Yet another meeting

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A couple weeks later dad was getting better and I was opening up a lot more. Today I had another meeting at school.
Hailey: come on kiddo. We have a busy morning.
Kaylee: I don't feel good
Hailey: what's up?
Kaylee: I feel weird
Hailey: seizure weird or ill weird
Kaylee: I don't know
Hailey: do you wanna stay with kelly? I'm sure you'd be able to hang around the firehouse
Kaylee: Mr James said I have to be there
Hailey: he'll understand
Kaylee: he said that if im not there then he'd have to reschedule
Hailey: if you feel any worse let me know okay
Kaylee: I will. I promise.
Hailey: can you go and get ready? You have 10 minutes.
Kaylee: am I going to be in lessons?
Hailey: no you're just in for the meeting and you'll also have a session with Sam
Kaylee: why?
Hailey: you got out of last weeks session you're not getting out of today. Go get ready and don't forget your lanyard
I went and got dressed. I was just wearing a tracksuit and a pair of crocs. I ran downstairs
Hailey: where's your lanyard?
I ran back upstairs and got it from my desk and ran back down
Hailey: come on dad's already in the car.
I got in the car and we made our way to school

Hailey pov
Hailey: im sorry I can't be with you today
Jay: f-fine will th-there. He'll help me
Hailey: we'll be here as soon as the meeting is finished
We got to med and Will was already waiting.
Hailey: let me know how it goes
Will: will do
Kaylee: good luck dad
I started driving to the school
Kaylee: do you know what it's about?
Hailey: your plan
Kaylee: but we did that already?
Hailey: that was just for your behaviour report
Kaylee: urgh
Hailey: I know but the sooner we get this done the better. This is only to help you and support you through school
Kaylee: I know
We got to school and Miss Jackson (Jo) was waiting
Miss Jackson: Morning Kaylee
Kaylee: mmm
Hailey: Kaylee
Kaylee: Morning
Jo: not having a good morning?
Kaylee: can we get this over with?
Kaylee walked off
Hailey: im so sorry. She's just feeling really off today
Jo: it's okay. We'll try and speed this up
Hailey: what's it gonna involve?
Jo: it's for her education, behaviour and testing plan
Hailey: okay
Jo: it's already been drafted we just wanna make sure that Kaylee understands it and of anything needs to be added.

We walked to the meeting room and Kaylee was sat with a few teachers
Jo: this is Archie and Mr James
Archie: im Kaylees support teacher
Mr James: im the head of behaviour and the head of 9th Grade.
I sat down and Kaylee was getting a little restless
Kaylee: can we hurry up?
Hailey: Kaylee
Kaylee: im bored
Archie: I know it's boring but this will really help you
Mr James: we'll have a break after each plan
Kaylee: okay
Jo: so this first plan is to do with her epilepsy.
Kaylee: nothings changed
Jo: are you on the same medications?
Kaylee: yeah
Jo: same rescue?
Kaylee: yep
Jo: any difference in seizures?
Hailey: they're becoming less frequent and less severe. Obviously she'll have bad days but she's been having a lot more good days. After the head injury we just had to adjust the stimulation and medication and it seems to be working
Jo: that's good. Miss Upton if you could just sign this
I signed the plan and we moved onto the next plan
Mr James: this one is for behaviour. If you just wanna have a read.
Kaylee: why do I need this?
Mr James: because you're at serious risk of being expelled. Your behaviour is unacceptable and we are running out of things to try. If we don't see an improvement then we'll have to begin looking at alternative arrangements.

Behaviour Support Plan

Student Information:
• Name: Kaylee Halstead
• Age: 14
• Grade: 9th
• School: Lincoln Grove High School
• Date:
• Plan Prepared by: Jo Jackson, Rhys James

Kaylee is a 14-year-old student currently experiencing challenging behaviors that put her at risk of school expulsion. These behaviors are disrupting her learning and that of others, leading to difficulties with peer relationships and compliance with school expectations.

Kaylee Jaymie HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now