Chapter 21

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Sanemi's POV:
While we were chatting about some things at the Wisteria Tree, we heard some explosions and some of us smelt some blood (not that great of a sense but ok) and rushed over to the explosion just to find many people on the ground in pain bleeding, having blood everywhere. I turned over to see Giyuu eyes widen as he tried to cover his mouth to try not to have his demonic form take over and consume humans that were struggling and in pain. I ran to Giyuu but his demonic form has already taken over and he immediately rushed to one of the humans and I quickly followed and grabbed both his arms before he could reach them, I was really trying to pull back and he was growling demanding for the human. I didn't know what to do that could hold him back until I saw Tanjirou, Inosuke and Zenitsu who so happens to be training there nearby here and saw me trying to hold back Giyuu.
"Shinzaguaza-san! What's wrong with Giyuu-San?!"-Tanjirou
"We need to help!"-Zenitsu
"No!- I mean- just get the injured back to safety! I need to deal with Giyuu! Does anyone have a muzzle?!"-Sanemi
"I have an extra one for Nezuko but you can take hers! If it is really important!"-Tanjirou
"Argh! Thank you-, Giyuu what the fuck is wrong with you!"-Sanemi
"I- uh maybe get his memories back or something?"-Tanjirou
"Ah... um. Sabito? Sabito risked his life for you to live! Please come on! I don't know what would work!"-Sanemi
"Knock him out!"-Zenitsu
"It doesn't work like that!"-Sanemi
Then Giyuu took over and ran out of energy due to him trying to take over back as himself and holding himself back from devouring humans. And hit his head on Sanemi's head and fainted.
"What happened to him? He doesn't seem like... a human.."-Zenitsu
"I'll explain when Giyuu wakes up."-Sanemi
"Uh... okay."-Tanjirou
No one's POV:
Sanemi then carried Giyuu to their estate and Sanemi brought the trios with them since he can't escape them from asking what is Giyuu.

30 Minutes Later

Giyuu then woke up in his bed wondering where he was and realised he was in his own bed. He looked around for Sanemi and saw him standing near the door.
"I think we have to tell them."-Sanemi
"Huh-?! But-"-Giyuu
"They saw you growling cause you lost control."-Sanemi
"Oh...okay, where are they."-Giyuu
"In the living room. You wanna go now?"-Sanemi
"They have to know at some point, so yes, let's go."-Giyuu
They walked out confronting the boys and when Giyuu entered the living room, Nezuko immediately ran to Giyuu and gave him a hug on his leg not wanting to let go.
"Hey Nezuko, and hello Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke.."-Giyuu
"Hey mr tomioka... are you okay?"-Tanjirou
"Yeah you were growling like how Nezuko-chan does! It was so scary!"-Zenitsu
"He really was though.."-Zenitsu
"Well... for short let's just say I am a demon... like Nezuko.."-Giyuu
"Huh- what? But you can walk in the sun and demons die in the sun?"-Tanjirou
"Well, it is kind of hard to explain but um... I've conquered the sun... meaning I'm the first ever demon to conquer the sun.."-Giyuu
"Wha... what.. no way... do you eat demons or do you get strength by sleep like nezuko?"-Tanjirou
"I sleep of course."-Giyuu
"That's good then, If you are looking forward to turn back into human I can help you."-Tanjirou
"I'm already trying to do that but I don't know any doctors who can do that. And they could take advantage of Giyuu so I guess our plan is to kill Muzan.."-Sanemi
"I guess that works but I do know a doctor who is very trustworthy and is also helping defeat Muzan. Her name is Tamayo and she's also a demon..."-Tanjirou
"Hm... is she freefrom Muzan's control?"-Sanemi
"Okay.. uh, I think you should get back to the Butterfly Mansion, Aoi or someone working there might be worried about you three haha."-Giyuu
"Yeah probably! Let's go Nezuko!"-Tanjirou
"It's okay Nezuko, I might be able to visit you if you like."-Giyuu
"I'm guessing that's a yes. Hehe."-Giyuu
"She really likes you Tomioka."-Tanjirou
"Nezuko-chan~ let's goo~"-Zenitsu
"We should hurry."-Tanjirou
Nezuko went in her box waving bye to Giyuu.
"Have a good week!"-Giyuu
"You too."-Tanjirou
"Finally, can we cuddle."-Sanemi
"Yes yes you big baby."-Giyuu
Then he carried Giyuu as in bridal style and they cuddled in bed (nothing sussy going on you sussy bakas.)

Hello fresh meat lovers uhhh yeah this chapters pretty intense Ig. Uhh idk ALSO ITS SPOOKY MONTHHH IM SO EXCITEDD! I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEW ROBLOX UPDATESSSS YAMADAAAA. If you're wondering what my user it is...... I'm never saying it. I don't wanna be that famous lmao 🤣 Alrightyy Byee have a good SpOoKy MoNtH!!!!

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