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After a few weeks we finally reached the end of the month. We had finally received kaylees surgery date. It was tomorrow. Kaylee had to take antibiotics to prevent infection after surgery. Today she can't eat anything past 8pm. Her surgery is scheduled for 8am. I was sat at the kitchen table zoned out with my head in my hands.
Hailey: hey baby
Jay: hmm
Hailey: what's going on?
Jay: what if the surgery doesn't work? She is looking so forward to being able to live more freely. If it doesn't work it will break her. I'm scared for her
Hailey: these are totally normal feelings Jay. It just means you love her and care about her
Jay: of course I do she's my daughter
After Kaylee came downstairs
Jay: morning peach
Kaylee: morning
Jay: you wanna go to the district with us?
Kaylee: can I stay in grampas office?
Jay: if you ask him nicely
Kaylee: I'll go get ready
Jay: you've got 15 minutes then we're going
She ran upstairs. After 20 minutes she still hadn't come back down.
Hailey: you think she's okay?
Jay: I'm not sure. I'm gonna go check
I went upstairs and knocked on her door
Jay: Kaylee you okay? Kaylee
I opened the door and she was just stood staring at the wall. After a few seconds she came round.
Kaylee: are we going now?
Jay: yeah you ready?
Kaylee: mhm
We went to the car and drove to the district. We arrived at the district and Kaylee ran inside

Kaylee PoV
I ran inside and Trudy buzzed me up. I went up to the bullpen
Adam: hey there's my favourite Halstead
Kaylee: hey dumbass
I went to grampas office and charged in and threw myself onto his couch.
grampa: hey trouble
Kaylee: how'd you know it's me?
grampa: who else barges in and jumps onto my couch?
Kaylee: erm dad?
grampa: he's had his moments. You not at school today?
Kaylee: nope. Oh grampa can you help me with a project I have? I have to do a family tree and I don't know how to do it.
grampa: families are very complicated
Kaylee: yes they are.
grampa: how about I come round and I'll help you?
Kaylee: can my friend zach come to?
grampa: Oo a boy
Kaylee: he's just a friend. We're working on the project together.
grampa: if you say so. Where's your dad?
Kaylee: he's here somewhere
grampa: let me guess you want to stay in here
Kaylee: yes please
I laid spread out on the couch.
Kaylee: grampa?
grampa: what can I do for you trouble?
Kaylee: did you know Monica?
grampa: yeah. What's going on?
Kaylee: it's just why doesn't she want to know me? Am I not worth getting to know?
grampa: hey. She doesn't know what she's missing. She's missing out on the strongest most beautiful girl.
I went and hugged him
Kaylee: thank you Grampa
Grampa: you want to watch something on the iPad?
Kaylee: yeah please
Grampa: how is everything?
Kaylee: I have surgery tomorrow
Grampa: surgery?
Kaylee: it should help with the seizures
Grampa: that's good
He gave me the iPad and I put on Captain America.

Hank pov
Kaylee had fallen asleep watching the iPad so I turned it off and put a blanket over her. Jay walked in
Jay: she okay?
Hank: yeah she fell asleep watching a film. She asked why Monica didn't want to get to know her
Jay: what brought it on?
Hank: she has to do a project on family
Jay: oh
Hank: you done your paperwork?
Jay: nearly
Hank: as soon as it's done you can go
Jay left and I was checking my emails until I hear grunting. I looked over and Kaylee was seizing. I timed it and after a couple minutes it stopped. I rolled her onto her side and after 20 minutes she started to come around
Hank: hey trouble
Kaylee: h-hurts
Hank: what hurts?
Kaylee: h-head
Hank: I know trouble. How about you get some rest okay?
She fell asleep straight away. I went out to Jay
Hank: Jay
Jay: what's up?
Hank: Kaylee had a seizure
Jay: was it bad?
Hank: No pretty mild. She's asleep right now
Jay: I don't know what to do pops
Hank: what do you mean?
Jay: I know what it's like. To slowly lose control. To wake up with your head all foggy, with muddled thoughts. Not being aware of what is going on
Hank: I know Jay
Jay: I just hate seeing her go through what I had to
Hank: she's strong Jay. Are you finished with your paperwork?
Jay: yeah
Hank: you can go home when you're ready
Jay: thanks pops

