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"Are you sure you're ready for this", asked Brian

Brittany says, "You have no idea. Now go out there and do your thing."

Brian appears from the bushes and says to Romania, "Hey, baby."

"Not you again!", spat Romania.

Lark shouted, "Are you deaf or just that retarded?"

Brittany and Veronica come out of the bushes and start to fight Romania and Lark. Lark punched and beat Veronica in her face repeatedly. Veronica fell but she didn't black out yet. Then, Brian pinned Romania against the ground and got on top of her. Then he tore open her shirt, pulled off her pants, felt her up and pushed himself on her. Then, she was punching and kicking him so he'd get off of her, but it didn't work. Lark said, "GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS OFF OF HER!" She was going to kick Brian in his head to make him get off of Romania, but Brittany caught her. At that moment, she hit Lark with the empty beer bottle and Lark was out cold. 

The bottle was broken and when Brittany tapped Brian's shoulder, he knew it was time to get off of Romania. She was going to make a run for it to get help for Lark, but Veronica caught her and held her down. Romania was then tied up and with the broken beer bottle, Brittany stabbed her through her mouth, then the center of her chest. After that she couldn't move; the only thing that was moving was the blood escaping the center of her chest and mouth. Brittany was grinning from ear to ear, proud of herself because of what was done while Romania laid on the ground frozen still while Lark was knocked unconscious. 

Veronica had no expression on her face, while Brian still sat there, looking a little disoriented. Brittany cleaned up her mess and then police sirens came. Before the polce would even look at them, Brittany threw the dead girl in the garbage can. Brittany, Veronica, and Brian just left Lark there as if she was dead, too. The police finally pulled up to Lark and took her to the hospital. Lark woke up at about 9:30 at night in a hospital bed with her head bandaged. Lark's mom and dad, Carole and Roger Marone came as well as Vienna and Anais.

Carole asked, "Lark, are you okay, sweetie?"

Lark seemed very confused. "Huh?"

Vienna said, "Lark, do you know who I am?"

Lark, still confused said, "No, I don't."

Roger said, "Lark, you mean to tell me that you don't know any of us?"

"Yes, I'm telling you, for the third time that I don't remember anything."

"Lark, it's us, you're best friends and your parents, how can you not remember us", asked Anais

"I don't know, I just don't remember a thing. And can someone tell me who is 'Lark'?"

The doctor came back to everyone and said, "Lark's going to be just fine, although she needs to get her memory back."

Roger said, "Yeah, I think we're pretty clear on that."

"This is just great! First, Roman disappeared, now Lark has amnesia, what next", cries Vienna. 

Anais said, calmly, "Look, the best thing to do right now is to calm down. I remember what Roman told me about amnesia. She said it could be cured, but the person had to be hit again and we can't do that."

"So now what do we do?"

"Just simply try to give Lark her memory back. You know, give her intel on old and new stuff that we went through."

"Well, okay."

Meanwhile, back in the DeFuan residence, Raymond, Amber, and Ian were scared out of their mind looking for Romania. The police put up signs and put her name and picture on the news. Three police officers with their bloodhounds checked a garbage can across the street from the school. That trash can was in a dark alleyway where Romania died. The bloodhounds were going crazy, for they found the lost girl dead. She was in a big black garbage bag, bloody, in her underwear and had glass shards in the center of her chest.

Officer Kentley said, "Holy shit. Someone must've been really out to get her."

Sheriff Grey said, "The hardest part is how to tell her parents." They didn't want to, but they had to; it was their job. When the officers came to the DeFuans', Ian said, "Did you find her?"

Grey nodded, then said, "But she was..." He couldn't bear to say what happened to Amber and Ian's daughter.

Amber said, "Spit it out! What happened to our daughter?"

Officer Brent said, "We found her and she has been raped and murdered."

"You're lying to my face", hissed Mrs. DeFuan. 

Grey just shook his head, saying, "I'm sorry."

Mrs. DeFuan broke into tears while Mr. DeFuan comforted her. He said, "Find the monster that attacked our daughter." Grey and Kentley nodded and left. Raymond heard the whole thing and he was supposed to be sleeping, for it was 10:30. Raymond, meanwhile, was very upset over his sister's death; so upset, that he couldn't sleep. When morning came, Raymond was in the kitchen and Mr. DeFuan said, "Ray, I don't know how to say this but your sister--"

"Was murdered, I know. I heard the entire thing and it was all over the news. I couldn't sleep."

"But you were supposed to be in bed."

"I wasn't going to sleep until I know exactly what happened to my sister."

They went to school in silence and Raymond was dropped off. When he passed by Silvermist High, he saw Vienna and Anais crying. He had to get to work, so he couldn't stay around. Lark came up to them and asked them, "Why are you guys upset?"

"Someone killed and raped Romania", cried Vienna. "She was our best friend. You knew her before Anais and I did." Even Anais was crying. They went to homeroom angered, depressed somber, and confused.

Lark said, "Oh, the girl on the news. I feel really bad for her and her parents."

Anais said, still crying, "That bitch Brittany got to her!"

"Could you prove that, I mean it could be possible."

"No, but I could feel it in my gut that Brittany did it!"

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