A month later

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Jay: Kaylee come on you're gonna be late for school
She didn't come down so I went up to her room. I knocked on her door
Jay: Kaylee
Kaylee: go away
I walked in and she was still in bed
Jay: come on up and ready
Kaylee: I'm not going to school
Jay: yes you are
Kaylee: no I'm not leave me the fuck alone
Jay: Kaylee Jaymie Halstead
Kaylee: I'm not fucking going to school
Jay: what is your problem?
Kaylee: you're my problem. Are you going deaf in your old age?
Jay: watch your mouth. I suggest you get out of this bed right now
Kaylee: I'm not going to school and you can't make me
Jay: I'm so fed up with your behaviour
Kaylee: maybe you should leave me just like Monica if I'm that much of a problem
She pushed passed me, put on her crocs and walked away slamming the front door behind her.
Jay: fuck
I went to my room and slammed the door. I was laid down just staring at the ceiling when I was interrupted by hailey
Hailey: hey you okay?
Jay: Kaylee went off on one about going to school. I don't know what to do.
Hailey: well did you ask her why she doesn't want to go?
Jay: no
Hailey: where is she now?
Jay: I don't know. She walked out
Hailey: I'll get Hank to track her phone
Jay: okay
She then laid with her head on my chest.
Hailey: she's gonna be okay
Jay: she's just so angry and I don't know why. She said that I should just leave like Monica did.

Kaylee pov
I went to the district to speak to grampa.
Trudy: hey you okay? Your dad's not here.
Kaylee: I'm fine
Trudy: shouldn't you be in school?
Kaylee: shouldn't you be minding your business?
I walked up to the bullpen and went straight to Grampa office.
I laid on the couch.
Grampa: what's up?
Kaylee: dads mad at me
Grampa: what happened?
Kaylee: I refused to go to school and I said he should leave me like Monica did
Grampa: has something happened at school? Is there anyone being horrible to you?
Kaylee: I just hate it.
Grampa: talk to me kiddo
Kaylee: everything is just too hard for me. I'm already failing all my classes and some kids in my class make fun of me because of it
Grampa: how long?
Kaylee: last couple of weeks
Grampa: are they bullying you?
Kaylee: kind of
Grampa: what do they do?
Kaylee: they call me names and try and make me look stupid. They make fun of my dyslexia and epilepsy. Everyone's just horrible. They say I'm faking for attention.
Grampa: what about your friends?
Kaylee: they stand up for me. They're good friends
Grampa: have you told your teachers?
Kaylee: no I'm not a snitch
Grampa: Kaylee
Kaylee: I can handle it myself
Grampa: You should talk to your dad
Kaylee: no it's fine he'll probably make things worse. I'll handle it myself.
Grampa: it gets any worse tell someone okay?
Kaylee: how come you didn't tell me Justin was coming home?
Grampa: he's not a good influence
Kaylee: he's changed Grampa. He's family don't you think I had the right to know
Grampa: it wasn't like that
Kaylee: everyone's just tryna piss me off today
I walked out of his office
Adam: ooohhhh someone's not happy
Kaylee: fuck off Adam
I walked out the district and made my way to the firehouse.

Kelly pov
I was talking to Matt in my quarters when I could see Kaylee walking towards us.
Matt: what's Kaylee doing here?
Kelly: no idea she should be at school. She doesn't look very happy
Kaylee walked in slamming the door and jumping onto my bunk
Kelly: you okay?
Kaylee: fucking fantastic
Kelly: what's happened?
Kaylee: everyone's just pissing me off
Kelly: why have I had your dad on the phone worrying about where you are?
Kaylee: I walked out the house
Kelly: why?
Kaylee: dad was pissing me off. I refused to go to school.
Kelly: is something happening at school?
Kaylee: everyone says that I fake my seizures for attention
Kelly: find a way to silence them
Kaylee: how?
Kelly: you'll figure it out
Matt: show them what it's like to have a seizure and what you have to deal with. You could even spread awareness through your social media
Kaylee: you're actually smarter than you look
Matt: thanks?
Kelly: wasn't a compliment. Kaylee you want me to drop you home?
Kaylee: mhm and can you stay whilst I talk to dad? Just in case it kicks off.
Kelly: of course. Come on then trouble
Kaylee: I'll wait in the car
Kelly: I'll be out in a second

Kaylee pov
I went to Kelly's car and after a few minutes he came out and drove home. I opened the door.
Dad: Kaylee?
I went up to my room
Dad: Kaylee peach can I come in please?
Kaylee: go away
Dad: Kaylee please
Kaylee: fuck off
I heard dad sigh then go back downstairs. I sat at the top of the stairs and could hear dad talking to kelly
Dad: I don't know what to do anymore Kelly. She just seems so angry all the time. She won't talk to me. I'm having her teacher on the phone everyday about her behaviour and her attitude. I'm losing her Kelly
Kelly: you just need to talk to her Jay. Try and get her to talk. There's a reason to why she's behaving this way and you need to get to the reason why.
Dad: has she told you what's up?
Kelly: yes and honestly it does explain why she was snapping at you this morning
Dad: what is it cause I know she won't tell me?
Kelly: Jay I can't. You need to talk to she
Dad: she doesn't speak to me about anything
Kelly: okay well there's these kids at school. They say she fakes her seizures for attention
Dad: that's awful. How long has this been going on?
Kelly: I don't know

I walked downstairs and dad gave me a hug
Dad: why didn't you tell me?
Kaylee: I didn't what to cause a new problem for you. I'm enough trouble as it is
Dad: hey you can always come to me about anything no matter what okay
Kaylee: I'm sorry. I just thought it was something I could handle myself
Kelly: Matt told her to use her social media to spread awareness about epilepsy
Dad: that's a good idea.
Kaylee: dad I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I didn't mean anything I said
Dad: I know you didn't. How about you get into pyjamas and we'll have a movie night okay?
Kaylee: kelly are you staying?
Kelly: I can't kiddo I've gotta get back to the firehouse. I'm still on shift I'll swing by tomorrow okay. I'll pick you up after school
Kaylee: okay
Kelly: but that means you go to school okay?
Kaylee: but?
Kelly: no buts. School. Tomorrow
Kaylee: fine
I gave him a hug then went upstairs and got into my pyjamas. I went downstairs and dad had ordered food. I sat beside him and hailey was there. We ate and I fell asleep watching a film.

Kaylee Jaymie HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now