The End

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Author's note: I don't know how marriage works so- enjoy. Also () is author speaking too- 🤷‍♀️ (like this)

No one's POV:
The few days before the marriage the ladies goes shopping with Giyuu for his wedding suit and the guys go with Sanemi. And Nezuko is completely back into human and is starting to adjust to humans. So Giyuu and the ladies goes to a village to go to a wedding store that involves suits and dresses but they go to the suits side and Mitsuri chooses a lot of suits that seems to fit Giyuu and he has tried a lot of suits and some of them don't fit him and some do. It's kind of hard to find a perfect suit since there aren't a lot of white suits in there and usually black suits.
Plain white suit.
White with patterns (whatever patterns you guys can think of).
A different colour suit.
A suit with waves (still white but can see the wave patterns)

"Ah... there's not much white suits here. I'm sorry."-Employee
"It's okay! We'll see which one he likes."-Mitsuri
"What hairstyle should we do?"-Sumi
"Ah... I dunno."-Nezuko
"We can do a braid! With flowers on it! Blue and green!"-Aoi
"That'd be perfect!!"-Mitsuri
"Is Mister Tomioka trying on the suits?"-Employee
"Yes. I think he's onto the third option... which is the patterns one.. looks kind of boring to me but if he wants it he can choose it."-Naho
"Yeah.. I like the waves... it suits him more."-Shinobu
Giyuu then comes out with the pattern white suit.
"Ah... guys do I look good?"-Giyuu
"Hmm. You look awesome! But let's check the other ones!"-Sumi
"Try the waves patterns instead."-Nezuko
Giyuu goes into the fitting rooms and a few minutes later he comes out.
"I mean he is already marrying him, he's adorable, cute, very much known him basically for a long time so yeah he would obviously marry him."-Shinobu
"Hehe.. I do like this a lot. I wanna get this."-Giyuu
"Alright then come to the register then. But I also wanna say, the suit is uh kind of, how do I say this, animated, so basically the wave patterns move back and forwards."-Employee
"Ohhh that's so cool!"-Naho
"Yess! I'll pay for it!"-Mitsuri
"Ah- you don't have to-"-Giyuu
"Don't worry! It's fine!"-Mitsuri
"You sure are nervous boy!"-Shinobu
"Yeah... I'm nervous what if he's kidding and doesn't wanna marry me?"-Giyuu
"Dude? Are you insane? He literally like protects you- like that one time you got exposed to the sun and nearly died but barely conquered the sun. And another time when she (Nezuko) was also burning! You were crying and Sanemi came to you like a damn ambulance. How can he say no? If he does though I will kill him. But I know he won't! You guys been together for so long and he has protected you and you have protected him too! So you will get married to him! For sure!"-Shinobu
"Wow that's a lot... yeah.. still tho-!"-Giyuu
"Nuh uh! Don't say it! He will say yes!"-Shinobu
"Ok back! It's now paid! Ahh so exciteddd! You're gonna look so cute!"-Mitsuri
"Okay let's go for his hair stuff or?"-Shinobu
"I have hair stuff but we should get more just incase and also some hair accessory, the flowers!"-Mitsuri
"Okay let's go now."-Shinobu.