Jay pov
Jay: Hailey I'm gonna go you coming?
Hailey: I just need to finish this paperwork. I'll meet you at home
Jay: okay
I gave her a kiss and picked Kaylee up from hanks office. I carried her out to the car and drove home. I pulled up in the driveway and carried her in and laid her on the couch. I made us some lunch and went over to wake her up.
Jay: Kaylee wake up peach
I shook her gently
Kaylee: hmm
Jay: I made you some lunch. You need to eat something
Kaylee: not hungry
Jay: I know but you're gonna want to eat what you can until 8.
Kaylee: dadddd please. I feel sick
Jay: I know but you need to eat. Just a few bites okay
Kaylee: okay
We started eating our lunch.
Kaylee: thanks dad
Jay: No worries peach
Kaylee: No I mean thank you for everything
Jay: hey I'm always here for you peach. Always
We finished lunch
Kaylee: I'm gonna go to bed. I'm really tired
Jay: okay peach
She went to bed and after an hour Hailey came home
Hailey: hey where is she?
Jay: gone to bed. Seizure tired her out
Hailey: well come tomorrow hopefully things will get better

The next day
Me and Hailey was woken by someone bouncing on our bed
Kaylee: wake up! Wake up!
Jay: alright peach alright
Hailey: someone's happy today
Jay: what time is it?
Hailey: ugh Kaylee it's 6am
Jay: shit it's 6am. We need to be at med at before 8am. Kaylee go get ready
She leaped off the bed
Jay: calm down please
Kaylee: sorry

She got ready by the time it was 7:20 we got in the car and drove to med
Will: hey guys
Jay: hey red
I looked at Kaylee and she was zoned out
Will: seizure?
Jay: No she's just zoned out. I don't know why tho she was happy this morning
Will: her rooms set up already. Dr Abrams will come in to talk. April will come in to take vitals
Jay: thanks will
We went and got settled in. April came in to see her up to machines and take her vitals
April: everything looks good. Dr Abrams will be in soon
Jay: thanks April

Dr Abrams came in to explain the procedure again and take her up.
A few hours later she came back out.
Jay: everything go okay?
Dr Abrams: it all went to plan. No complication. Surgery was a success.
Jay: so what now?
Dr Abrams: there'll be an appointment where we will switch it on
Jay: are there gonna be any side effects?
Dr Abrams: Voice changes, throat pain, cough, headaches, shortness of breath, swallowing troubles, skin tingling, and trouble sleeping.
Jay: Will it work straight away?
Dr Abrams: no. You may not see changes for months or years
Jay: when can we leave?
Dr Abrams: hopefully when she wakes up

Kaylee pov
I adjusted my eyes to the bright lights. I felt a pain in my neck. I tried to touch it but my hand kept getting pushed down.
Dad: you can't touch it peach
my throat felt really dry
Kaylee: w-water
Dad grabbed a cup of water and a straw. I took a sip and I felt better.
Kaylee: ouch
Dad: what's wrong peach?
Kaylee: it hurts
Dad: I know peach. It's gonna feel sore for a few days.
Kaylee: can I go home?
Dad: April is gonna do some checks then we'll be good to go

After 20 minutes April walked in and began checking my vitals.
April: how you feeling?
Kaylee: it hurts
April: there's not much we can do. The pain should get better. If not then take a couple pain killers. Dr Abrams has set up a follow up appointment for two weeks from today. He'll program the device
Kaylee: can I go home now?
April: yep once your dad signs the paperwork. Jay just keep an eye for any signs of infection.
Dad signed it and we were getting ready to leave
Dad: is Will here?
April: No he finished early today
Dad: okay thanks April
We left and went to the car.
Dad: you want anything to eat?
Kaylee: nope I feel like if I eat I'll throw up
Dad: okay. I'll make you a smoothie and see how you do
We got home and I went up to my room. I went on my phone and I had a missed FaceTime from zach so I rang him back
Zach: hey
Kaylee: hi
Zach: you have your surgery?
Kaylee: mhm. Can't talk much. Hurts
Zach: you at home?
Kaylee: mhm
Zach: okay. I got to go I'll speak later
He ended the call

Kaylee Jaymie HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now