Chapter 16

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When the hashiras arrived at the meeting, they saw Tanjirou laying down and saw a box next to him.
"Who the fuck is this?"-Sanemi approaching him
"That's the boy I saved. From that spider demon."-Giyuu
"Omg he looks so adorable!!!"-Mitsuri
"U-uh.. thank you?"-tanjirou
"What's your name?"-Mitsuri
"Tanjirou... Kamado"-Tanjirou
"That's a flamboyant name!"-tengen
"Wait.. why is he tied up?"-giyuu
"Cause he is a fucking rat."-Obanai
"Don't be mean!"-mitsuri
"Guys! The master is coming."-Mitsuri

"Hello my childrens.. I hope you had a great day."-Ubuyashiki
"Heads down you idiot!"-Sanemi holding tanjirous head down.
"Be easy on him."-Ubuyashiki and Sanemi had loosen.
"What's in that box over there huh?"-Sanemi
"U-uh.. my sister is in there.. she's a demon.."-Tanjirou
"Let's see. Master, can I take her into the shade behind you?"-sanemi
Before Tanjirou had the chance to move, Obanai came up to him and trapped him down with his elbow on his back.
Giyuu knew what Sanemi was going to do..
Sanemi had taken her to the shade and dropped the box and inserted the sword into the box, Nezuko groaned in pain and she came out of the box looking angry. Sanemi decided to see if she would take his blood so he cut his arm with blood dropping down his arm. Nezuko stared at the blood dripping down. Tanjirou saw what was happening and broke free of Obanai's elbow and broke the ropes he had on him.
"Nezuko! Don't take the blood! Please!"-Tanjirou
"C'mon demon! Take it, I know you want it."-Sanemi
Nezuko was basically drooling and growling trying to stop herself from eating the blood and she looked away with disgust. Sanemi was shocked to find another one of those demons... Giyuu, seemed very relieved, Tanjirou was also relieved. Sanemi put his sword back and walked next to Giyuu standing looking pretty disappointed but also quite happy to find another one of those demons.
"You shouldn't had been so hard.."-Giyuu whispered
"I'm just seeing if she would do it but I guess she's you too."-Sanemi whispered back
"Shinobu.. would you take these two back to the Butterfly mansion?"-Ubuyashiki
"Yes master."-Shinobu
A few minutes later, two guys came up and took Tanjirou and Nezuko (in the box) back to the Butterfly Mansion
"Now, that was quite interesting. We have seem to have another demon by our side.."-Ubuyashiki
All the hashira's cheered.
"Does anyone know what kind of breathing style they use?"-Ubuyashiki
"They use the water breathing."-Giyuu
"He's gonna be like you! That's so cool!"-Mitsuri
"But erm.. I haven't really told you about something.. I told Shinobu earlier about it.."-Giyuu
"Oh, what is it?"-Ubuyashiki
"Well... I've met that demon girl like 2 years ago... when I first met her, she was an absolute demon, I held her as a hostage and before I even knew it she broke free and ran towards her brother and protected him instead of devouring him.. I was completely shocked and he wanted to find the cure for his sister to become a human. So I just decided to let them go.. I felt like I made a mistake until she didn't even try to take Sanemi's blood.."-Giyuu
"Wow.. it's seemed that you'd made a very good decision then. Hopefully she won't betray and help us defeat Muzan."-Ubuyashiki
"Wait!"- unknown
"Huh?"-all hashiras
"At least let me headbutt that guy who tried to kill my sister!"-tanjirou
"Ermm.. maybe let's not do that haha.."-Ubuyashiki
"KID GET BACK!"-random (I forgot what it's called) butterfly mansion dude kakushi (I think)
"No! I need to headbutt that man!"-Tanjirou as he's being dragged
"He's annoying already."-Sanemi
"I mean.. you did stab his sister.. it does count as trying to kill."-Giyuu
"Whatever.."-Sanemi not admitting to his lover

The meeting goes on and on and it ended 30 minutes later.

"Hey Shinobu, is it possible to see that demon girl again?.. or her brother?"-Giyuu
"Oh.. sure but why?"-Shinobu
"Well, it's not really anything I just want to talk with them.."-Giyuu
"Ah, sure no problem I guess."-Shinobu

It is currently at the sunset and Giyuu arrived at the butterfly mansion.

Cliff hanger-

Sorry for the cliff hangers, I know I'm stupid my kittens is attacking me with her bare claws and teeth, she's on vampire or serial killer mode or smthing lol but yeah- it is quite late.. anyways have a good night/day I love yall fresh meats

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