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        Third period was English and everyone was reading "The Invisible Man". Romania's enjoying it when Lark still doesn't understand and she wounds up helping Lark. After they were done reading and taking notes on the new book, Brittany was throwing old papers at Romania three times. Mr. Nanza eventually got annoyed and said, "Are you done acting like a two-year-old, Ms. Jendayo?"

 "Can you tell me what I'm doing?"


"Why not?"

"Cause you know what you did; you're throwing papers at Romania for no reason. So cliche'."

"She needs to sit down and mind her business."

"You shouldn't be talking. You're the one trying to 'tell' Romania to sit down when she's helping someone and you're saying she should mind her business.", spat Mr. Nanza.

"Ooh, I'm so scared! Mr. Faggot wants to defend Little Miss Perfect."

Exactly when Brittany was going to be kicked out of class, Principal Zane came in, for he heard everything. "THAT'S IT! NO MORE SCREWING AROUND WITH YOU!", roared Principal Zane. When Brittany opened her mouth to argue once more, Zane said, "No! I don't want to hear another word from you, Jendayo. This is crazy! Throwing crap all over the place and then you're going to disrespect a teacher twice in one day. You're nothing but a spoiled brat that needs to get the hell out of my school. And I don't give a damn on how well you're doing in here, you need to pack up your stuff and go to my office where you're going to withdraw!"

She stormed out, went to her locker and the bell rang for lunch, which was fourth period. Lark said, "Anais, Vienna, you two should've seen that!"

Vienna said, "Seen what?"

"Brittany's getting kicked out of this school as we speak."

"She called Mr. Nanza a faggot in front of everyone", said Lark

"No shit? If I saw that I would've been like, 'Come on, bitch, let's go! You want a faggot? That's what I'm showing you!'", said Anais. "Well, I say that bitch deserved it. I'll tell y'all later after I come back from the bathroom."

"Hey, ladies", said a deep voice. And that voice belonged to Romania's boyfriend, Jacob. Jacob was 6'2 with a muscular build, apricot skin, dark blue eyes and slicked black hair. Two other boys were with Jacob too: Kevin and Tony. Tony has messy brown hair, light skin, hazel eyes, and is scrawny. Kevin was average-height, like Tony, but has a little muscle, green eyes, chocolate skin, and short black hair. As he approaches the table, he kisses Romania's cheek and says, "That was crazy, what happened last period." 

"Yeah, babe", said Romania.

"It's about damn time, I got tired of her skanky ass", said Tony.

"Who isn't", said Lark.

Jacob said, "Us talking about it isn't going to affect the situation at all." Changing the subject, Jacob says, "Anyways, Dad made me read that stupid book, but it was actually getting interesting."

Romania said, "Which part?"

"Where that psycho invisible scientist was hidden. I would rather die than have him hide with me."

"I know, right?"

"But, I already know what's going to happen in the end, so, HA!"

"Should Anais be okay in there? I mean, it's been a while", asked Vienna.

Tony says, "She should be okay, I mean, she can take care of herself."

"I'll go check on her", offered Romania.

When Romania was walking toward the bathroom, she heard slamming, cursing, screaming, and someone saying over and over, "Imma kill you, bitch!" She had a feeling that Anais is fighting Brittany. When she was swinging the door open, she saw that she was right. Brittany had a glass shard in her hand swinging at Anais when she kept dodging Brittany's attacks and kept aiming for her face. When the door opened, Anais was pinned up against the wall, getting choked. With the glass shard tip pointing in Anais' face, Romania got between the two and broke them up. She kicked Brittany in the face and in the stomach and ran off with Anais.

Anais and Romania went to their lunch table in silence. Anais, scratched up but undefeated was saved by Romania. 5'5, apricot skin, with a long jet-black ponytail and light blue eyes understood that Brittany took her anger out on Anais. "What the hell happened to you", asked Tony.

Anais says, angrily, "Roman, that bitch tried to fucking kill me! What the fuck is her problem? I didn't do anything."

"I know, just tell us what happened", says Romania.

"I was in the bathroom minding my business when this chick was like, 'Oh, you think you're all that, bitch? Well, Imma show you all that.' So I'm like, 'Bitch, back off already.' So then, she took out a piece of glass like she knows what she's doing and swung at me and slashed my face." 

Vienna said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now but that slut's going to pay for what she did. And y'all know me; I don't take shit lying down. I punched her in her face a few times, but she kept slashing me. She was yelling and saying, 'Imma kill you, bitch!' After that, Roman came in and kicked her and we left her bleeding and clinging her stomach."

Tony said, "How was she blee--"

Jacob interrupted and said, "Look, the most important thing is that Anais is fine and Brittany's out of this school in a few minutes."

The rest of the day was pretty peaceful. The Silvermist Stingrays won yet another volleyball tournament. Lark and Romania were walking home alone.

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