Meanwhile with Sanemi with the boys helping him choose a suit (black). The boys goes to a wedding store and find a suit that would possibly suit Sanemi and to see if it fits and he would like it.
Plain black suit.
Black random patterns (I'm dumb I'm sorry)
Wind black pattern suit with a rose, (basically lines that look like winds on the suit)
Random colours with black suit (I can't think of any more suit types so- I'm sorry 😢)
"Soo? How's it going?"-Male employee
"I guess it's going okay. He probably doesn't know which one to choose. But there's one specific one I think he'll choose. The wind pattern one."-Genya
"Ohh? Those are quite hard to make..."-Male employee
"Really? They looked easy to make..."-Tanjirou
"Nope! They're animated. The wind pattern lines moves into circles."-Male employee
"Whatt! That's so cool!"-Genya
"I now really wanna marry Nezuko-chan~ I miss her~"-Zenitsu
"Not now you idiot! You're too young!"-Tanjirou who slaps Zenitsu's head.
"Ow.. then when we're older? I promise it's when you're still alive"-Zenitsu
"Yes. If you're gonna make kids, the kids are gonna have some of the demon blood but will still be a human..."-Tanjirou
"U-uh de-demons...?"-Male employee
"A good demon! She doesn't eat anyone! Like his soon to be wife."-Tanjirou who points at Sanemi coming out of the fitting room.
"Hah? What're you saying!? I can't marry a demon?"-Sanemi
"N-no! I'm just telling this guy that your soon to be husband... is a demon..."-Tanjirou
"I-I accept! I don't really mind... I'm sure your wife or husband is an awesome person!"-Male employee
"Yeah yeah. The suits doesn't look that good. Only the windy line one."-Sanemi
"Ok then so the wind pattern one?"-Male employee
"Alright I'll go purchase it."-Genya
"We should also get some accessories... should we?"-Tanjirou
"Nah, I think the rose is good enough."-Sanemi
"Okay then. That should be good now. We'll wait for Genya and then head home and start getting ready for the wedding, we'll also have to get up pretty early in the morning since the wedding is around 1pm."-Tanjirou
"Yeah.. that's too early... will I see Nezuko-chan?"-Zenitsu
"Ok then I'm going!"-Zenitsu
"Anything for her huh?"-Sanemi
"Yep! She's so cute!"-Zenitsu
"Wow. One day bud. One day you're gonna be married like me and Giyuu."-Sanemi
"Life's great."-Tanjirou
"Ok I'm back! Let's go now."-Genya
"Alrightyy! Nezuko-chan here I come~"-Zenitsu

The boys then head to Sanemi's estate but before they did, they left the wedding stuff at Genya's place and went back to his estate. So as the ladies and Giyuu, left their stuff at Mitsuri's estate.

The day before their wedding day, they had to go to different estates because it is considered bad luck. So Giyuu stayed at Mitsuri's estate and Sanemi stayed at Genya's place.

The day of the wedding.
The two couples woke up early to get early to get ready. Mitsuri and the ladies were busy getting Giyuu ready and looking like a star and make Sanemi fall in love with him even more and Genya and the boys were also getting Sanemi ready. And a few hours later they were ready and Sanemi was at the ceremony waiting nervously and hoping that Giyuu becomes his husband.

As the music played, Giyuu came walking slowly towards Sanemi and looking around until he saw two people. A boy with a salmon-pink hair and a mask on his head and a girl with black hair braid that had a light-coloured ribbon and wearing a dark red kimono. He knew who it was and he was smiling and happy that she and him was there. As he arrived to the front, Sanemi was looking at him and was admiring his look.
(Keep in mind, I went to a wedding once and I don't rlly know how it works so I'm just gonna try my best and might skip some parts idk)

"Hello, welcome to Giyuu and Sanemi's wedding."-Wedding dude
(Idk what to say 😢 so I'm gonna skip until they say whatever to each other)
"Giyuu... you look gorgeous hehe. Anyways, Giyuu, I'm so glad I met you in this life because you're just an fantastic person who thinks of others... I honestly don't know what else to say besides from me loving you and.. yeah... you're awesome, beautiful, most of all, smart and protective."-Sanemi
"Hehe... thank you Sanemi... I think you're honestly the same too. Protective, smart, and mostly handsome... hehe. You indeed changed my life when I was a demon and now I'm a human again and it just feels nice knowing I'm gonna die with you. But yeah... I love you."-Giyuu
"That's very sweet of you two... now. Time for the ultimate question, Sanemi Shinazugawa, will you take, Giyuu Tomioka, as your lawfully wife/husband?"-Wedding man
"Yes, I do, very much."-Sanemi
"Okay, now you, Giyuu Tomioka, will you take Sanemi Shinazugawa, as your lawfully husband?"-Wedding man
"Yes! I do."-Giyuu
"Then you may kiss the bride."-Wedding man (I think that's how it goes)

They kissed and hugged each other in happiness and Giyuu waves to Tsutako and Sabito who is standing there crying along with the fallen hashiras. They spent hours at their wedding place that they didn't realise that it was getting very late and everyone went home and Sanemi Shinazugawa and Giyuu Shinazugawa went home and slept together.

The en- oh wait, i didn't tell you about the demons- ok. Muzan died from the sun cuz he a loser and the other demons died cuz they deserved it- idk I just don't wanna get into the fighting stuff- and I'm getting too busy watching these anime's... 😭 jjk... i haven't even seen it and I'm on season 2... onto the part in the train with mei mei... is it bad...? Also love yall meat lovers. Have a good day and hopefully see you on my next story I might start.


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