Chapter 4

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Sanemi's POV:
The Hashiras knew there were a demon in presence but was not in sight. I was a bit nervous but I didn't show my nervousness since I was carrying Giyuu in the box.

"Hey? What's with the flashy box you're carrying?"-Tengen Uzui.
Sanemi did not reply.
"It's a demon. I can sense the demon inside the box, cause if we can sense the demon's presence, how can we not see it, there isn't any shade around so the demon is obviously in the box he is carrying."- Iguro Obanai said as he grabbed the box and threw the box onto the ground, taking out his sword and cutting and slowly inserted the sword into the box, onto Giyuu, Giyuu groaned in pain as the sword was inserted in him 3 times and dripping blood inside the box.
"If you're going to get the demon out of the box, it's not going to work! He won't show flamboyant self!" -uzui Tengen.
"Then I'll bring him into the shade. Sorry about this master."- obanai Iguro.
Sanemi's POV:
When the serpent hashira knew there was a demon in the box, he brought him into the house where the shade was so he could force Giyuu to get out and show himself. When they were in the shade the box was wide open. Giyuu slowly stood up with blood dripping down his chest. Iguro sliced himself with blood dripping down his arm seeing if Giyuu would really eat blood and flesh. Giyuu took one look at his arm and shook his head off to the right and resisted with his saliva dripping down his chin. Iguro Obanai was shocked to see a demon resisting blood/flesh.
"He resisted the blood on my arm...? But I thought all demons are the same and just only eat blood and flesh."-Obanai Iguro.
""Not all demons are the same! Fucking stupid idiot."-Sanemi
Giyuu went back to his box and slept.
"Well that's interesting... Shinobu, if he is still injured from his previous fight, could you take him in your butterfly mansion and help him get better as well as his skills. I think he will be a great demon slayer and Giyuu will be a great demon demon slayer."-Ubuyashiki.
"Yes master,"-Shinobu.
At the butterfly mansion
"I'll give you a room to sleep, and Giyuu can stay in your room. Tomorrow you can start your training."-Shinobu.
"Ah okay... what kind of training will it be?"-sanemi.
"Mostly your skills but of course you'll have to extend your lung capacity, and stuff."-Shinobu.
"Ok.. will Giyuu stay in my room while I'm doing the training.?"-Sanemi.
"Yes, we won't do anything we'll let him be."-Shinobu.
"Ok well I'm gonna go into my room, bye."-Sanemi.
"Ara ara okay!"-shinobu.

In Sanemi's room and POV:
I placed the box down and waited for Giyuu to come out. Giyuu slowly crawled out and after he crawled out, he was already infront of me,   I held him and gave him a kiss on his forehead, he looked so cute and cuddly. It was night time already and I wasn't that hungry so I carried Giyuu into our bed and I kissed his forehead again and we cuddled and slept. I was glad they let him live, if they didn't let him live and sliced his head off, I probably wouldn't know what I would do.  

To be continued..

HEYYY IM SORRY THIS IS SHORT AND NOT AS LONG, I AM A BIT TIRED AND I GOTTA SLEEP ATFER I DO SOMETHING MY MOM WANTS ME DO TO 😭😭. Anyways lovelies, I hope y'all have a good night or day, I love y'all ❤️❤️😫😫.Words:619.

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