Chapter 22

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The next day
Giyuu wakes up first
Giyuu's POV:
I decided to make some breakfast for Sanemi until Kanzaburou flew up and sat on my shoulder.
"Hey Kanza, got any messages?"-Giyuu
"Caww caww there is a demon at (random place), the demon seems to be killing many people."-Kanzaburou
"Ahh okay, I'll make breakfast for him when I get back."-Giyuu

Giyuu was a bit sad he couldn't make breakfast but he would do the mission quickly. So he got ready and took his sword and ran out with Kanzaburou following him. A few minutes later (Somehwere like 5-7 mins) he arrived at (random place). He saw a lot of people scared and so he asked what happened. The villagers said that it only takes females, but it may take men if all the females are gone. They were shaking as they said it. Giyuu understood and had told him he is a Demon Slayer and will protect and kill the demon. They were relived thst a demon slayer came but didn't know if he would be able to kill him.

He figured if it's daytime, the demon would be hiding in a house. He walked around until he saw a ghost floating around. He asked the ghost what the demon looked like or sounded like, the ghost was pretty shocked but did tell him. Giyuu thought it would be a bit harder but has also disguised himself to look like a female. He went inside a house that had workers in there, and he had to prove himself he was a good worker. He quickly managed to impress the female workers so they let him work. As he walked into the building, he felt a demon presence. He knew he was in the right place. He got orders and he hoped it was near the demon lurking. As he got closer, the presence got much stronger and he opened the door to find a lady sitting on the ground with a very serious face. She seemed very angry that he opened the door.
She immediately attacked Giyuu and luckily he dodged. He figured this was the demon that had a strong presence. But it wasn't as strong as the 12 Kizukis. Giyuu had exposed himself showing his sword and the woman had turned into a demon seemingly not knowing he was a hashira and that she would be killed. Giyuu walked towards her while dodging her bullets and quickly slicing her neck. The other female workers saw Giyuu and was scared. Giyuu had told them he was a demon slayer and had to kill this demon. He quickly left the village and started walking back to his estate. When he arrived back to his home, Sanemi was already awake and was already cooking breakfast.
"You're cooking breakfast? I was gonna cook.."-Giyuu
"I'm sure your food would taste amazing but you'd burn down the kitchen."-Sanemi
"Where were you anyways?"-Sanemi
"Out on a mission."-Giyuu
"Oh. Alright. Did you have fun?"-Sanemi
"What's so fun about going out on a mission-?"-Giyuu
"Dunno, thought you like slaying demons."-Sanemi
"Hm I guess."-Giyuu

Few weeks later, Tanjirou and the boys (including Nezuko) are going on a mission to the Enterainment District with Tengen. (cuz I'm lazy and have no absolute motivation due to me being sick 😭😭😭) and it is nighttime
Mitsuri came knocking at Giyuu's door wanting to play games.
"Heyy Giyuu! Is Sanemi here?"-Mitsuri
"No, he's currently out on a mission and I am making him dinner.. why?"-Giyuu
"Ohhh! I was wondering since a few hashiras are out and some of the hashiras like us are free do you think we can have a sleepover at your house! And play games?"-Mitsuri
"Uh- S-sure!"-Giyuu
"Yayyy! I'll get the others!"-Mitsuri
"I didn't think you'd accept sleepovers at your house! Haha! I miss the sleepovers!"-Rengoku
"Uh.. yeah. Right you're dead and can't communicate with others unless it's me."-Giyuu
"Haha! I hope Muichiro is coming!"-Rengoku
"I'm sure he doesn't have any missions, and Mitsuri would definitely bring him. He is a chill kid."-Giyuu
"Haha! That's fantastic!"-Rengoku


"That wasn't even 5 minutes... she's really excited."-Giyuu and he opens the door
"I'm very happy you invited us to the sleepover"-Gyomei
"You guys are welcome here."-Giyuu

I have no absolute fucking idea what to do anymore, I'm damn sick 😭😭 this sucks. I'll probably be taking a few days hopefully it will go away 🥲 and force my friend to watch the swordsmith season.
775 words

Demon Giyuu 🌊x Sanemi💨Where stories live. Discover now