Chapter 23

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At the sleepover:

Mitsuri had already invited everyone who was free (except for Tengen oof) and wanted to hang out and possibly play games.

"This is exciting! What should we play?!"-Mitsuri
"Maybe spin a bottle? Like 7 minutes in heaven?"-Shinobu
"Ooh! Great idea!"-Mitsuri
"That seems fun."-Rengoku
"Erm... I don't even know why I invited you inside my home..."-Giyuu
"Awww come on! We just started this party!!!"-Mitsuri
"Yeah don't be a lame loser."-Obanai
"Shut up. At least I ain't Simping over a girl every 5 seconds."-Giyuu
"I'm not lying. You literally do it."-Giyuu
"Okayy! I'll spin it!"-Mitsuri
The bottle stopped at Obanai (obv)
"Eeee! It's Obanai!"-Mitsuri
Now they stayed in a room for 7 mins lol
"Who's going?"-Mitsuri
"I'll go.."-Giyuu
"Ooh okayy!"-Mitsuri
"Aaaand the bottle lands on... Sanemi?"-Mitsuri
"What the fuck is happening?"-Sanemi
"No time to explain get in a room!"-Mitsuri
And they both get dragged in the room together
"Erm... hi Sanemi
"What's happening and why did I get shoved here."-Sanemi
"Well Mitsuri wanted to have a sleepover at our house... and the others wanted to play spin the bottle and whoever lands it on goes in a room with them and yeah I ended up with you."-Giyuu
"Aw that's cute."-Sanemi
Then Sanemi goes over to Giyuu and kisses him on the forehead.
"You're so cute."-Sanemi
And then Giyuu eyes turned white and Sanemi noticed and did not know what was going on although Giyuu is looking through Nezukos eyes and seeing that she's in her demon form and Tanjirou is trying to stop her. Giyuu used his water clone to clone himself and go to where she is. Then he woke up seeing Hashiras surrounding him.
"What the fuck happened?"-Sanemi
"Uh... nothing, must've been the visions."-Giyuu
"Visions? What kind of visions?"-Shinobu
"Well- I can see through Nezuko's eyes whenever she's in danger and as soon as I saw her, she was in her demon form which is dangerous cause she can eat humans without knowing and Tanjirou is the only one who can stop her which he is trying and hopefully did."-Giyuu
"Is that another power you have?"-Muichiro
"I-I don't know it happened since we first met Nezuko... or saw her."-Giyuu
"Wow I'm kinda jelly but that's cool!"-Mitsuri
"Eh I want to sleep get out."-Sanemi
"Yeah I also want to sleep I'm gonna go to sleep."-Obanai
"Me too."-Shinobu
"Me three!"-Mitsuri
"I think we all should sleep then haha."-Giyuu
"Alright! Have a good night!"-Mitsuri
"Yeah you too."-Giyuu

Then they all slept and Obanai was the first one to wake up and go to the entertainment district since their fight has ended.

In the morning Giyuu and Sanemi was the only one who didn't know that the fight was already finished.

"Morning guys."-Giyuu
"Mornin' babe."-Sanemi
"Yeah? So what. He's my fucking boyfriend."-Sanemi
"It's so cuteee!"-Mitsuri
"Don't you have Obanai though?"-Giyuu
"Yesss I love him but you guys are so cuteee!"-Mitsuri
"Hehe.. okay, do you guys know when Tanjirou and the others are coming back?"-Giyuu
"They're already back, they're currently in the Butterfly Mansion, the boys are sleeping, especially Tanjirou, he's in a coma..."-Shinobu
"A c-coma?!"-Giyuu
"Oh nooo!"-Mitsuri
"What about Nezuko? Is she safe?"-Giyuu
"Well she is a room I don't know if she will be okay.."-Shinobu
"Can I go visit them..?"-Giyuu
"Yes you can."-Shinobu
"If you're going then I'm going."-Sanemi
"Alright let's go now."-Shinobu
Around 30 minutes of walking they arrived to the Butterfly Mansion and went to Tanjirous room to see him all bandaged up sleeping. He must've really pushed himself.
"Oh my gosh..."-Giyuu
"Wow so he nearly got himself killed."-Sanemi
"Mhm, can you close the curtains I want to get Nezuko."-Giyuu
Sanemi goes to close the curtains and waits for Giyuu to come back with Nezuko. As soon as they walked in, Nezuko looked at Sanemi and gave an angry pout and Sanemi looked at her as he wanted to kill her.
"Now let's not fight here okay?"-Giyuu
"Ugh fine. You're lucky you... weirdo."-Sanemi
"Guys! We're here to see Tanjirou, and Nezuko, for the time being while Tanjirou is asleep and healing, would you like to stay with me and Sanemi until Tanjirou wakes up and gets better so he can take care of you?"-Giyuu
"Hm... Mhh!"-Nezuko
"That's a yes then hehe."-Giyuu
"If you're calling her creepy and mean things, that means you're being mean to me too! We're both basically the same! Out of Muzan's control, we can speak... well I can, we both can basically do anything SHES just like me! No more being mean ok?"-Giyuu
"... Ugh fine."-Sanemi

Heyyaa fresh meatsss I have some motivation and might make another story similar to this but in a different anime 😭😭 it literally won't get out of my mind...

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