Chapter 28

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After a few days of staying at the butterfly mansion, Giyuu was free and was able to see Nezuko standing in the sun outside without being burnt like Giyuu. Sanemi was standing there looking at Nezuko and Giyuu until Genya came next to Sanemi bumping his elbow on him.
"Hey bro!"-Genya
"Oh- hey."-Sanemi
"Whatcha doin?"-Genya
"Staring at my soon to be wife."-Sanemi
"Ooh~ you're gonna propose?"-Genya
"Yeah... dunno when I can though."-Sanemi
"Ohh- that is gonna be hard.."-Genya
"Hi Genya-"-Muichiro
"Hah? What are you doin here?"-Sanemi
"I just wanted to see Genya..."-Muichiro
"Ok- first off, why?"-Sanemi
"Because he's my.... What's it called?"-Muichiro
"B-boyfriend! Hehe.."-Genya
"Oh, right. Yeah"-Muichiro
"Bro- you have a boyfriend...."-Genya
"So? I've been with him longer than you. This guy, is an idiot. You can't have a boyfriend at 16!"-Sanemi
"What are you guys yelling about?"-Giyuu
"He's saying I can't have a boyfriend at 16 when I have a boyfriend! He's literally gonna mar-"-Genya
"What- oh."-Genya
"Don't say it!"-Sanemi
"I won'tttt!"-Mitsuri
"What? What are you talking about?"-Giyuu
"Uh- anyways. Let Genya have a boyfriend... he's 16. We started dating at around 16. Let him date. He's old enough.  I'm sure Muichiro is happy with him."-Giyuu
"Thank you bro!"-Genya
"Ugh... fine. He better not mess it up."-Sanemi
"I wasn't gonna do that but what was the name of that animal?"-Muichiro
"What animal?"-Mitsuri
"I don't know. Must've forgotten."-Muichiro
"Ahhh. Ok! Let's celebrate our victory! Let's go to Sanemi's and Giyuu's house! Their house are so softtttmi can't wait to steal that blanket!"-Mitsuri
"Ahh Mitsuri which one..?"-Giyuu
"It was like a blue one with waves on it. Is it yours?"-Mitsuri
"Yes... my favourite one. Me and Sanemi share it..."-Giyuu
"Oh! Sorry hehe! I'll let you guys have it. I'll ask Obanai for one. Or get another Blanket."-Mitsuri
"Ooh. You guys sleep together?"-Genya
"Mhm.. he also sleeps shirtless.."-Giyuu
"Typical of him. He does that."-Genya
"Oh- Nezuko do you wanna come with me?"-Mitsuri
"Ah- Nezuko-"-Tanjirou
"She'll be fine! I promise! We're just getting blankets for the sleepover!"-Mitsuri
"Ahh.. okay."-Tanjirou
"The hell was that?"-Sanemi
"Oh! Chachamaru! You got a letter?"-Tanjirou
"Yes. Miss Tamayo. The demon doctor. One of the good demons as well."-Tanjirou
"Oh.. interesting. Me and the boys will be at our house."-Giyuu
"Ok! I'll meet you back there."-Tanjirou

The 4 boys, Muichiro, Sanemi, Genya and Giyuu going to Giyuu and Sanemi's house and getting ready. That day was also surprisingly their (somewhere like 5 years idk im stupid I don't keep count of how long they date) anniversary.

Tanjirou's POV:
After leaving Mr Tomioka and the others, I went ahead to Miss Tamayo's place to see what she wants to talk about. After arriving to her place, Yuishiro (I might've spelt his name wrong.) was at the door waiting for me. And after entering in her house, Miss Tamayo was in some lab kitchen with potions in her hands. She was also wearing what seems to be a lab coat.
"Hello Miss Tamayo."-Tanjirou
"Ah! Tanjirou. Here you are. I've finally finished the potion (idk something like that) . She can now turn back into a human."-Tamayo
"O-oh! Really? That's awesome!"-Tanjirou

Tamayo then proceeds to hand the potion to Tanjirou and Tanjirou then leaves their place and heads to Giyuu's estate. After he arrives to Giyuu's house, he entered and got a pillow hit on his face.
"Ah- ow."-Tanjirou
"Sorry! Hehe. We're just having a pillow fight, also what's that in your hands?"-Giyuu
"Oh. Something for Nezuko and you."-Tanjirou
"Me and Nezuko?"-Giyuu
"Ya. It's obvious that he's gonna-"-Sanemi
"Don't say it!"-Genya
"What? Is it supposed to be a damn surprise?"-Sanemi
"I wanna knoww"-Giyuu
"You'll have it soon today."-Tanjirou
"Also happy Anniversary to you and Sanemi."-Tanjirou
"Thank you."-Giyuu
"Yeah yeah."-Sanemi
"You're only nice to Tomioka... oof."-Tanjirou
"Cause he's my boyfriend."-Sanemi
"What about meee?"-Genya
"I don't know what about you?"-Sanemi
"That hurt."-Genya
"Okayy! Let's continue playing!!!"-Mitsuri

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