Chapter 17

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Giyuu's POV:
Before I went to Tanjirous place, I cooked some foods to bring over just in case they were hungry. (A father right there) It took me a while to cook some of the foods, but I've managed to make them and I'm hoping they'd like it. When I was done cooking all the foods, I've placed them in a basket that was big enough for all of the foods and carried them to their estate. It took a while for me to walk to their place, took like 20-30 minutes to get there. I knocked the door to see Tanjirou opening the door welcoming me in.
"Hello Mister Tomioka! Come in!"-Tanjirou
"Thank you Tanjirou, also no need to be formal just call me Tomioka or Giyuu I feel old when people call me me that."-Giyuu
"Ah okay then Tomioka!"-Tanjirou
"Hey! I have a name you dumb boar!"-Zenitsu
"Guys! Chill, I think Mis- Tomioka cooked some foods. It does smell really good."-Tanjirou
"Do I smell.... TEMPURA! GIMME!"-Inosuke
"Take what you want, I basically cooked them for you hehe."-Giyuu
"Oo! Okay come on then, get some for yourself too!"-Tanjirou
"Oh! Uh.. I've already made some for myself before I cooked the rest.. so I'm not really hungry.. haha.."-Giyuu sweating cuz he can't eat what humans usually eat.
"Oh! That's alright then, you can relax here then. Also careful of nezuko, she's turned into a small kid and she may be sleeping around the house haha!"-Tanjirou
"NO THIS IS MINE!"-Inosuke
"I guess they really like your cooking huh? Haha!"-Tanjirou
"Well I am glad then. I'll go sit down on the sofa."-Giyuu
"Sure, we'll be down there in 5 minutes!"-Tanjirou
No one's POV:
Giyuu was walking to the sofa until he kicked something, he looked down and saw it was Nezuko. He felt like he didn't want her to be uncomfortable and picked her up and carried her to the sofa. When he placed Nezuko on the sofa, he sat down and Nezuko somehow appeared sleeping on Giyuu's lap (not in a sussy way you bakas, I meant like laying down on the lap). Giyuu was fine with it and he was closing his eyes getting a bit of energy like nezuko, a few minutes pass, Tanjirou came out with his food and put his food on the dinner table along with the two boys behind him and they started eating cause they were hungry (as fk), Tanjirou saw what the two were doing and thought it was so cute. Tanjirou started eating and finished it and sat besides Giyuu.
"Nezuko really likes you huh?"-Tanjirou
"Oh.. yeah I guess... I mean I am- uh I am quite soft I guess-"-Giyuu

Then Zenitsu came out of no where, he seemed sleepy and slept next to Tanjirou.
"You got one more person stacked up and one person still awake just probably standing.."-Tanjirou
"Haha, I don't mind if you sleep on me. Just as long I can stay over. I guess-"-Giyuu
"You can stay over."-Tanjirou
"When did Inosuke slept next to Zenitsu- never mind.."-Giyuu

Giyuu's POV:
I turned to see the three boys sleeping... I also saw Nezuko next to me, sure she's a deep sleeper but I mean.. that's what GOOD demons do, they don't eat humans like I do... I don't know when I can tell them that I am a demon.. like Nezuko.. would they accept me.. I mean, they accept Nezuko so maybe I still have a chance of being close to them not ruining our friendship.

Then he went to sleep so he could have more energy for tomorrow.

The Next Morning
Giyuu's POV:
I woke up to hearing conversations and smelling... FOOD?
"Mr Tomioka is sure a deep sleeper like Nezuko-chan"-Tanjirou
"Speaking of her, where is she?"-Zenitsu
"Probably still with Tomioka."-Tanjirou
"Ohh this food smells so good I wanna eat it all."-Zenitsu
" I think we'll have to wait for Mr Tomioka since he's a deep sleeper and It'd be hard but hopefully I can wake him up."-Tanjirou
"Did someone say my name?.."-Giyuu
"Oh! Y-you're awake-? It took me a while to wake you up but you didn't even move an inch-"-Tanjirou
"Sorry about that, I am usually a very deep sleeper but manage to wake up the next minute.."-Giyuu
"Oh- okay no worries haha"-Tanjirou
"Anyways, how's your fight along with nezuko? Have you been protecting her well?"-Giyuu
"Yes, well- we've been protecting each other like at the Natagumo Mountain.."-Tanjirou
"Oh, that demon I killed."-Giyuu
"Erm.. yeah"-Tanjirou


Sorry for the long wait fresh meats, I'm currently trying to think about what would happen so- I don't much much words-

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