"A demon? I thought you hated demons."-Genya
"Not all."-Sanemi
"Uh huh."-Genya
"Hm. Giyuu should be back pretty soon, I'm gonna head back home, you wanna come with me or nah?"-Sanemi
"Nope, not today, gotta go to the swordsmith today."-Genya
"Then why aren't you going?"-Sanemi
"They said not now currently soo I'm just waiting for a crow or someone to come get me."-Genya
"Ahh, gotcha. Alright then. Have a good day. Bye."-Sanemi
"Bye big bro!"-Genya

Then Sanemi proceeds to walk back to his estate feeling happy knowing that he reunited with his brother and started a new relationship. As he's walking back, he sees Tanjirou walking around looking at the Butterfly Mansion. Tanjirou manages to see Sanemi and waves to him. Sanemi waves back and proceeds to walk to his estate until he felt a soft, warm hug from behind. He turns to see it was Giyuu who had just finished his mission.
"Hii love!"-Giyuu
"Hey baby. Missed you."-Sanemi
"Mhm. I do too. Was quite an easy mission."-Giyuu
"Yeah yeah gimme a kiss."-Sanemi
Then Giyuu gave him a kiss.
"I saw Genya earlier. Did you talk to him?"-Sanemi
"Well- yes we talked, we ended up fixing our relationship and now knows that our mother was a demon and understands why I had to kill her."-Sanemi
"Ahh okay. That's good then. I saw he was following the Kakushi's or being carried by them. Is he going to the swordsmith village?"-Giyuu
"Yeah. He just told me. Didn't tell me why tho, must've broken his sword or something."-Sanemi
"Oh- Tanjirou's going there! Did you tell him that?"-Giyuu
"No- I doubt he would even remember who he is. He'll meet him there probably..."-Sanemi
"Ehehe. Anyways let's go inside now."-Giyuu

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