Chapter 25

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The next morning, someone unexpectedly was visiting the Butterfly Mansion.

No one's POV:
When the two couple woke up, they got ready to go see Tanjirou since he was gonna be discharged in a few days. And when they arrived there, Nezuko was holding hands with Sanemi walking (like holding your parents hand while walking yk).
They have arrived to Tanjirous room and opened the door.
"Hi guys! And hello Nezuko."-Tanjirou
"I see you two got along pretty well."-Tanjirou
"Yep. Well- Nezuko wanted to hold his hand I dunno."-Giyuu
"Oh that's pretty interesting."-Tanjirou
Then Sumi came into the room.
"Hi Tanjirou, hi guys.. uh. Tanjirou it's time for you to eat so come out! You guys can come too. We also have another person here."-Sumi
"Oh. Who could that be? Maybe Murata."-Tanjirou
"Murata? Is he part of the demon slayer?"-Sanemi
"Indeed. I saw him while me and Shinobu were rescuing people in the mountain. Basically the lowermoon 5."-Giyuu
"Oh. Alright.."-Sanemi
"Alright let's go eat now I'm hungry."-Tanjirou
Then they walked towards the dining room until they crashed into the guest that was here.
"Oh-! Sorry!"-Tanjirou
"Yeah sorry about that. Let's go now."-Giyuu
"W- Sanemi?"-???
"Eh? Who-..."-Sanemi
"Is that you Sanemi?"-Genya
"Y-you Murderer! Why did you kill her?!"-Genya
"Wohh! Calm down, do you know who this is Sanemi?"-Giyuu
"... I guess."-Sanemi
"I guess?! You killed our mother! Why?!"-Genya
"W-wait killed your mother..?"-Tanjirou
"I-... I just had to do it... it wasn't her. Not anymore. If I didn't kill her, she would've killed us both along with them..."-Sanemi
"You just had to do it?! You are insane..."-Genya
"Hm. You'll find out... eventually."-Sanemi whispered
Genya walked off with tears starting to roll down his cheek. Sanemi looked at him as he walked away.
"Y-you killed your mother?"-Tanjirou
"He might be uncomfortable so maybe let's not talk about it.."-Giyuu
Sanemi was quiet most of the time and Giyuu either sat next to him or on his lap. While being in the Butterfly Mansion, after that right, Genya did not show himself to Sanemi because he "thought" he was a murderer when his mother was something else besides the wolf. Sanemi was kind of sad but also didn't care. All could Sanemi could think about is Genya.
"Hey, it's getting quite late, you guys should head home."-Tanjirou
"Yeah it is late, let's go."-Giyuu
"Sanemi? You okay?"-Giyuu
"Oh- yeah. Just thinking about something."-Sanemi
"Is it about that boy?"-Giyuu
"... yeah. But let's just head back home."-Sanemi
"Alright... well we'll be heading out now. I'm sure Nezuko would like to stay with you for the night. Have a good night!"-Giyuu
"Yeah you too."-Tanjirou
Then the two lovers walked out and started walking back to their estate.
"I'm gonna make dinner, what do you want?"-Giyuu
"Hm. What about simmered salmon with daikon? That's your favourite food hehe."-Sanemi
"Ohh! Yeahhh! I want to eat it I'll go start cooking."-Giyuu
"I'll just come watch you cook. Wanna see my wife cook Ehehe."-Sanemi
"Well- are we even married-"-Giyuu
"Come onnn"-Giyuu
"I'll never tell."-Sanemi
"... whatever. Anyways. Who is that boy at the butterfly Mansion supposed to be? He said 'our'.. are you two siblings?"-Giyuu
"And... you never told me?"-Giyuu
"Well-! I was going to at some point, I was just scared... I guess."-Sanemi
"Scared of what?"-Giyuu
"I dunno... maybe you thinking I'm an actual murderer for killing my own mother.."-Sanemi
"W-was she a demon..?"-Giyuu
"Yeah.. I had to kill her to protect him and myself. She killed my other younger siblings..."-Sanemi
"Oh dear... I'm sure he would understand. I mean he is now a Demon Slayer. He should've known."-Giyuu
"The foods nearly done."-Giyuu
Then Giyuu walked near Sanemi and gave him a kiss and they made out for a few minutes and Giyuu went back to quickly finish up his cooking.


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