Day at firehouse 51

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I finished getting ready and Kelly pulled up outside
Uncle Will: Kelly's here
Kaylee: coming
I ran down the stairs.
Uncle Will: you taken your meds?
Kaylee: erm yeah?
Uncle Will: go and take them
Kaylee: okay
I ran to the kitchen and got the bottle out the basket. I was about to take it when will called for me
Will: Kaylee you ready?
Kaylee: yeah coming
I put the bottle back down and ran out.
Kelly: hey trouble
Kaylee: hi
Kelly: you ready?
Kaylee: mhm
Kelly: come on then
We got in the car and kelly started driving
Kelly: you eaten?
Kaylee: not yet.
Kelly: hows school?
Kaylee: I'm still on report and still not on my full timetable. I've been training a lot more with the juniors and seniors. I have a meeting soon
Kelly: again? You not long ago had one
Kaylee: I know. Can we pick up my friend first?
Kelly: sure who?
Kaylee: Zach
Kelly: Oo zach
Kaylee: shut up
Kelly: I'm just messing
We went to zach house and picked him up then went to waffle house. We ate then headed to the district.

Zach pov
Zach: it's been weird without you at school
Kaylee: what have I missed?
Zach: well Bradley and Jess broke up because Bradley cheated with Hannah. Josh is pissed at Bradley. And Jess is pissed at Hannah. Tessa and Harry finally got together.
Kaylee: No they didn't. No fucking way
Zach: mhm
Kaylee: about fucking time
Kelly: oi watch your mouth
Zach: we have people coming in to talk to us next Friday
Kaylee: okay
Zach: that's about it it's been pretty boring. How's your dad?
Kaylee: he's okay now he now from help h-he
I looked really confused. She was staring into space and barely blinking.
Zach: erm I think she's having a seizure
Kelly: just give her a minute
A few seconds later she came round again.
Zach: you okay?
Kaylee: yeah I'm fine.
Kelly: you taken your meds this morning?
Kaylee: yeah why?
Kelly: just making sure. I know what you're like
Kaylee: you can ring uncle Will if you don't believe me
Kelly: No it's fine
Zach: what are we gonna do at the firehouse?
Kaylee: anything we want
Kelly: within reason
Zach: watch movies?
Kaylee: sure
We arrived at the firehouse and Kaylee ran in so I followed her. Everyone looked at me and I felt a little intimidated
??: so who's going this
Kaylee: this is zach. Zach this is Matt, mouch and Hermann
We walked to Kelly's office. Kaylee picked a film on the iPad. We were watching Gilmore girls. It'd been a couple hours and we were still watching it until I felt Kaylee twitching.
Zach: Kelly!
Him and Matt came running in and Kaylee started seizing. I took my hoodie off and put it under her head. After a few minutes the seizure came to an end and she had come around quite quickly
Kelly: you're okay. You've had a seizure.
Kaylee: mhm
Zach: hey you up to making some food?
Kaylee: yeah okay
Kelly: I think Cruz has already made lunch
We went into the kitchen.
Cruz: I've got BBQ chicken, nachos and quesadillas
Kaylee: don't tell kelly but you're my favourite
Kelly: Hey
Kaylee: I'm kidding. I'm kidding
Cruz: go on fix up a plate
We took a bit of everything and sat down
Kaylee: prepare yourself zach
Zach: for?
Cruz: so zach how's school?
Zach: it's good
Cruz: You a trouble maker?
Zach: i try not to be
Matt: any idea what you wanna be when you're older
Zach: I wanted to be a police officer or firefighter but my dad said I couldn't do it because of my ADHD
Kelly: don't let anyone tell you you can't do something
Zach: but he's right it will cause problems for me. I'm not reliable
Kelly: trust me when I say your ADHD will not stop you from doing what you want
Zach: you don't know that for sure
Kelly: i never let it stop me and look where I am
Zach: you have ADHD?
Kelly: yep. You may have to work harder than others but you can do it.
Zach: I guess
Hermann: you play any sports?
Zach: soccer, basketball, baseball and lacrosse
The intercom went and everyone left
Zach: well that was not as expected
Kaylee: I knew that was coming.
Zach: they're quite intimidating
Kaylee: they're harmless really. They just wanna scare you
We carried on eating
Zach: cruz is a good cook
Kaylee: yep probably one of the best here. Kelly can't cook to save his life. Casey is decent and Dawson is alright. No ones better than Cruz through
Zach: so what do you do when you come here?
Kaylee: homework but that's only if there's someone to help me, I help chief Boden with anything he needs but I spend most of my time watching tv
Zach: okay
We carried on watching gossip girl. Kaylee fell asleep on me. After a few hours everyone came back. Cruz and Otis were messing about but stopped when they saw Kaylee asleep. Gabby and shay came in and took a picture. Hermann came in and knocked a cup on the floor waking Kaylee up
Kaylee: why you all just staring? Go and get a life seriously
Shay: oh someone's in a mood
Cruz: this is why you don't wake her up
Kaylee: where's kelly?
Shay: he's in his quarters but go easy on him it wasn't a good call-out
Kaylee: what happened?
Shay: it was a pretty bad car accident. Kelly tried to rescue the kid but he didn't make it. Kelly hasn't talked to anyone since
Kaylee: shit

Kaylee pov
I got up and went to Kelly's quarters. He was sat at his desk with his head in his hands. He was sniffing and trying to wipe his eyes. I knocked on the door and he got up and opened the door. I went in and gave him a hug.
Kaylee: you did your best kelly. I'm sorry they died. I'm proud of you
Kelly: I could've saved him. I should've saved the kid . It's just like when I couldn't save him
I knew straight away who he was on about
Kaylee: Brandon wasn't your fault. It was the drunk prick who ran the red light. He was too hurt. You did your best to help him. He was already dead. You wanna go get milkshakes?
Kelly: come on then trouble. You wanna bring zach?
Kaylee: no cause I wanna talk to you but I can't if he's there
Kelly: what's going on?
Kaylee: it's nothing. Can we just go?
Kelly: just wait for me in the car
I got in the car and then kelly came out and got in. We drove to a diner and we got pancakes and milkshake
Kelly: so what's going on?
Kaylee: do you think my mom regrets what she did?
Kelly: Monica?
Kaylee: yep
Kelly: probably not why? What's bought this on?
Kaylee: she sent me a message and said it was dad keeping her from me and the incident didn't happen like he said
Kelly: have you spoken to him?
Kaylee: not yet I don't want to upset him. I know she was saying it to mess with my head but a part of me wants to believe that the reason she left is because of something dad did and not cause she didn't want me. I wanted to believe that she wanted to be my mom.
Kelly: I knew your mom and I can tell you that she was too into drugs and alcohol. Even if she wanted to be your mom, she was in no fit state to be looking after you.
Kaylee: I know dad told me everything
Kelly: what you need is it talk to him okay? I don't want you letting all these feeling build up. We all know how that ends. Agreed?
Kaylee: mhm. We should probably head back
Kelly: come on then
We went back to the firehouse. We walked in and I went to find zach. He was doing some drills with Matt.
Kaylee: hey
Zach stopped and came over
Zach: hey
Matt: we're done for the day kid
Zach: thanks Matt
Kaylee: I'm gonna get my phone from Kelly's car. I'll meet you in the common room. Dads gonna be here soon
I went it to his car and was looking for my phone. After five minutes everything seemed glitchy and went black

Kaylee Jaymie HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now