Chapter 5

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Sanemi's POV:
I woke up with Giyuu still sleeping next to me, he was so adorable. I got myself ready for my training, and before I left I did make sure I kissed Giyuu's forehead.
"I love you Giyuu."-Sanemi
"Trying to speak hah? That's cute but I don't think you can do especially you have that thing in your mouth."-Sanemi.
"Anyways, love, I have to go do my training, I'll be back later or so."-Sanemi, Sanemi also kisses Giyuu's cheeks.
Giyuu looked down, "mm.."-whined Giyuu.
"Don't worry, I'll come back for you babe."-Sanemi.
"I'll be sure to give you kisses and cuddles,"chuckled Sanemi.

Sanemi's POV again:
Shinobu told me quite some boring exercises but I specifically like growing my lung capacity and growing my speed. For about an hour, I've been growing my lung capacity and it seems that it has also expanded my lungs capacity which is good. So I started running around the Butterfly Mansion to increase my speed to quickly and easily kill demons.

"Ara ara, you've been training hard Shinazgawa-San!"-shinobu.
"What do you want."-Sanemi.
"Calm down, I'm only here to check up on you and I also forgot to tell you about total concentration breathing, and total concentration breathing constant!"-shinobu.
"Total concentration breathing constant..?"-Sanemi.
"Yes, you do total concentration breathing every second of your day even when you're sleeping."- Shinobu.
"Sleeping? That's ridiculous no way someone can do it,"-scoffed Sanemi.
"Some people mastered it. You should try, how's that demon boy doing?"-shinobu.
"Ah, he's alright, he does not want me to leave the room.."-Sanemi blushed at the thought of his cute face.
"Ara ara~ are you two perhaps dating? If so you two should take to Mitsuri, the love hashira, she'll help you two with your relationship!"-shinobu.
"Where do I find the love hashira?"-sanemi.
"She's just next to me, her estate is all pink and had quite some hearts on it (I just made that upon the spot since she's a love hashira)."-Shinobu.
"Ah okay...thanks."-Sanemi.
"No problem! You seem to get stronger every day, I think you'll be a great hashira so will your boyfriend."-giggled Shinobu.
No one's POV:
Sanemi blushed when she said 'boyfriend' cause Sanemi knows Giyuu is very cute. It was night time at the moment and Giyuu had woken up and was already waiting for Sanemi at the door. Meanwhile with Sanemi, Sanemi brought food with him and brought it to his room and when he opened the door Giyuu came running at him and hugged him and Sanemi can tell how much he missed him.
"Ah.. you're awake? Thought you'd be sleeping love."-Sanemi.
( I'm literally listening to music idk why xD)
Sanemi's POV:
I chuckled at Giyuu and I almost dropped my food. I placed my food on the table and picked Giyuu up bridal style, sat on my chair and placed Giyuu on my lap. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I started eating my food. Giyuu then slept again on my shoulder and I had already finished my food, I carried Giyuu to the bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and headed to the bed, gave Giyuu a kiss on the cheeks and we cuddled and slept. (So cute 😫🥹)

Nobody's POV: Sanemi woke up a bit early and he woke up Giyuu so he could go in his box. When he got ready, he picked up his box and carried it. He was heading to the love estate to know more about love (don't get the wrong idea or smthing idk 😋😋) The love Estate was maybe 2.5 miles away which would be 40 minutes. ( it's literally 9:15am and my kitten has too much energy that I can't even keep up with her.😭😭)

Sanemi's POV:
I heard something in the bushes, and when it came out it was a little kitten. I knew Giyuu liked these kittens and I picked it up and it seemed it was hurt and so I decided to go back into my room where I was sleeping and helped it get clean wrap the injured spots with bandages. It meowed and hissed at few times and I didn't know what to do to not make it uncomfortable so I woke up Giyuu and he instantly fell in love with the kitten. He played with it and the kitten started to like Giyuu. Giyuu was so happy and the kitten was a bit tired so the kitten fell asleep on Giyuu and Giyuu wanted me to name it so I decided to name it Akihiro. He liked it a lot and Giyuu cuddled onto me with Aki.(akhiro).

HEY MY LOVESSSS, I DIDN'T RLLY KNOW WHAT TO DO FOR THIS CHAPTER BUT MY KITTENS IS CRAZY ENERGETIC BUT YH I STILL LOVE HER XD, IM GOING TO NOW KEEP MY WORDS/STORIES TO At LEAST A 800-1000 words  yl ,3 My cats tryna make words xD. I am also gonna be busy for today but I'll make a today possibly tonight if I can. Also even though I have like 10 views on my story, I am happy lol. Also shoutout to ji-eun_kim.

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