Chapter 12

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The next morning:
"Alright, everybody, get up we gotta get ready. It'sss uhh, ITS 10:39AM?! WE DEFINITELY GOTTA GET READY"-Shinobu
"Ahh okay."-Rengoku
"Ee I wonder what the master wants to talk about."-mitsuri.
"Oh yeahh! Yay!"-mitsuri.
"That's cool.."-Sanemi.
"Yay... I wanna sleep."-Giyuu
"Cmon, we gotta get up no more sleeping until after the meeting unless we've got a mission."-Sanemi.
Giyuu unexpectedly turned into water and shapeshift into a cat.
"Woah- did you turn into a cat just to get away?"-Sanemi
"Erm..."-Giyuu makes an idk noise lol.
"Sigh, it's nearly 11AM, we've got to get ready."-Sanemi.
No one's POV:
The hashiras changed and was ready for the meeting and they've arrived at their places where they usually have their meetings.
2 hrs later:
"Guys! The masters coming get to your places!"-Shinobu.
(They all got to their places)
"Well, hello my children, and of course our two new hashiras. I'm very impressed with you two. You two has become a hashira quite fast."-Ubuyashiki.
"That's pretty cool."-Sanemi.
"Yes, now. We are getting much closer to peace. I'm even more excited to see my future childrens become a hashira as well. Now, Sanemi I have a question about Giyuu."-Ubuyashiki
"And that is..?"-Sanemi.
"How well can Giyuu stop himself from eating humans?"-Ubuyashiki.
"Well, im not entirely sure. He just doesn't think about it I guess... but I'm guessing if he unlock his true form, im worried if he may lose control and end up hurting people."-Sanemi.
"Well why not try train him and see if he can unlock that form and have him to try and control himself? With you helping him of course."-Ubuyashiki.
"Ahm.. I don't really know how he can do that.. since we're not demons we don't exactly know what we're doing. But I'll try what I can."-Sanemi.
"Very well then, the meeting has ended."-Ubuyashiki
"Alright, Giyuu let's go."-Sanemi. (They're walking to a place that Giyuu will test his powers)
"Don't you think it might be hard? I mean I haven't even tried doing that except fighting that demon."-Giyuu
"Which demon?"-sanemi
"That Uhm, skeleton one. The one I nearly got burnt but conquered the sun."-Giyuu
"Oh. Yeah.. anyways we're here, let's see what you can do."-Sanemi.
Sanemi's POV:
After the meeting, I was concerned for Giyuu once he unlocks his true form, what would happen if he did it. We'll have to see.. Giyuu tried using his water powers, had some fun but also put his strengths in the work. After hours, Giyuu was trying really hard but I decided he should take a break and get some sleep so he can have some of that strength back.
"Alright, Giyuu I think you've done enough you're running out of strength but you're growing stronger. With those water attacks, you've definitely are much stronger than yesterday."-Sanemi.
"Mm... yeah.. okay..."-Giyuu
"I'll just carry you back.-Sanemi

Weeks pass, Giyuu has been working on his powers and also trying to unlock his form. While Sanemi is helping Giyuu, he also decided to train too.

AUTHORS NOTE: HEY FRESH MEATS..- SORRY FOR NOT MAKING STORIES, WIFIS WERE BAD IUT THERE BUT WERE KINDA GOOD? ANYWAYS, I am tired I just arrived home yesterday and I missed my kitten so much that she just played so much with me today, she likes to apparently pet her head with my chin or something but I just end up kissing her adorable head lol. On my trip I was out to Fraser is,and, and dingoes are seen there but haven't found one until we were leaving our hotel- we found one just walking casually on the sand road thingy. It was a super chill guy lol. Anyways, unfortunately I won't be at school tmr, I haven't been to school for like, 7 days 😫 my friend is probably worried and misses me I feel so bad for her I won't be in school tmr. 😭😭😭.

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Some cursed photo that I don't even know if it shows up.

Demon Giyuu 🌊x Sanemi💨Where stories live. Discover now